Tuesday, June 11, 2024

I Am Fond of Jews G.K.Chesterton.Tuesday 11 June, 2024. St. Barnabas, Ap., Within the Octave



I Am Fond Of Jews


I am fond of Jews,
Jews are fond of money —
Never mind of whose.
I am fond of Jews.
Oh, but when they lose,
Damn it all, it’s funny.
I am fond of Jews,
Jews are fond of money.- G.K. Chesterton


Taken from The Point February 1959, which summarizes after seven years why there has been so much cover of the Jewish problem as it relates especially to America ...as the following mentions ...



Readers of the foregoing reflections may have observed that one topic especially has occupied The Point ’s attention during the past seven years: the problem, in its many aspects, of the Jews. 


Why this emphasis? Because we think it is imperative that American Catholics wake up to the fact that the Jews, as an organized force, are the implacable, declared enemies of Christianity — of its tenets, its traditions, its moral code, its very culture. We think it is vital, too, for American Catholics to realize that the Church has always known this fact about the Jews, and, to the extent of her influence, has counseled and decreed regulations for curbing their malice. And since American Catholic publications, in general, seem determined to say little about these basic matters, we have tried to make up for their negligence by our own insistence. 


Our solution to the Jewish problem, however, is not merely a series of warnings and exposures to let American Catholics know what their enemies are up to. For we will be able to withstand no enemy, however well informed we are, if we are not strong from within. The ultimate point of The Point is therefore to inject American Catholics with a crusading zeal for the truths and traditions of their Faith, and thus to foster in America a strong, militant Catholicism, worthy of a country that is dedicated to the Immaculate Conception. 


And what have we just witnessed  nearly 70 years later in America, it seems that people have forgotten that warning and solution offered,namely a strong Catholic faith and a strong devotion to the Mother of God in a land supposedly dedicated to the Immaculate Conception, and allowing a former President and presidential candidate to come out with such shocking and preposterous statements allying himself to the declared enemies of Christianity, and brazenly fostering the Jewish Holocaust lie, and encouraging the Jewish slaughter and genocide to continue with the aid American taxpayers money, thereby rubbing salt into the already festering wound.


Trump Says Israel Needs To 'Finish The Job' In Gaza, Pledges To Restore Israel Lobby's Power Over Congress




 And here's me thinking Israel's power over Congress was a permanent thing!!?

 Trump Meets With Chabad Rabbis In Oval Office

 Why, there's old Trump seated in the White House taking Instructions/Lobbying from Jewish Rabbis - Or Else!

Mmmm... how can you restore something that doesn't need restoring unless of course old brown pants Bidden hasn't been inviting the gang in for regular cups o' morning tea! 


In April of 1955, The Point presented a detailed, though necessarily incomplete, account of the atrocities and desecrations perpetrated in Palestine since its seizure by the new Jewish state. It published names of convents, Catholic hospitals and orphanages, and ancient Church buildings and shrines that had been either confiscated, pillaged or demolished by the fanatic Israelis. Our principal sources for this information were the courageous reports of a few isolated diocesan newspapers and the first-hand accounts of Franciscan members of the Commissariat of the Holy Land. 


Since that very popular issue was distributed, there has been an increasing interest among American Catholics to learn more of what happened in those first years of Jewish “independence” in Palestine. That interest, as reflected in certain Catholic publications, has won the Church some stern rebukes. 


The latest of these appeared in New York’s Jewish Spectator for December, 1958. It was an editorial attack on Catholic periodicals that persist in exposing the activities of Jews in the Holy Land, and it concluded with this frank stand-off: “It is touching that the Catholic Church, after a thousand years of antipathy, should suddenly be so sympathetic to the needs of the Arabs, and that the Church, which has practiced some of the most hideous barbarities, should find the Israelis guilty of ‘heartless injustices.’ What conclusion is to be drawn from all this? Simply that as long as Jews remain Jews, they will be a thorn in the side of Christianity, which will seek to remove it.”


NYT: Israel Tortured, Sexually Abused Palestinian Detainees at Israeli Military Base



The Israeli Defense Forces have been systematically torturing and sodomizing Palestinian detainees at a military base in southern Israel, according to testimonies from released captives shared in a new report from the New York Times.


Dozens of Palestinians died in the camp and many described being stripped naked, tortured, sodomized with a metal pole or cattle prod and forced to wear a diaper.


Whereas The Times did everything they could to hype up and sensationalize their now-debunked atrocity propaganda tale about "Hamas committing mass rape" on Oct 7th, they did their best to downplay Israel's alleged torture and sexual abuse of Palestinian detainees and buried the most sensational details at the bottom of their 3800 word article.


From The New York Times, "Inside the Base Where Israel Has Detained Thousands of Gazans":

Once an obscure barracks, Sde Teiman is now a makeshift interrogation site and a major focus of accusations that the Israeli military has mistreated detainees, including people later determined to have no ties to Hamas or other armed groups. In interviews, former detainees described beatings and other abuse in the facility.


[...] Fadi Bakr, a law student from Gaza City, said he was captured on Jan. 5 by Israeli soldiers near his family home. Displaced by fighting earlier in the war, Mr. Bakr, 25, had returned to his neighborhood to search for flour, only to get caught in the middle of a firefight and wounded, he said.


The Israelis found him bleeding after the fighting stopped, he said. They stripped him naked, confiscated his phone and savings, beat him repeatedly and accused him of being a militant who had survived the battle, he said.

"Confess now or I will shoot you," Mr. Bakr remembered being told.

"I am a civilian," Mr. Bakr recalled replying, to no avail.


The circumstances of Mr. Bakr's arrest mirror those of other former detainees interviewed by The Times.

[...] Roughly four days after his arrival, Mr. Bakr said he was called in for interrogation.


Like others who spoke to The Times, he remembered being brought to a separate enclosure that the detainees called the "disco room" — because, they said, they were forced to listen to extremely loud music that prevented them from sleeping. Mr. Bakr considered it a form of torture, saying it was so painful that blood began to trickle from inside his ear.


The Israeli military said that the music was "not high and not harmful," played within earshot of Israelis and Palestinians alike, and was meant to prevent the detainees from easily conferring with each other before interrogation. The Times was not shown any part of the interrogation complex, including the area where music was played.


Wearing nothing but a diaper, Mr. Bakr said, he was then brought to a separate room to be questioned.


The interrogators accused him of Hamas membership and showed him photographs of militants to see if he could identify them. They also asked him about the whereabouts of hostages, as well as a senior Hamas leader who lived near Mr. Bakr's family home. When Mr. Bakr denied any connection to the group or knowledge of the pictured men, he was beaten repeatedly, he said.


Mr. al-Hamlawi, the senior nurse, said a female officer had ordered two soldiers to lift him up and press his rectum against a metal stick that was fixed to the ground. Mr. al-Hamlawi said the stick penetrated his rectum for roughly five seconds, causing it to bleed and leaving him with "unbearable pain."


A leaked draft of the UNRWA report detailed an interview that gave a similar account. It cited a 41-year-old detainee who said that interrogators "made me sit on something like a hot metal stick and it felt like fire," and also said that another detainee "died after they put the electric stick up" his anus.


Mr. al-Hamlawi recalled being forced to sit in a chair wired with electricity. He said he was shocked so often that, after initially urinating uncontrollably, he then stopped urinating for several days. Mr. al-Hamlawi said he, too, had been forced to wear nothing but a diaper, to stop him from soiling the floor.


Ibrahim Shaheen, 38, a truck driver detained in early December for nearly three months, said he was shocked roughly half a dozen times while sitting in a chair. Officers accused him of concealing information about the location of dead hostages, Mr. Shaheen said.


Mr. Bakr also said he was forced to sit in chair wired with electricity, sending a current pulsing through his body that made him pass out.


 “Essential to the understanding of our chaotic times is the knowledge that the Jewish race constitutes a united anti-Christian bloc within Christian society, and is working for the overthrow of that society by every means at its disposal.”April 1958


Trump is fond of Jews

Jews are fond of money

Never mind of whose

Trump is fond of Jews

Oh, but when they torture, lie and abuse

Damn it all, it's not funny

Trump is still fond of Jews

Jews are fond of money (with apologies to G.K.C)


Wednesday 12 June, 2024


Two Little Dicky Birds



Two Little Dicky Birds


Nicotine as an Antidote


"You have all been lied to. Tobacco plant-nicotine is NOT addictive. Pyrazines, the additives, are addictive." ~ Dr. Bryan Ardis




In this episode, Dr. Ardis reveals important and very relevant information on the real dangers of Covid-19 and the shots. He explains what nicotine receptors are and how venoms shut off nerve function like taste, smell, diaphragm contraction, hearing and brain function.


There is a false belief that ACE2 receptors are the target. The target is actually nicotine receptors and the antidote is nicotine! You will learn how nicotine impacts specific cognitive impairments like dementia, alzheimer's disease and even psychosis.

Why did smokers benefit from nicotine for Covid -19, Long Haul Covid and the Covid-19 Vaccine Injuries?!!! Please watch and share this episode! Support The Dr. Ardis Show and get up to date information, protocols and supplements. 


 Strongly suggest people who are suffering from 'Long Haul Covid' symptoms as outlined below, start the 7mg nicotine daily patches, as follows: [cut out 7 mg from the 21 mg patch] and use one each day for a total of 6 days as Dr. Ardis has recommended.  Keep a record of reduction of symptoms as Dr. Ardis explains in the second video below and in the paragraph below...place it on your upper arms in a slightly different place each time to avoid skin irritation....

 Using a 7 mg nicotine patch daily for 6 days will cure all your long haul covid symptoms like myocarditis, brain fog, inability to sleep, muscle aches and pains, headaches, sense of smell, taste, hearing, etc., using a 21 mg nicotine patch and cutting it into thirds to give you the recommended 7 mg dose.






The Other 'N' Word Dr. Bryan Ardis




The Other 'N' Word


Monday 13 June, 2024


The Meaning and History of the name Aziza




The name “Aziza” is a fascinating and beautiful name with rich cultural and historical significance. This article explores the intricate origins, meaning, history, evolution, and popularity of the name “Aziza,” as well as highlights some notable individuals who bear this distinguished name.


Origins and Meaning


Aziza is a feminine name with roots in various cultures, primarily Arabic and Hebrew. In Arabic, the name Aziza (عزيزة) means “beloved,” “precious,” or “dear.” It is derived from the root word “Aziz,” which means “mighty” or “powerful,” often used to describe someone with high status or great importance. 


In Hebrew, Aziza means “powerful” or “strong,” emphasizing characteristics such as fortitude and resilience. The dual prominence of the name in both Arabic and Hebrew cultures highlights its universal appeal and deep, heartfelt connotations.


History and Evolution


The history of the name Aziza can be traced back to ancient civilizations where it was commonly used as a term of endearment and high regard. In the Arabic-speaking world, the name has been cherished for centuries, often bestowed upon daughters as a reflection of their parents’ love and the high value placed on them. Similarly, in Jewish communities, the name has been passed down through generations, symbolizing strength and resilience.


Over time, the name Aziza has evolved, taking on various forms and spellings in different cultures. In North Africa and parts of the Middle East, it remains a traditional and popular name. In modern times, the name has traveled beyond its original cultural contexts, gaining recognition and usage in Western countries as well. This cross-cultural adoption speaks to the universal appeal and timeless beauty of the name Aziza.



Padre Pio: A Catholic Priest Who Worked Miracles and Bore the Wounds of Jesus Christ on his body




What Kind Of Cloud Is That? Thursday 4th June, 201...___





The Truth about What Really Happened to the Catholic Church after Vatican II Audio Program, Part 1, Part 2 [Audios




Areas of Demonic Power

MHFM: There are certain areas in which the Devil has been permitted by God to have extra strength, power and influence (as a result of man’s sins).  Those areas can be identified by how vigorously the truth on such matters is suppressed and attacked.  Besides, of course, the attacks against the true Catholic faith and true Catholics who promote it, areas where the Devil wields especially strong power and influence include promoting/enforcing the acceptance of sodomy/’LGBT’ abominations, suppressing criticism of the Jews/Israel, and imposing the harmful vaccine/drug agenda of the pharmaceutical industry.  


The Devil has great power in pushing and imposing vaccines.  That is proven by the mainstream media blackout of the many documented cases of harm and injury caused by vaccines.  Truth in this area is almost totally suppressed.  The people who attempt to spread it are viciously attacked and mocked.  This video, for instance, should be mainstream news but it’s ignored or censored instead.



The Jewish Peril & The Catholic Church


The Jewish Peril & The Catholic Church .....ttps://altcensored.com/watch?v=aEOHp80JUGM


Friday 14 June, 2024

Russian naval fleet can hit major cities across America - video




There You Go Brown Pants Bidden...stick that In Your Pipe And Smoke it!


Or, 'What's Good Enough For the Goose is Good Enough For the Gander'!


Friday 14 June, 2024



 A Christian is someone who follows the true faith of Jesus Christ.


In the Acts of the Apostles, we read that it was at Antioch that the followers of Christ were first called Christians.


    "Acts 11:26 -  "And they conversed there in the church a whole year, and they taught a great multitude, so that at Antioch, the disciples were first named Christians."


Interestingly, it was also at Antioch, in the year 110, that the term "Catholic" was first applied to the Christian Church.   This was done by the famous martyr of the ancient Christian Church, St. Ignatius.


    "St. Ignatius of Antioch.  Epistle to the Smymaeans,  Chapter 8, 110 AD.  "Apart from the bishop, let no one do anything that pertains to the Church.   The only true Eucharist is the one performed by the bishop or by him whom the bishop has appointed.    Wherever the bishop is, there must be the congregation, just as wherever Jesus Christ is there is the Catholic Church."


 In Greek, the term "catholic" means universal.  Thus, the  one universal Christian Church came to be known as the Catholic Church.


It makes sense that the terms Christian and Catholic, became interchangeable; for the only Christian Church which existed from the beginning was the Catholic Church.


Ignatius had a real connection to the original Christians.    He was the third Bishop of Antioch.   Ignatius knew St. Polycarp who knew the apostle John himself.


Many think that being Christian means accepting everyone, being kind to everyone.   Certainly being Christian involves a true charity toward all men.  This means that you work and desire each man's salvation, each man's eternal happiness.


First and foremost, however, being a Christian requires that one believes all the truths of Jesus Christ.   It requires that one hear the one Church He established.


For Jesus Himself declared that preaching the Christian faith (the Gospel) means "teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. (Matthew 28:17).


In Matthew 18:17, we read that those who don't hear the Christian Church establish by Jesus Christ, are to be considered as the "heathen and the publican."


The true Christian faith has a real power.   This power is, of course, identifies by the miracles of its founder, the God-man Jesus Christ.


But the power of the Christian faith did not dry up and disappear once Jesus ascended into Heaven.    No, Jesus left that power with His Church.   He left it not only in the miracles which He said some of His followers would perform (John 14:12), but in the supernatural protection and guidance which would sustain His visible Christian institution.


In Matthew 16:18-20, we read that this Christian Church structure was founded on the apostle Peter, who would be the first Pope.  The visible Christian structure would be an ongoing testament to Jesus Christ's power.   It would guide the Christians on the way of truth.


It would also be necessary for salvation; for the Lord would add all who were to be true Christians to this one Christian Church (Acts 2:47).


One of the most moving episodes in Christian history- which illustrated the power of the Christian Church and its visible structure involved Atilla the Hun and his invasion of Italy in 452.


Atilla the Hun was a fierce non-Christian Emperor in the East.  He was greatly feared by many in the Christian Roman Empire.


In 447, Atilla invaded the Eastern Empire.   In 452, he was ready to invade Rome itself, the centre of the Christian Church.


Pope Leo the Great, the undisputed leader of the Christian Church faced him down.   He went out to meet Atilla.  As Pope Leo went out to meet Atilla, he was miraculously flanked by the Apostle Peter. 


 History tells us that St. Peter threatened Atilla with death if he should proceed further.   Atilla was so frightened that he turned back.


If Atillla had not turned back, all of history might have been different.


The leader of the Christian Church carried with him the supernatural protection of Christianity's founder, the Lord Jesus Christ.


After the initial establishment of the Christian faith, each succeeding century brought new challengers and trials for the Christians.  Heresies would appear and lead many astray.   Many who were Christians were separated by these heresies from the true Christian faith.


Arianism was the most notorious of all the heresies which threatened the Christians.   It proclaimed that Jesus Christ was not true God, that he was nor equal with the Father.  Arianism spread wildly in the 4th century causing countless people to lose the true Christian faith. 


The two central dogmas of the Christian faith are the mysteries of the Trinity and the Incarnation.


The Trinity is the truth that there is one God in three divine persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.


Each divine person is God; yet there are not three gods, but one God.  each person is a distinct person.    


The Sabellian heretics, for example, wrongly taught that each person is simple a different aspect of God.


According to them, the Father and the Son are different elements of the same person.  This heresy was condemned by the Christian Church.   A Christian must believe that there are three divine persons, that each one is God, but that there is only one God.


The other central dogma of the Christian faith is the Incarnation.   This is the truth that the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, the Son of God, became man.   That person is Jesus Christ.  He is one divine person (the second person of the Holy trinity) with two natures.  He is true God and true man.


For more about the true Christian faith, which is necessary for salvation, please consult www.vaticancatholic.com


Friday 14 June, 2024


Aftermath of the 'Man-made' Christchurch Earthquakes 2010/2011

Avonside Then and Now, with Cold Play Pop Song-'Fixit'

A Drone's Eye View



 Brooklands -Then And Now



 Burwood Then and Now



 Song of Bernadette (1943)  - The Story of Lourdes, France





 Why Do Catholics Use Holy Water & Biblical Support For This Practice



Number 5:17 "Then he [ the priest ] shall take some holy water in a clay jar and add dust from the tabernacle floor to the water..." It should remind you of your Baptism 

 3 Ways to Use Holy Water in The Home - 21st Century Catholic


Other Ways to use Holy Water :Video


 Note: A Bishop or a Priest Blesses the Water...not deacons ... refers to the Vatican II sect which is not Catholic!

When blessing yourself you can make a small cross with Holy Water on your forehead and say a small prayer like the one above : "By this holy water and by Thy precious Blood etc..."

You can also bless other members of your family similarly ...


Saturday 15 June, 2024


The Miraculous Medal - Part One















The Story of the Miraculous Medal - 29th March, 20...















The Miraculous Medal (Part Two) -Saturday, 25 Apri...

and the conversion of the Jew, Alphonse Rattisbonne


Saturday 15 June, 2024

The Third Secret Of  Fatima 


 Sunday 16 June, 2024

Other Recommended Videos and Articles


Remembering the Christchurch Earthquakes 2010/2011


Catechism of the Catholic Church

UFOs:Demonic Activity and Elaborate Hoaxes


Read the full book on UFOs here


 You can't always rely on the weather forecast 😉

It was already late fall and the Indians on the Fond du Lac reservation in Gloquet asked their new chief if the coming winter was going to be cold or mild.

Since he was a chief in a modern society, he had never been taught the old secrets.  When he looked at the sky he couldn't tell what the winter was going to be like.

 Nevertheless, to be on the safe side, he told his tribe that the winter was indeed going to be cold and that the members of the village should collect firewood to be prepared.

Being a practical leader, after several days he got an idea.  He went to the phone booth, called the National Weather Service and asked, "Is the coming winter going to be cold?" 

"It looks like the winter is going to be quite cold," the meteorologist at the weather service responded.

So the chief went back to his people and told them to collect even more firewood in order to be prepared.

A week later he called the Weather Service again. "Does it still look like it's going to be be a very cold winter?"

 "Yes," the man at the National Weather Service again relied, "It's going to be a very cold winter."

The chief went back to his people and told them to collect every bit of scrap wood they could find.

Two weeks later the chief called the National Weather Service again.  "Are you absolutely sure it's going to be a very cold winter?"

"Absolutely," the man replied. "It's looking more and more likely we are going to have the coldest winter we've ever seen."

"How can you be so sure?" the chief asked.

The weatherman replied, "The Indians are collecting wood like crazy!"

[Always remember this when you get advice from a government official]



 Hail Mary in the Bible



 Sunday 16 June, 2024 


Man Shot And Saw Hell - Must See Video


Monday 17 June, 2024 

Traditional Latin Mass - Fr. Gommar A. DePauw

Recorded in 1986 at Ave Maria Chapel (CTM)

Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Nov 21

(Common of the Virgin Mary - Salve Sancte Parens)


Why The Latin Mass - Fr. Gommar A. DePauw



Tuesday 18 June,2024

Oh, No! Not More On Israel!


Justice For Liberty Movie

13,585 views Aug 17, 2022 PENSACOLA 


 On June 8, 1967, Israeli forces tried to sink a U.S. Navy ship, the USS Liberty, killing 34 American servicemen and wounding 174. 'Justice for Liberty', filmed at the crew’s 54th anniversary reunion in Pensacola, Florida, allows the survivors to tell the American public their stories, some for the first time. It is time for the truth to come out. Visit the Justice for Liberty website at https://justiceforliberty.org/


(A 30-second trailer for this was broadcast on the Tucker Carlson show on August 16th, reaching approximately three million people.) 


According to former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Thomas Moorer, “In attacking the USS Liberty, Israel committed acts of murder against American servicemen and an act of war against the United States…. Those men were then betrayed and left to die by our own government.”  


The survivors are still awaiting justice.The Liberty crew is one of the most decorated in U.S. Naval history. Yet, for decades this attack has been covered up and misrepresented.


 Wednesday 19 June, 2024


Musical Interlude for Ashley & Seth without the bee


Lagrima  -Tarrega


The Prettiest Ukulele Song in the World


Updated version Of The Prettiest Ukulele Song in The world


Wednesday 20 June, 2024


Antipope Francis tells prominent pro-abortion comedians that their jokes "make God smile"- video

Today's papal audience for comedians and humorists in the Apostolic Palace was a joyful event, and the Pope's talk on how humor "spreads peace and smiles" was beautiful. Here's the Holy Father greeting some American comedians. It was a joy to meet so many comedians who are also… pic.twitter.com/neMVYD7yI8


Friday 21 June, 2024

4  Divya ...😉


A Question of Potatoes ! Will it be Agria as Divya suggested 

or small washed variety?

Let the test begin 😟

And as the saying goes...'the proof will be in the cooking! 

As the picture of the below Agria potatoes being pan fired in butter

having been transformed into French Fries show no signs

 of ugly discoloration due to blight or other nasties!




A Final thank you to Divya (sp)  Indeed  the Agria

potatoe met with all expectations and passed 

with flying colors of the right kind! 😌😳😲😊😊


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