World In Tyranny- 2020 A.D.
Australia – Water Deprivation – Incendiary Fueled Fires

As far away as here in Christchurch on this New Year’s day 2020, the sky is murky, the sun is a dull red blob, and there is the stench of woodsmoke in the air as Australia has yet another day of mega bush fires. MH
Australian Bush Fire Smoke Covers New Zealand - January 1st, 2020
Events Planned in 31 Countries So Far
Signed by Scientists and Doctors from 202 Countries and Teritories
While the medias attention with regard to environmental issues has been captured with climate change(hoax),fracking and plastics in the ocean, an International Appeal to stop 5G on earth and in space has been quietly making its way around the world. Signed by 4800 scientists, 2,800 medical doctors, 770 beekeepers, 2000 environmental organizations, and 180,000 others from 202 countries and territories, this Appeal calls on the world's governemnts to stop the deployment of 5G.
On January 25, 2020, environmental groups are planning events in 31 capital cities so far, with more being added daily. Their goal is to stop the deployment of millions of 5G antennas on earth, and 50,000 5G satellites in space, and to secure high-level meetings with officials in governmental organizations, including the European Union, the United Nations, and the World Health Organization.
The issue is microwave radiation, which has been intensifying for over two decades courtesy of the wireless revolution. 5G will bring a huge increase in radiation, virtually overnight everywhere - in cities, suburbs, parks, nature preserves, wiold life refuges, oceans, Greenland and Antarctica.
Instead of cell towers every few miles, there will be cell towers - small but powerful - in front of every third to fifth home.
Instead of 2000 satellites orbiting the Earth there will be shortly 50,000.
The organizers of the event of January 25, 2020 include people who have already been severely injured by wireless devices that they can no longer participate in society at all.
They are fighting for their own lives, the lives of the insects, birds, animals, and all of us.
Kurt Haskell - Christmas Day 2009 "Underwear Bomber" - Airport Scanners
Witness to Government False Flag!!
The Underwear Bomber

Kurt Haskel
Once upon a time you could go to an airport and there were no body scanners. Not today, however, not since the "Underwear Bomber" incident on Christmas Day 2009, in which a young African man, without a passport, managed with the help of FBI agents to board a plane bound for the U.S.A. and attempted to blow up the plane with a bomb in his underwear.
The whole thing was a false flag, the bomb being unable to be detonated on purpose, but simply an excuse to bring in body scanners at airports, after claiming "if they had body scanners at the time the "bombing" incident would never have happened!
It's a startling allegation from two local attorneys that were on-board
the 2009 Christmas Day flight to Detroit when Abdulmutallab allegedly
tried to blow up a bomb hidden in his underwear.
Kurt and Lori Haskell think the U.S. government was behind the whole thing.
"It was intentional that it went this far to further the war on terror,
to get body scanners in the airports, to increase the TSA's budget, to
renew the Patriot Act and whatever other reasons you want to list," - Kurt
AND, THIS is why we are being groped, molested, and body scanned at airports...
Today’s Guest: Kurt Haskell

Monday, July 29, 2019:
Former US attorney and ‘Underwear Bomber’ witness, Kurt Haskell, joins The Power Hour to discuss current news and The “Pulse” nightclub shooting.
Archives for today’s show:
July 29, 2019 (hour 1): News
July 29, 2019 (hour 2): Guest Kurt Haskell
American Jewry’s celebrated leader, the late Rabbi Stephen Wise, remarked before his death, “Some, call it Communism. I call it Judaism.”
Bernie Sanders Campaign Field Organizer Says Cities Will Burn If He Doesn't Win Nomination - 5 minute video
Sanders Campaign Field Organizer Says He's One Of Many Communists On His Campaign Staff - 11 minute video
17 January, 2020
In Keeping With This Months Theme :
Israel "Given Advance Notice Of U.S. Plan To Kill Iranian Gen. Soleimani," U.S. Congress Left In The Dark
The Trump administration reportedly gave Israel advance notice of US plans to assassinate Iranian General Qassem Soleimani but did not consult with our own congress before the attack.
U.S. and Iran on the brink of war - 3 minute video
Iran mourned the loss of Iranian Commander Qassem Soleimani as it announced they will no longer abide by limits from the 2015 nuclear deal.
"Trump responds to Iranian threats" - 2 minute video
President Donald Trump issued a warning to Iran via Twitter stating, “… should Iran strike any U.S. person or target, the United States will quickly & fully strike back."
Iran expert: U.S. airstrike was "stunningly stupid and counterproductive" - 3 minute video
Trump's new threat to Iran in case of retaliation - 3 minute video
The president and his aides insist that the decision to kill Qassem Soleimani was the right move and have now threatened to target 52 Iranian sites if Tehran strikes back.
Prepping the public for the next major false flag attacks to be blamed on Iran - 1 minute video
Iran threats allow Deep State conspirators to advance next phase of police state in U.S. - 1 minute video
"Homeland Security heightens alert for possible attack" - 1 minute video
"Buckle up, a big range of options" for Iran's response: Adm. James Stavridis - 2 minute video
"World War III" Trends As Hawks Rejoice At Trump Decision To Assassinate Iranian Military Leader
No vaccine has been evaluated for the potential to:
. Cause Cancer
. Mutate DNA
. Impair Fertility of Both Males and Females
SECTION: Section 13 NONCLINICAL TOXICOLOGY 13.1 Carcinogenesis,
Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility VAXCHORA has not been evaluated for
the potential to cause carcinogenicity or genotoxicity, or to impair
7th January, 2020
Iran launches 'SECOND WAVE' of retaliation strikes against US assets in Iraq – reports
Iran has launched another volley of missile strikes on a number of American facilities in Iraq, according to the semi-official Tasnim news agency. The new round of missiles follows the first by just over an hour.
WATCH 1st video of alleged ‘Iranian revenge’ attack on US base in Iraq
Video footage has emerged purporting to show the first moments of an alleged Iranian retaliatory strike on an American base in Iraq, which comes days after a US assassination of a top Iranian general.
11 January, 2020
Operation BLACKOUT: Israel Hacking America 2020
Conspirators plan on running a fake cyberattack attack during the 11/3/20 Election and blame it on Iran? – must see video
Benjamin Netanyahu's Plan to Rule the World
Appropriate Time To Resurrect This One Again?
"We are the supreme Masters of Peace and War."
The Jewish Peril & The Catholic Church - from The Catholic Gazette, February, 1936
Editorial Note
That there has been and still is a Jewish problem, no one can deny. Since the rejection of Israel [or actually, the rejection of Esau] 1,900 years ago, the Jews have scattered in every direction and in spite of difficulties and even persecution, they have established themselves as a power in nearly every nation of Europe. Jacobs, in his "Jewish Contributions to Civilisation" glories in the fact that without detriment to their own racial unity and international character, the Jews have been able to spread their doctrines and increase their political, social and economic influence among the nations.
In view of this Jewish problem, which affects the Catholic Church in a special way, we publish the following amazing extracts from a number of speeches recently made under the auspices of a Jewish society in Paris. The name of our informant must remain concealed. He is personally known to us but by reason of his peculiar relations with the Jews at the present time, we have agreed not to disclose his identity nor to give any further details of the Paris meeting beyond the following extracts which, though sometimes freely translated, nevertheless substantially convey the meaning of the original statements.
* * * *
“As long as there remains among the Gentiles any moral conception of the social order, and until all faith, patriotism, and dignity are uprooted, our reign over the world shall not come... ”
“We have already fulfilled part of our work, but we cannot yet claim that the whole of our work is done. We have still a long way to go before we can overthrow our main opponent: the Catholic Church...”
“We must always bear in mind that the Catholic Church is the only institution which has stood, and which will, as long as it remains in existence, stand in our way. The Catholic Church, with her methodical work and her edifying and moral teachings, will always keep her children in such a state of mind, as to make them too self-respecting to yield to our domination, and to bow before our future King of Israel...”
“That is why we have been striving to discover the best way of shaking the Catholic Church to her very foundations. We have spread the spirit of revolt and false liberalism among the nations of the Gentiles so as to persuade them away from their faith and even to make them ashamed of professing the precepts of their Religion and obeying the Commandments of their Church. We have brought many of them to boast of being atheists, and more than that, to glory in being descendants of the ape! We have given them new theories, impossible of realisation, such as Communism, Anarchism, and Socialism, which are now serving our purpose... The stupid Gentiles have accepted them with the greatest enthusiasm, without realising that those theories are ours, and that they constitute our most powerful instrument against themselves...”
“We have blackened the Catholic Church with the most ignominious calumnies, we have stained her history and disgraced even her noblest activities. We have imputed to her the wrongs of her enemies, and have thus brought these latter to stand more closely by our side... So much so, that we are now witnessing, to our greatest satisfaction, rebellions against the Church in several countries... We have turned her Clergy into objects of hatred and ridicule. we have subjected them to the contempt of the crowd... We have caused the practice of the Catholic Religion to be considered out of date and a mere waste of time...”
“And the Gentiles, in their stupidity, have proved easier dupes than we expected them to be. One would expect mere intelligence and more practical common-sense, but they are no better than a herd of sheep. Let them graze in our fields till they become fat enough to be worthy of being immolated to our future King of the World...”
“We have founded many secret associations, which all work for our purpose, under our orders and our direction. We have made it an honour, a great honour, for the Gentiles to join us in our organisations, which are, thanks to our gold, flourishing now more than ever. Yet it remains our secret that those Gentiles who betray their own and most precious interests, by joining us in our plot, should never know that those associations are of our creation, and that they serve our purpose...”
“One of the many triumphs of our Freemasonry is that those Gentiles who become members of our Lodges, should never suspect that we are using them to build their own jails, upon whose terraces we shall erect the throne of our Universal King of Israel; and should never know that we are commanding them to forge the chains of their own servility to our future King of the World.”
“So far, we have considered our strategy in our attacks upon the Catholic Church from the outside. But this is not all. Let us now explain how we have gone further in our work, to hasten the ruin of the Catholic Church, and how we have penetrated into her most intimate circles, and brought even some of her Clergy to become pioneers of our cause.”
“Apart altogether from the influence of our philosophy we have taken other steps to secure a breach in the Catholic Church. Let me explain how this has been done.”
“We have induced some of our children to join the Catholic body, with the explicit intimation that they should work in a still more efficient way for the disintegration of the Catholic Church, by creating scandals within her. We have thus followed the advice of our Prince of the Jews who so wisely said: ‘Let some of your children become canons, so that they may destroy the Church.’ Unfortunately, not all among the 'convert' Jews have proved faithful to their mission. Many of them have even betrayed us! But, on the other hand, others have kept their promise and honoured their word. Thus the counsel of our Elders has proved successful.”
“We are the Fathers of all Revolutions – even of those which sometimes happen to turn against us. We are the supreme Masters of Peace and War. We can boast of being the Creators of the REFORMATlON! Calvin was one of our Children: he was of Jewish descent, and was entrusted by Jewish authority and encouraged with Jewish finance to draft his scheme in the Reformation.”
“Martin Luther yielded to the influence of his Jewish friends, and again, by Jewish authority and with Jewish finance, his plot against the Catholic Church met with Success...”
“Thanks to our propaganda, to our theories of Liberalism and to our misrepresentations of Freedom, the minds of many among the Gentiles were ready to welcome the Reformation. They separated from the Church to fall into our snare. And thus the Catholic Church has been very sensibly weakened and her authority over the Kings of the Gentiles has been reduced almost to naught...”
“We are grateful to Protestants for their loyalty to our wishes – although most of them are, in the sincerity of their faith, unaware of their loyalty to us. We are grateful to them for the wonderful help they are giving us in our fight against the stronghold of Christian Civilisation, and in our preparations for the advent of our supremacy over the whole world and over the Kingdoms of the Gentiles.”
“So far we have succeeded in overthrowing most of the Thrones of Europe. The rest will follow in the near future. Russia has already worshipped our rule. France, with her Masonic Government, is under our thumb. England, in her dependence upon our finance, is under our heel; and in her Protestantism is our hope for the destruction of the Catholic Church. Spain and Mexico are but toys in our hands. And many other countries, including the U.S.A., have already fallen before our scheming.”
“But the Catholic Church is still alive...”
“We must destroy her without the least delay and without the slightest mercy. Most of the Press in the world is under our Control; let us therefore encourage in a still more violent way the hatred of the world against the Catholic Church. Let us intensify our activities in poisoning the morality of the Gentiles. Let us spread the spirit of revolution in the minds of the people. They must be made to despise Patriotism and the love of their family, to consider their faith as a humbug, their obedience to their Church as a degrading servility, so that they may become deaf to the appeal of the Church and blind to her warnings against us. Let us, above all, make it impossible for Christians outside the Catholic Church to be reunited with that Church, or for non-Christians to join that Church; otherwise the greatest obstruction to our domination will be strengthened and all our work undone. Our plot will be unveiled, the Gentiles will turn against us, in the spirit of revenge, and our domination over them will never be realised.”
“Let us remember that as long as there still remain active enemies of the Catholic Church, we may hope to become Masters of the World... And let us remember always that the future Jewish King will never reign in the world before the Pope in Rome is dethroned, as well as all the other reigning Monarchs of the Gentiles upon earth.”
James Shaw clashes with Sean Plunket over teaching climate change in schools | Newshub home/politics/2020/01/james- shaw-clashes-with-sean- plunket-over-teaching-climate- change-in-schools.html
The Ideal Global Mean Surface temperature
Climate Change and the Question
Regarding the current Climate Change debate, there is a question, which if you don't answer, there is no rational basis whatsoever for taking any action whatsoever to make global warming go away.
That question, that they have never answered is this one: "What is the ideal global mean surface temperature?"
Has anyone seen in the IPCC reports any estimate of what the ideal global mean surface temperature is, or in any scientific papers or in any of the pressure groups of what the ideal global mean surface temperature is?
That should tell you all that you need to know about whether this subject is an economic subject and a scientific subject, which is necessary for us to act, or whether it is a purely political subject in which the totalitarian faction have seized upon to try to make us feel guilty and to end up destroying western freedom, prosperity and independence.
That's what it is all about. Clearly, if you don't answer that question, there is no rational basis for action.
The Truth about What Really Happened to the Catholic Church after Vatican II Audio Program, Part 1, Part 2 [Audios]
"St." John Paul II's Heresies
17 January, 2020
Vaccines are Killing People - U.N. Chief Scientist admits - [We Knew That Anyway! ]
Vaccine Danger And Common Sense Thrown Out The window!
How many know that Vaccine inserts are a document printed in plain English, and in Section 13, the insert states that vaccines have not been tested for mutagenic potential, carcinogenic potential or impaired fertility.
Medicine is based on science. The medicine foundation is chemical reactions, and biological reactions that are alleged to take place by the people who write the curriculum in the Medical Schools, individuals or corporations that are controlled by the pharmaceutical industry.
How can anyone with an I.Q. above room temperature be o.k. forcing infants, kindergartners, young children, adolescents, teenagers and young adults to get injections that have compounds that have not been tested for mutagenic potential, carcinogenic potential or impairment of fertility?
Now are you just going to sit there and say that you have been taught that 'vaccines are safe and effective'?
How can you tell me something is safe and effective, if it can sterilize you, or poison you or give you cancer?!!
- adapted from The Fullerton Informer
"WikiHow goes insane with vaccine propaganda, teaches children how to 'get vaccinated in secret'"
Former Pro-Vax Pediatric Nurse Speaks Out
Tune in as this former pro-vax nurse shares her powerful story about her journey to protect her children. As a nurse, she had been trained to follow the vaccination schedule without question. She trusted the advice of her doctors and discouraged anyone who questioned vaccine safety.
It wasn’t until one of her children experienced vaccine injury that she finally learned the truth. Unfortunately, this is very common in our community. Many of us followed the schedule, and it wasn’t until we saw it with our own eyes. It wasn’t until mothers were being told by their pediatricians that their child’s health problems and developmental regression were vaccine reactions, that we believed it.
Please watch the video above and share it widely with your friends and family!
If, when, and how to vaccinate your children can be a difficult road to navigate. Get the information you need to make a fully informed decision that’s right for your family. Learn more in our docu-series: The Truth About Vaccines.
More on 5G from the U.K.-21 January, 2020
Advertisement Warning Of Potential 5G Dangers Banned By UK Advertising Authority
Global Day of Protest against 5G was just an idea three months ago. At
this writing, more than 205 events in more than 195 cities in 32
countries are being planned for Saturday, January 25. Some events will
also take place on Friday, January 24, when government offices are open,
and on Sunday, January 26. Most of the events, together with contact
information, are listed here: https:// protest-day/. So far, events are planned in:
Austria - Vienna
Australia (5 cities)
Canada (13 events)
Croatia (6 cities)
Czech Republic
Denmark (7 cities)
France (many cities)
Germany (11 cities)
Greece - Patras
Hungary (3 cities)
Ireland - Dublin
Italy (39 cities)
Japan - Tokyo
Netherlands - Amsterdam
New Zealand (15 cities)
Norway (5 cities)
Poland (9 cities)
Portugal - Lisbon
Romania (4 cities)
Serbia - Belgrade
Slovenia - Ljubljana
South Africa - Durban and Cape Town
Spain (5 cities plus two events in the Canary Islands)
Sweden (3 cities)
Switzerland (13 cities)
United Kingdom (13 events)
United States (34 events)
If your event is not listed on the website, please contact and request your event to be added.
Here is an updated press release about the Global Day of Protest. Please send it to newspapers and other media in your county.
David Hogg - Liar Extraordinaire
More on the 'Nutcase' David Hogg!
Health Concerns In The U.K. and EU
Chemicals in tap water are causing thousands of cancer deaths across Europe – but the EU probably won’t do anything about it
The Vatican II Church: A Reminder And A Wake-up Call For Those Stuck Inside The Counterfeit Vatican II Church, About The Main Driver Behind The Erroneous Post Vatican II Catechism Of The Catholic Church!
“Cardinal” Schönborn & The Counter Church In Vienna, Austria
Cardinal Schönborn Reviles Saint Pius V As An "Anti-Semite”

There were anti-Semites in the Catholic Church “including the canonized Pope Pius V (1504-1572)”, Vienna Cardinal Christoph Schönborn said… during a discussion with Protestant bishop Michael Bünker in church Sankt Leopold in Vienna, “” reports.
According to “” Schönborn said: “On the Catholic side, too, there were great antisemites and persecutors of the Jews, including the canonized Pope Pius V.”
Talking about the alleged dark side of the Church makes more cautious when judging Islam, Schönborn added. According to him Catholics “live in a glass house” and “shouldn’t throw stones”.
Comment: What a Ratbag this apostate from Hell Schonberg is!
Evil spreads
"Religious employers will be forced to provide insurance for contraceptives and abortion-inducing drugs" under a recently passed NJ bill - 1 minute video
MHFM: Something like this could only occur during the period of the Vatican II Counter Church and the Great Apostasy. Actual Catholic bishops would excommunicate or condemn all supposed "Catholics" involved with this and it wouldn’t have happened. The same is true of so many other evils.
Lord Monckton corrects Pope Francis on climate: 'The totalitarians go [ June 15, 2019]
Lord Monckton corrects Pope Francis on climate: ‘The totalitarians got the science wrong’ – Carbon dioxide is NOT a ‘satanic gas’
Monckton: "The totalitarians got the science wrong. They made a strikingly elementary error of physics. They forgot the Sun was shining. So they misallocated the feedback response to the Sun, erroneously counting it as part of the feedback response to greenhouse gases. Their predictions should be one-third of their current midrange estimates.
What that means, Your Holiness, is that the global warming that will happen between now and the exhaustion of accessible resources of coal, oil and gas will be small, slow, harmless and net-beneficial. The same cannot be said of the insane policies currently being inflicted upon the world’s blameless population by crazed Western extremists, now unwisely supported by Your Holiness...
Given the egregious lack of evidence for harm caused by warmer weather, and the overwhelming evidence that current global-warming policies are killing tens of millions, I invite Your Holiness to speak up for the poor who are poor, and dying, because the policies Your Holiness imprudently advocates are not just scientifically unjustifiable, not just theologically off message. They are – not to put too fine a point on it – actually genocidal."
Special to Climate Depot
An open letter to His Holiness Pope Francis about the weather
By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley – Former advisor to UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher

Christopherus Monachorum Brencleiensis servus Servi servorum Dei Servi servorum Dei salutem pluriman dat.
Now that the amiable British habit of talking about the weather – like so much that originates in these inventive islands – has been adopted worldwide, perhaps I may sound a respectful cautionary note.
A few days ago, at yet another meeting about global warming, er, climate change, um, climate disruption, aargh, climate emergency at the elegant palace of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences in the Vatican gardens, Your Holiness saw fit to stray from the missio canonica of the successors of St Peter, which is to uphold the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Faith. See:
Pope begs ‘climate deniers’ to listen to sciencePope Francis Urges Carbon Tax to Avert Climate ‘Catastrophe’Pope calls for carbon tax to fight ‘climate emergency’

Your Holiness is reported as having told chief executives of oil companies and investment houses that inflicting heavy taxes on their corporate emissions of the satanic gas carbon dioxide was “essential” to prevent dangerous “global warming”. With respect, that was off message.
What is more, Your Holiness proclaimed that “we have collectively failed to listen to the fruits of scientific analysis, and doomsday predictions can no longer be met with irony or disdain.”
Well, I have listened carefully, and I can inform Your Holiness that science is divided on the climate question. A small number of totalitarian profiteers of doom in various self-serving national academies have issued pompous statements about it, but a large number of papers from reputable scientists, and a larger amount of hard data, suggest that global warming is and will continue to be a non-event.
Consider the warming from 1850-2011. It was just 0.75 degrees, equivalent to 1 degree of warming in response to doubled CO2 concentration. That is less than a third of the 3.35 degrees that is the totalitarian scientists’ grossly inflated midrange prediction.
The totalitarians got the science wrong. They made a strikingly elementary error of physics. They forgot the Sun was shining. So they misallocated the feedback response to the Sun, erroneously counting it as part of the feedback response to greenhouse gases. Their predictions should be one-third of their current midrange estimates.
What that means, Your Holiness, is that the global warming that will happen between now and the exhaustion of accessible resources of coal, oil and gas will be small, slow, harmless and net-beneficial.

The same cannot be said of the insane policies currently being inflicted upon the world’s blameless population by crazed Western extremists, now unwisely supported by Your Holiness.
Why has Your Holiness never spoken out in condemnation of the World Bank, which, from 2010 onward, refused and still refuses – citing global warming as their rationale – to lend to developing countries so that they can build coal-fired power stations? This dismal institution has decided that from this year it will not lend for oil or gas projects either, for the same reason.
And what is the effect of this wicked policy? Let me repeat the figures I gave recently here. According to the International Energy Agency, 1.3 billion people – one in six worldwide – has no access to electrical power, even though the Agency defines “access” as the ability to turn on no more than one 60-Watt lightbulb for an average of just four hours a day.
The World Health Organization estimates that 4.3 million people die every year from particulate pollution in open cooking fires because they have no mains electricity or gas, and that another 500,000 women die in childbirth each year because they have no electricity. These are just a small fraction of the tens of millions who die in developing countries each year because they cannot so much as turn on a light.
In darkest sub-Saharan Africa, where there is hardly any electricity, life expectancy is about 65 years, compared with 80 years in the electrified West. And it’s no good telling third-world countries they should install solar panels and windfarms: the electricity produced by these boondoggles is up to five times costlier than proper electricity from coal-fired power stations. They can’t afford it (and nor, come to that, can we).
A few more scientific facts. First, sea level, the mother of all scares. The sea is not rising at a rate equivalent to 33 cm/century, as the totalitarians claim. It is rising at only 11 cm/century.
Floods? Schumds. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, neither the frequency nor the intensity of flooding has changed or will change as a result of global warming.
Droughts, then? The most comprehensive survey ever conducted, just five years ago, showed that in the previous 35 years the percentage of global land area under drought had declined.
Food production? Output of all staple crops is increasing rapidly worldwide. Warmer weather is good for them, because they breathe in carbon dioxide. CO2 is not a satanic gas. It is plant food.
Forest fires? The acreages destroyed in forest fires have been declining worldwide for 30 years.
Hurricanes, tropical cyclones and tornadoes? All in decline. Why? Because warmer weather reduces the temperature differentials that power such storms.
Deaths from extreme weather? Over the past 100 years, the number of weather-related deaths has plummeted worldwide. What is more, research for the EU Commission found – to the unelected Kommissars’ horror – that in the next 100 years deaths from global warming will be comfortably outstripped by lives saved from cold weather. More people will live than will die if the world continues to warm, because warm weather is better than cold weather.
Cuddly polar bears? They’re not cuddly, but there are now thought to be 35,000 of them, compared with just 5000 in the 1940s. Hardly the profile of a species at imminent threat of extinction.
Given the egregious lack of evidence for harm caused by warmer weather, and the overwhelming evidence that current global-warming policies are killing tens of millions, I invite Your Holiness to speak up for the poor who are poor, and dying, because the policies Your Holiness imprudently advocates are not just scientifically unjustifiable, not just theologically off message. They are – not to put too fine a point on it – actually genocidal.
Comment: with all due respect to the noted world climate expert Lord Monckton, 'Your Holiness' advocates everything that is opposed to God and his Church, and the well-being of mankind everywhere, at the same time leading as many people to Hell with his liberal anti- Catholic teachings and scandals.
The website [] is dedicated to defending and spreading the Catholic Faith, as taught and defined by the authoritative teachings of the popes throughout history. It is also dedicated to exposing in great detail the post-Vatican II pseudo-“Church” and the New Mass. These purport to be Catholic, but are not. As our material proves in detail, the Vatican II Sect is not the Catholic Church but the prophesied end-times Counter Church. This situation was predicted, and it is not incompatible with Christ’s promises to the Church.
Lord Monckton is About to Expose the Whole Climate Fraud Worldwide
Because we are being lied to by our Communist Governments World-Wide, this is a must-see video
2 hour video: We need to talk about Sandy Hook
The conspirators desperately do not want the American public to see this film, and have had numerous versions of it removed. [kinda like the Christchurch Mosque "shooting"]
Thus, we have linked to numerous versions of this film.
It completely exposes the incredible Sandy Hook hoax and lie.
2 hour video: We need to talk about Sandy Hook
"Berlin to seek EU-wide criminalization of Holocaust denial"
The Ol' Holocaust Lie Raising It's Ugly Head Again ! I Wonder Why? ($$$)
Mmmm ... I thought so!
Mmmm ... I thought it Was!
Well I'm playin' it safe, just in case, and sticking with Becks' Beer!
Latest Update on the Corona Virus Outbreak - A Pictorial Presentation As Countries around the World are Declaring an Emergency!
Scientists Discover Real Structure of the Corona Virus_________________Another Case of Corona Virus Discovered__________________Some Good News At Last About The Duration Of This Outbreak____________________Recommended:Two Little Dickie Birds-wednesday-31.html![]() _________________________ ________________Latest Pictures on that Virus: