Thursday, January 5, 2023

Viruses - What They Don't Want You To Know. Thursday 5 January, 2023 Vigil of the Epiphany. Saint Telephorus PM


Viruses - What They Don't Want You To Know


Things are not always as they seem -

Non semper ea sunt, quae videntur!  

What are Viruses and are Viruses Alive?


From accepted scientific experts you will generally find the following when they are describing what viruses are to you:

"They have genetic material and can reproduce and yet they are not considered to be alive. The smallest form of life are individual cells, and anything less does not count as alive.


Viruses are not made of cells and are much smaller with their basic structure being genetic material in a protein case; they require a host cell to be replicated. They do not metabolize, grow, or produce waste products, and are responsible for millions of infections and deaths every year."



 Colorised transmission electron micrograph showing H1N1 influenza virus particle.

Electron micrograph of 1918 H1N1 influenza virus particles near a cell.


Colorized transmission electron micrograph showing H1N1 influenza virus particles. surface proteins shown in black




Well, that is what we have been told in various general and human biology text books for many years right up to the present day, but is this true, or are they hiding something from us and not wanting us to know the real truth about viruses and the real cause of disease?


This blog will try to answer that question in the affirmative.



The Real Truth about Viruses - and whether they are the cause of sickness, like measles, pandemics like the 1918 influenza outbreak or the current Covid-19 pandemic?


Covid-19 Virology Fraud Explained in 19 Minutes [video]


Covid - 19 Virology Fraud Exposed [video]



 Virus Mania - Torsten Engelbrecht - Journalist


For an overall examination of all supposed viral diseases claimed to have plagued mankind, the book Virus Mania is a complete compendium which cxamines each one of those claims and the role the Medical  Industry continually invents Epidemics making Billion-Dollar profits.


 Virus Mania : Behind The Scenes


 Virus Mania: Behind The Scenes [video]


"The book, 'Virus Mania' can be called the first work, in which the errors, frauds and general misinformation being spread  by official bodies about doubtful or non-virus infections are completely exposed."

Gordon T. Stewart, MD, Medical Professor, Infectious Disease Expert and Former WHO Advisor.


The Authors

Torsten Engelbrecht

Dr. Claus Kohniein, MD

Dr. Samantha Bailey, MD


Dr. Stefano Scoglio, BSc PhD




The Author back in the Swine Flu ( H1N1) days of 2009, and an avid advocate of Dr. Sherri Tenpenny's "Say No To Vaccines" in New Brighton, Christchurch. 

You can follow the H1N1 Swine Flu Hoax as it rolled out in New Brighton, Christchurch, New Zealand, in 2009 in the following blog:


__Swine Flu H1N1 Hoax 2009_





Now, if there is no virus, then what are people going down with, ( heart attacks, seizures, sudden adult deaths, etc.,) referring here in particular to the Covid -19 "virus" which has plagued the world for the last almost three years ...environmental factors, unhealthy life styles, and then again it may also something in the inoculations/jabs/shots?


Here is a list of ingredients we are informed are in the Pfizer shots which have been widely used in New Zealand :

...anything else?  Do you really expect these people to tell us everything!




Something In The Water? And What's In A Song?


Is that any different to the ingredients used during past pandemics?

Someone must know the answer, what if they have been adding something into the current batches of Covid 19 "vaccines" which they are not telling us about, and is causing these horrific injuries and even death to so many?

Dr. Bryan Ardis has come up with some shocking revelations about what they have been adding to some batches of the Covid-19 "vaccines"... back in April, 2022, involving venoms from various sources, and also releasing in the water..."Watch The Water"" movie ...

Watch The Water Documentery

Some Doctors,  like Dr. Andrew Kaufman MD and Dr. Tom Cowan MD have had some reservations about his claims, and even Dr. Sherri Tenpenny has shared that reservation.....but still his findings are pretty interesting. 

In 2010, New Zealander, Brook Frazer along with her Australian husband, Scott Ligertwood, wrote a song released in August 2010 called "Something in the Water."


Some commentators have suggested that they are referring to Fluoride being added to our drinking water, but that doesn't make sense because we know they have been adding fluoride to our water for many years, but not Venom - snake and shell fish venom etc.


Is there any tie up with the release of this song in 2010, and given that New Zealand has sometimes been claimed to be a testing ground for the NWO, and that they were virtue signalling their intentions 10 years ahead of time, as they are known to do????


Final Word ...They Don't Want You To Know The Truth. 


Say NO To Vaccines!







1)  VATICAN II SECT PUSHES VACCINES (Video by Taylor Marshall - false traditionalist, however, interesting regarding the current occupants of the Vatican and the Covid - 19 Vaccine Hoax)



Taylor Marshall didn't have a lot to say apart from persisting in calling Francis a "pope"when he should by now have worked out like some of us that Francis, a notorious manifest heretic cannot be a pope but an antipope, so I will attempt to fill in the gaps.... 


1)  "Pope" Francis secretly met with abortion-pushing Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Twice last year  January19, 2022


 2)   Vatican says it’s OK for Roman Catholics to get COVID vaccines using abortion cell lines

 The Vatican on Monday declared that it is “morally acceptable” for Roman Catholics to receive COVID-19 vaccines based on research that used fetal tissue from abortions.


3)  Antipope Francis visits Vatican vaccination centre where he received his jab in 2021




Pope Francis has also regularly pushed for people to take the COVID shots, with his rhetoric becoming even stronger in recent days when he spoke of the 'moral obligation' of taking the abortion-tainted injections. 


In August 2021, Francis notably joined a number of cardinals in issuing a public service announcement video, saying the shots bring 'hope' of an end to the pandemic and called receiving the vaccine 'an act of love.'

Pfizer has developed a close link with the Vatican since its abortion-tainted injections have been in use there since January 2021, when Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI were among the first in the sovereign state to receive one of the injections. 


At the time, head of the Vatican health service Dr. Andrea Arcangeli suggested the Vatican would initially be using the Pfizer vaccine, but that others would be administered subject to approval.


However, the Vatican’s agreement with Pfizer is to only offer the Big Pharma’s injection to employees and residents.


Bourla later made a public appearance at the Vatican in May 2021, joining a host of abortion supporters at the Vatican’s fifth International Health Conference on 'Exploring the Mind, Body & Soul.'...


The link between the Vatican, which solely uses Pfizer’s jab, has been further strengthened as the Vatican’s secretary of state, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, recently mandated a COVID jab for Vatican employees and visitors, removing the option to test 'negative' for the virus, and allowing only proof of recovery from the virus as an alternative to the injection.


A mandate has been in place for some time in the Vatican for certain employees, resulting in three Swiss Guards being sent home to Switzerland after they refused to comply with the mandated shot






Benedict XVI (one of the most evil people in history) dies at 95

 “Breaking news this morning, the Vatican confirms former pope Benedict XVI has died.  Just days ago, they released a statement saying he was declining in health due to his advanced age.  The 95-year-old became the first pope in 600 years to resign; that was back in 2013.”


Benedict XVI dies at age 95 



 Apocalypse Now In The Vatican








 ...  Let's hope it's a good one without any fear!





1)   Vatican II: Council Of Apostasy 


 Was Bro. Michael Dimond Always A Sedevacantist?




1)   KURT HASKELL - Why I Think The Christchurch Mosque Shooting Was A Hoax  ( View article )

1b)   Compare The Pear (Pair!) -video



Two completely different people presented to the gullible brainwashed T.V addicted programmed public as the same person - Yeah Right! - CASE CLOSED ...


NO FURTHER EVIDENCE NECESSARY TO PROVE THIS GIGANTIC HOAX PULLED ON CHRISTCHURCH CITIZENS, THE REST OF N.Z. and the world was a hoax in part to disarm the population before they introduced their next step ...


in 2020 to further control and cull the population according to NWO agendas!
(watch the video  above)

2)   Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 Mosque "Shooting"


6.       Key Video is Hidden

8.       Perpetrators are identified in record time.13.  

13.     News or Military action takes place as a result of the event.

14.     The event receives an enormous amount of press coverage.

15.     The country where the event took place has recently irritated Israel in some way (In 2016, N.Z. voted with the U.N. to condemn Israel for war crimes against Palestinians.) 

16.    The event and perpetrators are set up to cause conflict between several different religions, ethnic or sexual orientation groups.

18,    The friends of the victims do interviews that are not believable.

20.     One or more bombs do not detonate.

22.     An unbelievable hero story is released by the Press on Day Two.

23.     A manifesto is released by the perpetrator which is a paste and copy of past false flag attacks.

24.     A drill is taking place at or near the event at the same time.

27.     Little or no amateur cell phone video footage of the event is released.

29.     An online video is found of the perpetrator acting crazy.

30.    The details of the event make it impossible not to be reminded of other false flag events.

32.    The perpetrator wore body armour - Police issue.

33.    Former military members played key roles in the event in some way.


35.    Authorities are on the scene in record time and numbers that would not normally be possible in a short time period without prior knowledge - 6 minutes!

37.      Authorities immediately find evidence that ties the perpetrator to radical beliefs. 




1.   John Podesta, of Pizzagate fame, visited New Zealand before the attack and left the day before the event.

2.   Hillary Clinton, visited New Zealand, 6 May, 2018.

3.   Students from the Parklands shooting visited New Zealand recently, to talk to young students. [July 23, 2018]

4.   New Zealanders warned they face fines and imprisonment if they view the 'shooters' video, and that is extended to include the "shooters" 'manifesto.'



5.   New Gun laws are announced almost immediately after the Mosque "shooting," by the New Zealand Prime Ministe



Censorship Gone Wild

Kurt R. Haskell News & Opinion Blog - 3 April, 2019

Today, I received the following email from New Zealand:


Hi there, 


 In its role under the Harmful Digital Communications Act 2015 Netsafe receives reports of content online which is causing harm to New Zealanders, this includes objectionable material. We have had a report that footage of the Christchurch shootings has been shared on your site on the following URL:� 


The footage of this terrorist attack and the gunman’s manifesto has been classified objectionable in New Zealand by our Chief Censor and is therefore illegal. We politely request that the offending material is removed. 


Kind regards, Netsafe 


Follow Netsafe on Facebook 


Netsafe / ‪0508 638 723‬ / Our helpline is open from 8am until 8pm Monday to Friday, and from 9am until 5pm on weekends and public holidays. 



Yes, censorship is reaching absurd levels. I had to look up what Netsafe actually is. 


"Netsafe is New Zealand's independent, non-profit online safety organisation." 


So a non profit "safety" agency in New Zealand thinks it can dictate what I post to my website in Costa Rica. Please. By the way, what exactly is unsafe with the Christchurch hoax video? 


This garbage organization even dared to tell me that posting the Christchurch video and manifesto is illegal! Ahahahahaha. Little does this trash organization know that they are dealing with an attorney who doesn't fall for nonsensical legal threats. If this organization thinks I did something wrong, then it should send someone from New Zealand to arrest me. Maybe I should ask the "Chief Censor" is such global arrests are in his budget. 


Anyway, you can see the absurdity here. My website is not even two months old and my following is not yet large. Yet, New Zealand, a little country across the world, thinks it can tell me what I can post. Even worse, it has the time to target small websites like mine. 


The truth is, the New Zealand "Chief Censor" is worried that people that watch the Christchurch video in detail will realize it was a hoax. Absolutely zero people were killed in the Christchurch hoax. The video was badly botched. Therefore, the Chief Censor thinks he can wipe the video out across the Internet. With the censorship attempts from Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. things are reaching critical levels. Now we have small countries that think they can censor the entire internet. 


I started writing a very condescending response to this email from Netsafe. Then I reconsidered and decided to not waste my time. Netsafe knows what it's doing is wrong and an email from me won't change that. Netsafe is beholden to the globalists that fund its "non profit" efforts. The only people that want us to not expose fake events are those that pull them off. Therefore, we know who funds Netsafe. I think I'll pass on following Netsafe on Facebook. It's just not my kind of organization.


3)  MHFM Radio Discussion, April 12, 2011



MHFM Radio Discussion, Early September, 2011






Dr. Mark Bailey discusses whether viruses  including COVID-19 actually exist

January 9th, 2023  9,427 views




Friday 13 January, 2023

Important New Video By MHFM On The Death Of Benedict XVI And The Papacy


 Benedict XVI: Was He A Real Pope? (Video)


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