Saturday, July 6, 2024

Climate Change Hoax Revisited/Managed Retreat New Zealand. Sunday 7 June, 2024. 7th Sunday After Pentecost


Climate Change Hoax Revisited incl Video By Lord Christopher Monckton



The FreeNZ Editorial cross-posted a post from Kate Mason

FreeNZJul 7 · The FreeNZ Editorial

An important piece highlighting the impact of the globalist 'green agenda' happening in real time in New Zealand.

Managed Retreat New Zealand careful not to let the community know


The Kāpiti coastline in New Zealand, approximately 38km long, is in the firing line for managed retreat and/ or prohibitively expensive disaster adaption/ mitigation strategies, uninsurable homes, plummeting house prices (Kapiti coastline circled in map).

Whatever country we are in we are going to be affected under a Climate Adaption Plan. The United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) report Adaption gap report 2023 UNEP: Underfinanced. Underprepared. Inadequate investment and planning on climate adaptation leaves world exposed states:

 Kate Mason is a reader-supported publication. 



 Managed Retreat New Zealand


1,839 views  Jul 2, 2024 

 Discussion with Tanya Lees and Carrie Evans from Kapiti CALM New Zealand. 

We cover recent events in Kapiti including: - Reports highlighting plans for managed retreat (removal from property) in Kapiti. - Certificates put on houses documenting coastal erosion, affecting insurance and property prices- the home owners were not told that this occurred. - Pathway costs for disaster adaption and mitigation strategies in the millions (who pays?) - Reports using the highest climate catastrophic modelling possible. - Obscuration of Council community consultation process. 


 Whether you are in New Zealand, Australia, or anywhere else in the world- this is or will be in process in your country. The United Nations Development Program is overseeing that all countries around the world develop a Climate Adaption Plan.


Monday 8 July, 2024 




Vigano’s “Excommunication” By Francis Is Invalid (Catholic Teaching) - watch video



Monday 8 July, 2024


More Tripe from Francis the Communist Environmental Antipope ( review from 2015 )


Monday 8 July, 2024


What is the Resilient Cities Network? (November 2021)


 Monday 8 July, 2024


 Australia The Uninsurable Nation



Group In New Zealand Fighting This - CRU Coastal Ratepayers United





Global Warming, or as it is now called, Climate Change, since they finally realized there has been no warming of the atmosphere for more than 20 years, is a scam based on militant bogus science and is being used to keep the world's focus away from Agenda 21, a Communist U.N. action plan which aims to depopulate the nations, impose a world government and usher in a the return of Communism.    - Lord Christopher Monckton, February 26, 2013


Wednesday 10 July, 2024

Former Defence Contractor - Internment Camps Built For Undesirable Citizens


Thursday 11 July, 2024


Nicotine as an Antidote


"You have all been lied to. Tobacco plant-nicotine is NOT addictive. Pyrazines, the additives, are addictive." ~ Dr. Bryan Ardis




In this episode, Dr. Ardis reveals important and very relevant information on the real dangers of Covid-19 and the shots. He explains what nicotine receptors are and how venoms shut off nerve function like taste, smell, diaphragm contraction, hearing and brain function.


There is a false belief that ACE2 receptors are the target. The target is actually nicotine receptors and the antidote is nicotine! You will learn how nicotine impacts specific cognitive impairments like dementia, alzheimer's disease and even psychosis.

Why did smokers benefit from nicotine for Covid -19, Long Haul Covid and the Covid-19 Vaccine Injuries?!!! Please watch and share this episode! Support The Dr. Ardis Show and get up to date information, protocols and supplements. 


 Strongly suggest people who are suffering from 'Long Haul Covid' symptoms as outlined below, start the 7mg nicotine daily patches, as follows: [cut out 7 mg from the 21 mg patch] and use one each day for a total of 6 days as Dr. Ardis has recommended.  Keep a record of reduction of symptoms as Dr. Ardis explains in the second video below and in the paragraph it on your upper arms in a slightly different place each time to avoid skin irritation....

 Using a 7 mg nicotine patch daily for 6 days will cure all your long haul covid symptoms like myocarditis, brain fog, inability to sleep, chronic fatigue, muscle ache/ weakness, headaches, cognitive impairment, exercise intolerance, motor deficits, sense of smell, taste, hearing, etc., using a 21 mg nicotine patch and cutting it into thirds to give you the recommended 7 mg dose. 




The Other 'N' Word Dr. Bryan Ardis




The Other 'N' Word


Thursday 11 July, 2024

The Jewish Peril & The Catholic Church


The Jewish Peril & The Catholic Church


Thursday 11 July, 2024

Fox On the Run - Banjo Tutorial


Friday 12 July, 2024


Hate Speech & Antisemitism


We, as Catholics, love Jews — not abstractly, not sociologically, not for the relaxation of ethnic tensions, not for the improvement of race relations. We, as Catholics, love Jews for religious reasons. And since love must be of persons, not of groups, we Catholics can name the Jews whom we love. They are Jesus, Mary and Joseph; Elizabeth, Zachary, and John the Baptist; Simeon, Anna and the Twelve Apostles. They are the King of the Jews and the handful of Jewish subjects who remained loyal to Him when mobs of Jews demanded His crucifixion in a wild prophetic shout of, “His blood be upon us and upon our children.”

For two thousand years now, we gentile Catholics have been eager subjects of the King of the Jews. We have enthroned Him in our chapels and cathedrals. We have taken His virginal mother to be our Queen. We have sent our missionaries to remote gentile lands so that the Kingdom of Jesus, King of the Jews, might cover the entire Earth.

One whole chapter of history is the record of our zeal for the return of Jesus to the Holy Land of His royal Jewish ancestors. At the cost of our children’s prayers and our widows’ tears, we sent our young men to die before the walls of Jerusalem, in those glorious spectacles of faith and folly called the Crusades.

Out of wood and stone we gave structure to our loyalties. We built the universities of Europe as places where our scholars could train our minds in allegiance to the eternal truths of Jesus and His Kingdom. We built the monasteries and convents of Christendom as havens where our hearts might be pledged in singular fidelity to the King of the Jews.

As the Gospel was spread, we welcomed new gentile nations, encouraging them to give over to the service of Jesus all they had that was good and beautiful. From our solicitude there grew murals and frescoes, hymns and poetry, Italian madonnas, Spanish crucifixes, and French carols.

In times of trial and adversity, we are able to present to Christ the King the most royal of our saints for His consolation. Out of the Roman persecutions came the twelve-year-old Agnes, offering her patrician head to the executioner. Out of the Protestant revolt came the nobleman Francis Borgia, spending his final strength for the unity of Christ’s Kingdom.

Still, as we look back over the centuries of our labors, we are struck by a glaring paradox: the most sustained and ubiquitous opposition we have had to the spreading of the Kingdom of the King of the Jews has come from the Jews themselves. History books are full of the many measures we have had to take in order to guard ourselves against the hatred of Jesus by His own people.  

Pope Saint Pius V, for the protection of Christians, at one time ordered that all Jews in Rome were to wear bright orange hats, so they might be easily recognizable and, therefore, easily avoidable. The Society of Jesus, the Jesuits, made it an impediment to joining their order that an applicant should be of Jewish blood. The situation got so bad in Spain once that the King had to order every Jew who would not become a Catholic to quit the country.

Because we hold out for Jesus, Mary and Joseph, and try to protect them against other Jews who hate them, we Catholics have left ourselves wide open for that much-wielded present-day stigma, “anti-semitism.” And, indeed, if “anti-semitism” means not loving those who blaspheme the Divinity of Jesus, we plead guilty. If, however, “anti-semitism” means a religious contempt for the King of the Jews and His subjects, then we might well accuse the Jews of it.

In all the tabernacles of our Catholic churches, there is truly present the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ. Thus, Jesus remains among us, a constant challenge to the Jews who will not take Him for their King and have chosen rather to take Him for their one profanity. “Jesus Christ!”, in blasphemous ejaculation, echoes through the ghettoes of the world. “Jesus!” — the designated name of the messias — a Jewish name to haunt each Jewish generation — a name waiting to be a grace for the dark-eyed girl or boy who will dare to acknowledge his King, who will kneel at our altar-rails and receive into his heart the Fruit of Mary’s Womb, the New Manna, the Emmanuel.

Anti-Semitic - 'we always use it'!

Shulamit Aloni - former Israeli cabinet member (Winner of the 2000 Israel Prize)


Friday 12 July, 2024



Gazan Genocide 2024/07/11 [CREEPER CUT]


Gazan Genocide  - Watch


Saturday 13 July, 2024


"How come you never got COVID?"

 Television Man - YouTube

"We don't watch T.V. "



 Hamilton County Bluegrass Band



Saturday 13 July, 2024


Two Little Dicky Birds



Two Little Dicky Birds


Sunday 14 July, 2024


 Watch video Link:

Trump Stages His head Wound



Monday 15 July, 2024


Trump Fake Shooting Exposed

Watch video:

Trump Fake Shooting Exposed!




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