Friday, August 13, 2021

Leftist Controllers Want Trump Reinstated Saturday 14 August, 2021 Vigil of The Assumption Of The Blessed Virgin Mary.


 Leftists Controllers Want Trump Reinstated So They Can Launch Nationwide Communist RIOTS - John More Interview




Leftist Controllers Want Trump Reinstated So They Can Launch Nationwide Communist RIOTS


15 August, 2021

The Assumption of The Blessed Virgin Mary


O Mary, Who Didst Enter The World Free From Stain, Do Thou Obtain For Me From God That I May Pass Out Of It Free From Sin. (Indulgence 100 days once a day. - Pius IX, March 27, 1863)


17 August, 2021

What exactly is causing illness worldwide if SARS-CoV-2 has never been isolated, purified and shown to cause any human disease, let alone a pandemic?

Image: What exactly is causing illness worldwide if SARS-CoV-2 has never been isolated, purified and shown to cause any human disease, let alone a pandemic?

(Natural News) As the phrase “COVID-19” is permanently tattooed into our brains, epidemiologists still haven’t found a natural animal reservoir for the origination of SARS-CoV-2. 


Even more astounding, no virologists has isolated and purified this novel coronavirus nor proven it replicates in a human cell line! So, what is SARS-CoV-2 and what does the ubiquitous term, COVID-19 represent? What is actually causing infections and deaths worldwide? Why are human rights under assault? What are the real reasons for severe illness, and where is this suffering coming from?


Dr. Thomas Cowan, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, and Sally Fallon Morell explain the shocking truth behind SARS-CoV-2. They explain that this virus has never been isolated, purified or shown to cause any disease in humans. In fact, it’s impossible to obtain lab reference materials for SARS-CoV-2. The virus nano-particles have not been isolated and quantitated. 


If there is no confirmation of a virus’ existence and the genetic sequences can’t be known, what is COVID-19? Is “COVID-19” really a pandemic at all, or just a cover story for a global science experiment gone awry?


The scientific process for isolating and categorizing the virus has never been completed


To properly identify the virus, scientists would need to take samples of blood, sputum or lung lavage from a sick person. Samples would also need to be provided by many more people with the same unique symptoms. Virologists would then need to macerate and filter these specimens before putting them through ultra-centrifuge for purification. During this process, these specimens cannot be mixed with any tissue or genetic material. Once these specimens are purified, the virologist uses an electron microscope to identify thousands of identically-sized and shaped particles. Using microscopic techniques, the particles are checked for uniformity. The particles are examined for structure, morphology and chemical composition. Their genetic material is then extracted directly from the purified particles. Genetic sequencing techniques such as Sanger sequencing is used to determine the true essence of the particles. Once this is determined, the particles are analyzed to confirm they are uniform and exogenous in origin, as a virus should be.


Once the particles are determined to be a virus (and not dead tissue matter), virologists must then show they are causally related to the new infection they have observed in real time. Healthy subjects are then exposed to the isolated, purified virus through the hypothesized modes of transmission. If the subject shows the same pattern of symptoms and stages of infection after exposure, the newly discovered virus has been proven to transmit infection and cause clinical disease. Not a single study in the medical literature shows any of these steps for covid-19.


“Covid-19 pandemic” is a cover story for transfection through contaminated, poisonous vaccine supply


Dr. Judy Mikovits explains that the disease-causing agent labeled SARS-CoV-2 has only been shown to replicate in the vero monkey cell line, not human cell lines. She says the sickness today is coming from the contaminated blood of animals and the monkey cell line used in the world’s MMR, polio and influenza vaccine supply. This infectious agent, called SARS-CoV-2, has NEVER been proven to come from humans or spread from person-to-person, especially from healthy people. These latent animal viruses will go through a recombination process as they are replicated for manufacture into the vaccine supply. Once injected into humans around the world, these animal viruses will manifest disease in humans. New strains are only inevitable, as the vaccine supply further attenuates human immune cells and poisons the body. People are being transfected and primed for severe illness through the dirty vaccine supply.


This harsh scientific reality is counterintuitive to the assumed intentions of vaccination, and people want to believe that vaccination is synonymous with immunization. But the veil has been lifted, and the world is waking up to the reality that vaccines cause disease and death. The vaccine industry is powerful and will continue to use propaganda to perpetuate the illusion that we are living in a “pandemic of healthy, unvaccinated people.” There will be continuous promotion of “covid-19 variants” and “outbreaks” to blame the innocent ones. However, these respiratory infections are really just manifestations of disease caused by the contaminated cell lines in the vaccines that are being forced onto the population.


“Covid-19” and its “variants” are more-so a cover story for the filthy disease vectors that have been plaguing the vaccine supply for decades. The name of the disease changes, but there’s always another vaccine to sell, parading as the cure. Now, under the new surge of vaccine supply (covid-19 vaccines), the population is having their cellular processes changed, to forcibly replicate the infectious s-1 sub-unit of a disease-causing agent, further destroying the population’s ability to adapt and live a healthy life.


Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Peter Daszak subverted the moratorium on gain-of-function virus research in the USA to develop cell lines for vaccines in Wuhan, China. The vaccine supply is the most reasonable deployment method for the infections the world is seeing today.


18 August, 2021

Comrade Jacinda Ardern Has "Lost Her Marbles" According to Nigel Farrage over the Latest Lockdown In New Zealand, over one "Covid" case ....up to one week in Auckland and 3 days for the rest of the country!!!!





17 August, 2021

 New Zealand Goes Into Lockdown Over A Single 'Covid' Case_



Jacinda Ardern has lost her marbles. New Zealand goes into full lockdown after a single Covid case. At 7pm on @GBNEWS we will go live to the land of panic. 


Mask Wearers Will Be Dead Or Demented In Ten Years


 Gemma O'Doherty

Government in Ireland Forced To Admit Covid -19 Does Not Exist 



 18 August, 2021

Police Confront A handful Of Peaceful Lockdown Protesters In Christchurch, New Zealand, And Tell Them To Go Home Or Risk Being Arrested (Pictures)


Small Peaceful Group Of Lockdown Protesters Gather In Christchurch, N.Z.

The Arrival Of N.Z. Police

Police Lay Down The Unlawful Lockdown Law

If You Refuse To Go Home You Will Be Arrested

 A Compromise Is Achieved As Protesters Decide Being Arrested Can Wait For Another Day!   Notice the hugs and no masks! Social distancing law being broken again and again!


Footnote:   Mask wearers will be dead or demented in Ten Years


12 Facts About The 'Pandemic' That Could Have Conspiracy Deniers Filling Their Diapers




19 August, 2021

New Zealand's Prime Minister Smokes Crack!


 19 August, 2021


 Health Care Collapse


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