Tuesday, July 27, 2021

The World Rises - Hugo Talks Wednesday 28 July, 2021

All Across The World - Freedom Rally 24 July, 2021


Sydney Rally



Johns Hopkins: You can be vaccinated by (PCR) polymerase chain reaction test without knowing

Concern is growing that an innovative nanotech device developed at Johns Hopkins University may be used to secretly deliver the COVID19 vaccine to those people who are vaccine hesitant.”


Certainly, the technology is real, but is their any merit to such a claim?


Patrick Smith (November 25, 2020) writing for hub.jhu.edu explains:

“Inspired by a parasitic worm that digs its sharp teeth into its host’s intestines, Johns Hopkins researchers have designed tiny, star-shaped microdevices that can latch onto intestinal mucosa and release drugs into the body. David Gracias, a professor in the Whiting School of Engineering, and gastroenterologist Florin M. Selaru, director of the Johns Hopkins Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center, led a team of researchers and biomedical engineers that designed and tested shape-changing microdevices that mimic the way the parasitic hookworm affixes itself to an organism’s intestines.”


Called “theragrippers” these tiny devices are made of metal and a thin, shape-changing film. They are coated in heat-sensitive paraffin wax and each is no bigger than a speck of dust (see image below).



Johns Hopkins: You Can Be Vaccinated With A PCR Test ...



The Amazing And Miraculous Image Of Our Lady Of Guadalupe


What Can People Do If They Have Already Had The Second Covid19 Jab?


Andrew Kaufman exposes the COVID scam in a new interview - video


Particularly interesting part in the interview starts around the 30.00 minute mark, when they discuss why people are having such a wide variation in reactions to the vaccines.    

Some have no reaction or little reaction to this gene therapy (vaccines) while other people are having serious side effects.

Maybe it's because their are different brands of vaccines, undisclosed ingredients in vaccines which may or not be present in every one, which may be responsible for some of the problems( serious side effects) we see...

Mike Adams' claim that within two years everybody who has had the jabs will be dead ... that's a pretty bold claim because we don't know what the long term effects are obviously... basically the long term effects would be chronic illness, which will not result in massive deaths ...

... there is no scientific evidence .. because there are no viruses...

 ... for someone who got there first and second shot is there anything they can do to reverse what happened?

Nobody can come up with any specific antidote recipe because this is brand new ... if you've already taken it and you are healthy, then most likely you are going to remain healthy, and even if there is a chance something might happen in the future why would you spend time worrying about it if there is nothing you can do about it, but what you could do, is to take this opportunity to realize that it's your responsibility to learn about these things and make responsible decisions for yourself and your family, and that you can from this point forward start actually going outside the MSM and try to learn the truth about things ...

Informing yourself about what's going on ... your survival.

PCR tests are a personal risk ...


Covid Hoax


MHFM: The conspirators are all in on their plan to enslave humanity by means of the Covid hoax. When we called it a hoax from the start, many (wrongly) called us fools.  Now anyone with a brain and a small level of honesty can see we were right: it’s a massive scam as part of a global conspiracy.




The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church



July 27, 2021

President Trump : We Are Becoming A Communist Country









 Understanding How Covid 19 Was Made Up - By Dr. Sam Bailey





 Review of the book Virus Mania


If one follows public pronouncements, the world is repeatedly afflicted with new terrible virus diseases. 


As the latest horror variant, the so-called coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 dominated the headlines. The population is also terrified by reports of measles, swine flu, SARS, BSE, AIDS or polio.  


Fear of a seemingly uncontrollable virus has led the general public to wear masks, wash hands assiduously, avoid social interactions and disinfect homes and workplaces. Businesses closed their doors or limited their hours. Schools adopted distance learning. And we’ve been told that the only solution is a vaccine.


However, The authors of Virus Mania, journalist Torsten Engelbrecht and doctor of internal medicine Claus Köhnlein, MD, show that this fannning of fear is totally unfounded and that virus mayhem ignores very basic scientific facts: the existence, the pathogenicity and the deadly effects of these agents have never been proven.


The book "Virus Mania" will also outline how modern medicine has pushed direct virus proof methods aside and uses dubious indirect tools to "prove" the existence of viruses such as antibody tests and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). 


The alleged contagious viruses may be, in fact, also be seen as particles produced by the cells themselves as a consequence of certain stress factors such as drugs. These particles are then identified by antibody and PCR tests and interpreted as epidemic-causing viruses by doctors who have been inoculated for over 100 years by the theory that microbes are deadly and only modern medications and vaccines will protect us from virus pandemics. 


The central aim of this book is to steer the discussion back to a real scientific debate and put medicine back on the path of an impartial analysis of the facts. It will put medical experiments, clinical trials, statistics and government policies under the microscope, revealing that the people charged with protecting our health and safety have deviated from this path.


Along the way, Engelbrecht and Köhnlein will analyze all possible causes of illness such as pharmaceuticals, lifestyle drugs, pesticides, heavy metals, pollution, stress and processed (and sometimes genetically modified) foods. All of these can heavily damage the body of humans and animals and even kill them. 


The cast of characters may vary from virus scare to virus scare, the unfortunate pattern remains: people in power, greedy for money or notoriety, reach erroneous conclusions in the name of science and public health that lead to the exact opposite of their proclaimed goal, they jeopardize and compromise the health of thousands, even millions, of people.



Practically all o f the infectious illnesses that infected people in industrialized countries in the
decades before World War II (tuberculosis etc.) ceased to cause problems after 1945. For a few
years, the major exception was polio (infantile paralysis), which continues to be called an
infectious disease. In the 1950s, the number of polio cases in developed countries fell drastically-
and epidemic authorities attributed this success to their vaccination campaigns. But a look at the
statistics reveals that the number of polio victims had already fallen drastically when vaccination
activities started.

Many pieces of evidence justify the suspicion that the cause of infantile paralysis (polio) is not a
virus. Many experts, like American physician Benjamin Sandler, believe a decisive factor is a
high consumption of refined foods such as granulated sugar. Others cite mass vaccinations.
Indeed, since the beginning of the 20th century, it has been known that the paralysis so typical of
polio have often appeared at the site where an injection has been given. Additionally, the
number of polio cases increased drastically after mass vaccinations against diphtheria and
whooping cough in the 1940s, as documented in the Lancet and other publications.

Polio, like most diseases, may be conditional on various factors. It makes particular sense,
however, to take poisoning by industrial and agricultural pollution into consideration, to explain
why this nervous disease first appeared in the 19th century, in the course of industrialization. It
spread like wildfire in the industrialized West in the first half of the 20th century, while in
developing countries, in contrast, there was no outbreak.

In the 19th century, the disease was named poliomyelitis, referring to degeneration of spinal
column nerves (myelitis is a disease of the spinal cord) typical of polio. Orthodox medical
literature can offer no evidence that the poliovirus was anything other than benign until the first
polio epidemic, which occurred in Sweden in 1887. This was 13 years after the invention of
DDT in Germany (in 1874) and 14 years after the invention of the first mechanical crop sprayer,
which was used to spray formulations of water, kerosene, soap and arsenic.


The epidemic also occurred immediately following an unprecedented flurry of pesticide
innovations, says Jim West of New York, who has extensively investigated the subject of polio
and pesticides. This is not to say that DDT was the actual cause of the first polio epidemic, as
arsenic was then in widespread use and DDT is said to have been merely an academic exercise.
However, DDT or any of several neurotoxic organochlorines already discovered could have
caused the first polio epidemic if they had been used experimentally as a pesticide. DDTs
absence from early literature is little assurance that it was not used.

Nearly ten years before, in 1878, Alfred Vulpian, a neurologist, had provided experimental
evidence for the poisoning thesis when he discovered that dogs poisoned by lead suffered from
the same symptoms as human polio victims. In 1883, the Russian Miezeyeski Popow showed
that the same paralysis could be produced with arsenic. These studies should have aroused the
scientific community, considering that the arsenic-based pesticide Paris green had been widely
used in agriculture to fight pests like caterpillars since 1870.

But instead of prohibiting the insecticide Paris green, it was replaced by the even more toxic
pesticide: lead arsenate, which likewise contained heavy metals, in the state of Massachusetts in
1892, according to a 2004 article in the British magazine The Ecologist. Indeed, a polio epidemic
broke out in Massachusetts two years later. Dr. Charles Caverly, who was responsible for the
tests, maintained that a toxin was more likely the culprit than a virus, stating emphatically that,
we are very certainly not dealing with a contagious disease.

Within a short time, however, lead arsenate became the most important pesticide in the
industrialized world’s fruit cultivation. It was not the only toxic substance used in agricultural
industries. In 1907, for example, calcium arsenate was introduced in Massachusetts and was used
in cotton fields and factories. Months later, 69 children who lived downstream from three cotton
factories suddenly became sick and suffered from paralysis. Meanwhile, lead arsenate was also
being sprayed on the fruit trees in their gardens. But microbe hunters ignored these legitimate
cluster factors, and instead continued searching for a responsible virus.

A cornerstone for the polio-as-virus theory was laid down in 1908 by scientists Karl Landsteiner
and Erwin Popper, both working in Austria. The World Health Organization calls their
experiments one of the milestones in the obliteration of polio. That year, another polio epidemic
occurred and once again there was clear evidence that toxic pesticides were at play. But,
astoundingly, instead of following up this evidence, medical authorities viewed the pesticides as
weapons in the battle against the arch enemy microbes. They even neglected to give the children
suffering from lameness treatments to alleviate the pesticide poisoning and, thus establish
whether their health could be improved this way. (In 1951 , Irwin Eskwith did exactly that and
succeeded in curing a child suffering cranial nerve damage-bulbar paralysis, a particularly severe
form of polio-with dimercaprol, a detoxification substance that binds heavy metals like arsenic
and lead).

Landsteiner and Popper instead chose to take a diseased piece of spinal marrow from a lame
nine-year-old boy, chopped it up, dissolved it in water and injected one or two whole cups of it
intraperitoneally (into the abdominal cavities) of two test monkeys : one died and the other 37

became permanently paralyzed. Their studies were plagued by a mind-boggling range of basic
problems. First, the glop they poured into the animals was not even infectious, since the paralysis
didn’t appear in the monkeys and guinea pigs given the alleged virus soup to drink, or in those
that had it injected into their extremities. Shortly after, researchers Simon Flexner and Paul
Lewis experimented with a comparable mixture, injecting this into monkey’s brains. Next, they
brewed a new soup from the brains of these monkeys and put the mix into another monkeys
head. This monkey did indeed become ill. In 1911, Flexner even boasted in a press release, that
they had already found out how polio could be prevented, adding, of course, that they were close
to developing a cure.

But this experiment shows no proof of a viral infection. The glop used cannot be termed an
isolated virus, even with all the will in the world. Nobody could have seen any virus, as the
electron microscope wasn’t invented until 1931. Also, Flexner and Lewis did not disclose the
ingredients of their injection soup. By 1948, it was still unknown how the polio virus invades
humans, as expert John Paul of Yale University stated at an international poliomyelitis congress
in New York City.

Apart from that, it is very probable that the injection of foreign tissues in the monkey’s craniums
triggered their polio-like symptoms. And when one considers the amount of injected material, it
can hardly be surprising that the animals became ill. Controlled trials weren’t even carried out-
that is, they neglected to inject a control group of monkeys with healthy spinal cord tissue.
Neither were the effects of chemical toxins like heavy metals injected directly into the brain. All
of these factors make the experiments virtually worthless.

Although many scientific factors spoke against the possibility that polio was an infectious viral
disease, these studies would become the starting point of a decade long fight, which concentrated
exclusively on an imaginary polio virus. Anything and everything, like brain parts, feces, and
even flies were chased into the monkey’s brains in an attempt to establish a viral connection.
Later these monkeys were even captured en masse in the Indian wilderness and transported
overseas to the experimental laboratories-with the single aim of producing paralysis. And where
virus hunters were working, vaccine manufacturers were not far away.

By the end of the 1930s, vaccine researchers had allegedly discovered a whole range of virus
isolates. But these could not have been real isolates. And another problem cropped up along the
way: the monkeys didn’t get sick when they were orally administered the glop. These researchers
could only produce paralysis by injecting into the brain large amounts of substrates of unknown
contents. In 1941, the polio virus hunters had to accept a bitter setback, when experts reported in
the scientific journal Archives of Pediatrics that, Human poliomyelitis has not been shown
conclusively to be a contagious disease. Neither has the experimental animal disease, produced
by the so-called poliomyelitis virus, been shown to be communicable. In 1921, Rosenau stated
that monkeys have so far never been known to contract the disease spontaneously even though
they are kept in intimate association with infected monkeys. This means that if this was not an
infectious disease, no virus could be responsible for it, so the search for a vaccine was a
redundant venture.

But virus hunters didn’t even consider factors that lay outside of their virus obsession. So it 38

happened that, in the middle of the 20h century, researcher Jonas Salk believed he had
conclusively found the polio virus. Even though he could not prove that what he called the polio
virus actually triggered polio in humans, he still somehow believed he could produce a vaccine
from it.

Salk alone is said to have sacrificed 17,000 test monkeys (termed the heroes by one of Stalks co-
workers) on the altar of vaccine research during the most heated phase of his research; in total,
the number of slaughtered monkeys reached into the hundreds-of-thousands. But critics objected
that what Salk termed the polio virus was simply an artificial product of the laboratory.

Consequently, to this day, it is a huge challenge to find what is termed the polio virus where the
patient’s nerve cells are damaged, that is to say, in spinal cord tissue. In 1954, Bernice Eddy,
who was then responsible from the US governments vaccine safety tests, also reported that the
Salk vaccine had caused severe paralysis in test monkeys. Eddy was not sure what had triggered
the paralysis symptoms: a virus, some other cellular debris, a chemical toxin? But it contained
something that could kill. She photographed the monkeys and submitted them to her boss-but he
turned her down and criticized her for creating panic. Instead, of course, he should have taken
her misgivings into account and started extensive inquiries. But Eddy was stopped by the
microbe establishment and even had to give up her polio research shortly before her warnings
had proven themselves justified.

On 12 April 1955, Salk’s vaccine was celebrated nationwide as a substance that completely
protected against polio outbreaks. US President Dwight Eisenhower awarded Salk a
Congressional Gold Medal. American and Canadian television joined in the celebration. And on
16 April, the Manchester Guardian joined the party, stating that nothing short of the overthrow of
the Communist regime in the Soviet Union could bring such rejoicing to the hearths and homes
in America as the historic announcement last Tuesday that the 166-year war against paralytic
poliomyelitis is almost certainly at an end.

But the triumph was short-lived. Medical historian Beddow Bayly wrote that Only thirteen days
after the vaccine had been acclaimed by the whole of the American Press and Radio as one of the
greatest medical discoveries of the century, and two days after the English Minister of Health
had announced he would go right ahead with the manufacture of the vaccine, came the first news
of disaster. Children inoculated with one brand of vaccine had developed poliomyelitis. In the
following days more and more cases were reported, some of them after inoculation with other
brands of the vaccine. According to Bayly, Then came another and wholly unlooked-for
complication. The Denver Medical Officer, Dr. Florio announced the development of what he
called satellite polio, that is, cases of the disease in the parents or other close contacts of children
who had been inoculated and after a few days illness in hospital, had returned home [and]
communicated the disease to others, although not suffering from it themselves.

Within only two weeks, the number of polio cases among vaccinated children had climbed to
nearly 200. On 6 May 1955, the News Chronicle quoted the US governments highest authority
on viruses, Carl Eklund, who said that in the country, only vaccinated children, had been
afflicted by polio. And only, in fact, in areas where no polio cases had been reported for a good
three-quarters of a year. At the same time, in nine out of ten cases, the paralysis appeared in the 39

injected arm. This triggered panic in the White House. On 8 May, the American government
completely halted production of the vaccine. A short time later, a further 2,000 polio cases were
reported in Boston, where thousands had been vaccinated. In inoculated New York, the number
of cases doubled, in Rhode Island and Wisconsin, they jumped by 500%. And here as well, the
lameness appeared in the inoculated arm in many children.

Apart from that, an objective look at statistics would have shown that there was no reason to
celebrate Salk’s vaccine as the great conqueror of an alleged polio virus. According to
international mortality statistics, from 1923 to 1953, before the Salk killed-virus vaccine was
introduced, the polio death rate in the United States and England had already declined on its own
by 47% and 55% respectively, writes scientific journalist Neil Miller. In the Philippines, only a
few years before the US catastrophe, the first polio epidemic in the tropics occurred
spontaneously, in fact, with the introduction of the insecticide DDT there.

Around the end of World War II, US troops in the Philippines had sprayed masses of DDT daily
to wipe out flies. Just two years later, the well-known Journal of the American Medical
Association reported that lameness among soldiers stationed in the Philippines could not be
differentiated from polio, and it had advanced to become the second most common cause of
death. Only combat exercises were said to have claimed more victims. Meantime, populations in
neighboring areas, where the poison had not been sprayed, experienced no problems with
paralysis. This is further evidence that DDT poisoning can cause the same clinical symptoms as
polio (which is claimed to be conditional upon a virus). Young people in industrialized countries
are hardly acquainted with DDT anymore. It stands for dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, and is a
highly toxic substance first synthesized at the end of the 19h century, in 1874, by Austrian
chemist Othmar Zeidler. Paul Hermann Muller of Switzerland discovered its insect killing
property in 1939, for which he received the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1948. This resulted in its
widespread for pest control, even though there was already strong evidence that it was a severe
neurotoxin, dangerous for all forms of life and associated with the development of herpes zoster
(shingles), produces paralysis, has carcinogenic potential and can be fatal.

DDT is also problematic because it biodegrades very slowly in nature with a half-life of 10-20
years. Additionally, through the food chain, it can become concentrated in the fatty tissue of
humans and animals. But this toxic substance wasn’t outlawed until 1972 in the USA and even
later in most other countries in the prosperous northern



NZ Catholic said...

Very interesting blog about the covid hoax

catholic2007 said...

Thank you. Glad you liked it. As you can see I have a little more to add to this post so watch this space.