Monday, November 30, 2020

The Antichrist Revisited and Does President Trump hold the Trump Card? Tuesday 1st December, 2020. Ferial Day

The Antichrist Revisited and Does President Trump hold the Trump Card?

How will things pan out by Christmas Day 2020? 

Even CNN admitted Trump could win in a different way - video




John Paul II Taught That Every Man Is God



The Mark Of The Antichrist

"...the enormous and detestable wickedness, so characteristic of our time - the substitution of man for God.. the distinguishing mark of the Antichrist, man has with infinite temerity put himself in the place of God." Pope St. Pius X, E. Supremi Apostolatus. October 4, 1903.


John Paul II wearing an upside down cross vestment and sitting in a chair in Israel with an upside down cross over his head on March 24, 2000. 

The upside down cross is one the biggest symbols in satanism, as evidenced by its use by occultists, satanic rock groups, and ritual murderers.

That's why John Paul II was sitting with this symbol over his head.



 Antichrist John Paul II


First Homily Of His Holiness John Paul II For The Inauguration Of His Pontificate, October 22, 1978, in which he puts man in the place of God

