The Second Coming & Kiwis Fighting Back
Biblical Scholar On Luke 18:8 And The Loss Of Faith Before The Second Coming
This commentary on Luke 18:8 from a 19th century Jesuit biblical scholar named Joseph Knabenbauer is interesting. He correctly taught that the words of Jesus in Luke 18:8 indicate that there will be hardly any faith before the Second Coming. That means that the Catholic Church will be reduced to a remnant. Even though the words of Scripture on this matter speak for themselves (e.g. Luke 18:8), quotes like this are important because some defenders of the Vatican II Sect have now resorted to arguing that the New Testament does not teach that the Church will be reduced to a remnant before the end of the world. Their claim is false, of course, as the teaching of Scripture and the current state of the world demonstrate.
Joseph Knabenbauer, S.J. (1896), Commentarius in quatuor S. Evangelia: Evangelium secundum Lucam, p. 498:
“The elect will of course greatly desire the Day of the Lord, and that desire will especially increase, and to its full extent, in those final and supreme tribulations which will assail them before the Day of the Lord (cf. Mt 24:22; Mk 13:20,24; Lk 21:36). But will there be many, will there be substantially more who will await and long for the coming of Christ with that same faith and desire? Some answer has already been given in Lk 17:26-28, where men are described as entirely wrapped up in worldly affairs. You have another answer here: ‘But when the Son of Man comes, do you think he will he find any faith on earth?’ St. Cyril has already warned us that this rhetorical question indicates that they [i.e. people with faith] will be extremely few. Just as Christ found few believers among His own people at His first coming – ‘it is necessary that He be rejected by this generation’ (Lk 17:25) – so will He find something similar in His second. For as Christ says, ‘False prophets will arise and present such signs and wonders that even the elect (if such is possible) will be led into error’ (Mt 24:24). This is the very apostasy and seduction that the Apostle writes about in 2 Th. 2:3 seq. (cf. 2 Pet 3:3). You can see that on this question the Apostles taught the same as Christ had foretold... From this description of the last times, as from other words and parables of Christ, it may also be concluded that in no way is the opinion of certain Chiliasts to be commended, namely that in the last times the Church will have some kind of immense splendor and triumph, and that almost everyone will possess an exceptional and blessed holiness...”
Kiwis Fighting Back
New Zealand Loyal - Overview of Party Policies. Liz Gunn -10 July 2023
NZ Loyal Overview Policy
Firstly: Loyalty to New Zealanders’ interests, not to the globalists' interests.
1. Bring an end to our participation in the WEF, the WHO and the UN.
2. End any UN-forced climate accords based on faulty science and media-driven hysteria.
3. Energy independence, including oil products.
4. Immigration moratorium.
5. Removal of fluoride from public water supply
6. End the poisoning of our land through, eg: 1080 and RoundUp.
7. Void any restrictive regulations on farming and industry.
8. Scrap the current tax system.
9. Investigate the Reserve Bank of New Zealand.
10. Move away from the fiat money system.
11. Government will no longer be able to use a “confidentiality” excuse to keep secrets from the NZ People.
12. Scrap all race-based policies.
13. End divisive practices that weaken communities.
14. Recognize that the resources of this land belong to all of the people.
15. Put an end to sanctioned greed.
16. The justice system will be set right.
17. A Constitution will be set in place.
18. Criminally investigate all who have acted against the interests of the People of NZ, including those involved in historic events.
19. Whistleblower protection. See the Opal File -
20. Children will be protected from all means of exploitation.
21. Eradication of propaganda and media spin doctors.
22. Open and unfettered choice in the Health sector.
23. Go beyond Big Pharma medical solutions.
24. Vote on the day, on paper, to reduce the serious corruption risks when large numbers of postal votes are counted on corruptible ( Dominion ) counting machines.
25. Power will be given back to the People. Aim: To leave a legacy of respect, listening, decency, morality and courage, for our children’s children
Comment: Sounds good but no mention about 'Protection of the Unborn/Right To Life in New Zealand' ?
As a traditional Catholic it is the teaching of the Catholic Church that life begins at Conception and no one has the right to end that life which God created along with the co-operation of the parents.
To vigorously oppose abortion as an evil, as Liz has stated throughout her video on Abortion, but then to turn around and state that there may well be cases where it could be allowed... is hypocritical and illogical because killing/ending the life of an innocent individual because of some perceived impairment is no different to ending the life of a baby at near full term is still murder ... 'thou shalt not Kill'
Some background on Barry Young's Trial
On The "Covid "Inquiry" + Barry Young Update
For a long time now people have been sounding the alarm about the risks associated with the "Covid vaccine"
A mountain of evidence exists that prove that alarm is justified.
None is more telling than the more Barry Young excess deaths data from the Ministry of Health, as well as the documents from Pfizer itself, the very company that did not want to release their pre-trial clinical and other associated safety data for seventy five years.
In some countries, that length of time is reserved for state secrets classification only.
If not for a US court ordering Pfizer to release that data over a 10-month period, many would be none the wiser as to the fraud that has taken place.
People are being harmed and killed by these jabs on a very large scale
Those who have not currently experienced an adverse reaction seem to be living on borrowed time.
Kiwis in growing numbers are now asking why nothing is being done, while others have pinned their hopes on the much-vaunted New Zealand First Covid inquiry, which Winston Peters and his candidates used to lure in too trusting voters willing to ignore his past record on broken election promises.
Prior to the election, we stated that any inquiry implemented by a government of which New Zealand First was a part would see narrow terms of reference that would not deal with jab injury and deaths.
We stated this time and time again.
We received an incredible amount of online hate and extensive trolling, but we knew we would be proven right and that the loudest amongst those detractors would fall silent.
It seems we were, and now they have.
You see, the confidential Pfizer contract signed by the New Zealand government included specific language that prevents the company, that's Pfizer, its manufacturers, distributors, agents and all other associated entities from being called into disrepute.
And if that's not bad enough, the contract also states quite clearly that Pfizer makes clear that the safety and long-term effects of their product are currently unknown.
How do we know that, given the secretive New Zealand government, under Labour, never made public to us, the New Zealand people, their confidential purchasing agreement with Pfizer?
The Labour government lied when they pushed the “safe and effective” narrative.
The jab was not proven safe by Pfizer and all of you who are jabbed and who tell similar stories of being repeatedly ill throughout last winter can testify that the jabs you took were not effective to stop those sicknesses you had.
As a result, the Labour-Green government liars stand guilty of manslaughter at the very least.
This includes Jacinda Ardern and Ashley Bloomfield, two criminals who openly underlined their corruption by awarding themselves a dame-hood and a knighthood, respectively.
They should be in jail, awaiting trial.
The same goes with all those behind the scenes who promoted and administered the jabs in full knowledge that they were not safe for Kiwis.
There's a very long list of people who should be arrested but who instead are roaming freely currently and enjoying their ill-gotten gains.
Add to this the sorry recent record of the New Zealand police.
They have lost any moral authority to enforce our laws because they've aided and abetted these crimes against you all.
Equally shocking and sad is that the courts have avoided ruling in favour of anyone that brought evidence of the jabs being unsafe, so are also incapable of passing judgement upon any other.
In fact, what we have, even with this new lot, is a rogue, corrupt, internationally-aligned criminal organisation masquerading as a government.
And as such, they do not have the authority nor the mandate to act in our stead.
It's a war we are in, a war on many fronts.
Those who should be stepping up to protect us instead step back and cower.
Real men are few and far between now.
Once upon a time when their families were threatened, real Kiwi men would speak out and stand up to fight to protect their families.
Now they sit idly watching family members unexpectedly die suddenly and they buy into the media lie that everyone is baffled as to the cause of death.
To keep the people passive, distractions are offered to neutralise any organised resistance.
Self-appointed leaders are compromised to ensure frustration and anger is redirected, like those who lead groundswell, federated farmers and the farmers' union, despite the fact that their very livelihoods and their lands are marked for destruction and WEF (World Economic Forum) puppet takeover.
Just compare our farmers with those in Germany, France, Italy, Romania.
In our recent election, many Kiwis pinned their hopes on New Zealand First and their bribe of a full Covid inquiry.
Any Kiwis with intelligence to see through the political lies can now see this inquiry will amount to nothing more than a great earner for the consultants who for the most part may well be retired or serving judges and lawyers
That's all that will be concluded from this piece of empty political theatre called the New Zealand Covid Inquiry.
You need to understand there was no pandemic, there never was.
The only pandemic created was at the point of the needle that you were told was for your safety and was supposedly properly researched and effective.
Those who forced it on us knew this was a lie.
The whistleblower Barry Young's data is not even being considered in the Covid inquiry.
What does that data show?
Well it shows among much else over 36,000 Kiwi deaths with a connection to those who have been jabbed.
It's your data, it's fully anonymised, zero privacy is breached.
It shows excess deaths in New Zealand.
Why would Winston not be willing to meet with Barry Young and find out more about this Ministry of Health data that he built?
Would you be willing to demand that the Ministry of Health let all Kiwis see our own data that they claim shows the jab is safe?
The Ministry of Health should be doing that instead of looking to lock up the brave whistleblower Barry Young for up to seven years.
The world is watching this Barry Young case, so this government will not be able to get away with allowing corruption or attempted censorship of the truth.
And let's remember that the MOAR data from Barry Young does not even include the countless numbers of injured Kiwis.
As Andrew Bridgen, the brave and admirable UK independent politician says, “the MOAR data of Barry Young aligns in the percentages of excess deaths with the UK data on the same.”
Several world databases now tell the same sad story of death and harm.
And they all indicate the same dreadful trend.
The world is being reorganised into a state that suits and serves just a few.
Let's call them the parasites, not the elites, while the many, us, are seen as surplus to requirements.
Please look up Agenda 2030 on the World Economic Forum site.
We are seeing the results of that evil WEF agenda playing out now in real time.
Where are our men?
Who will save us and our children?
It clearly won't be Winston.
If you must fight to stop this, then fight.
We need you.
We must call out the political liars and those groups that keep herding us into their lies
We need our unified voice to demand their loyalty to us, not to globalism or to its ugly and evil version of communist inspired tyranny.
[Slightly Abridged]
Liz Gunn & Cameraman Jonathan’s Upcoming Trial Is May 7th
Liz Gunn & CameramanJonathann's Upcoming Trial Is May 7th
Wednesday 29 May, 2024
Two Little Dicky Birds
The Big Snowfall of August, 2011 ...
... and what are the chances of it happening again some 13 years later?
Background and synoptic situation which led to it...
“Monster high” in control of potential snow storm
11/08/2011 1:22pm forecasters say the predicted possible polar blast this Sunday to Tuesday lies in the control of an extremely large high building over Australia.
The high is huge – with models predicting it will grow tall, stretching over a massive 6000kms from the tropics to Antarctica.
It’s the type of anticyclone that warned
about a few days ago to watch out for this month and spring, while
making a bold prediction that there is a “high chance” of further big
snow events over the next 12 weeks.
Both and NIWA independently predicted last month that the second half of August could be more exposed to storms than the first two weeks of the month.
Image — Red zone shows the huge high stretching from Papua New Guinea to Antarctica overnight Sunday. The blue zone shows the large area of low pressure. It’s where these two zones meet that the worst of the weather will be / &
“This monster high over Australia and the Tasman Sea will be crucial to whether or not the snow storm hits New Zealand” says head weather analyst Philip Duncan. “We are very confident that a snow storm is brewing but still remain somewhat divided as to whether or not the bulk of the snow and wind will hit the mainland or hit further east over the Pacific Ocean and Chatham Islands”.
What Happened in Wellington, New Zealand - Stokes Valley 11 August, 2011
Q. What is the Most likely Month of the Year for Snowfalls to Occur in New Zealand?
A. August Is The Most Likely Month For Snowfalls In New Zealand Because by then the Atmosphere is at its Coldest For the Year.
M.S.L Weather Map for 16 July, 1995 showing cold south to southwest airflow all the way from the Antarctic advancing across New Zealand
16 July, 1995 snow on town hills to 400 ft around Gisborne, heaviest since 1939 and 7 inches deep on the Whararatas southwest of Gisborne at 350 m
Friday 24 May, 2024
Is this current forecast situation for Sunday 26 May, 2024 rather similar to 16 July, 1995??
Could be worth keeping an eye on this talk of snow at this stage but the airflow is expected to get colder as a cold front moves up the country over the weekend... and should the airflow go more southerly, then the likelihood of snow increases esp for eastern areas of both Islands.
And Here Is A Great Find, the 'Kikes', as Fr. Leonard Feeney sometimes referred to them as, don't Want You To Know About...
Secret letter from the "The Central Conference of American Rabbis" revealed?
As Saint John Chrysostom declares, ”The Jews say it is men who have brought on their misfortunes; but in fact it is God who has brought them about.”
Though the Jews may become powerful for a time in some particular countries, as they once were in Moorish Spain, as they once were in modern Germany, as they now are in the United States, even then, in their hours of triumph, they will be always restless and fearful, knowing from deep experience that at any moment the Gentiles among whom they live may rise up against them.
The Jews have fixed their course. Till the end they shall remain a
spectacle before all the world of a wicked and unrepentant people — a
people who have called on their heads the abiding wrath of God... "May his blood be upon us and our children.''
Thursday16 May, 2024
UFOs:Demonic Activity and Elaborate Hoaxes
Read the full book on UFOs here
On Trump if you were wondering ...
Jim Fetzer’s Trump Truth
Father Feeney Point Download
Catechism of the Catholic Church for those considering converting to the Catholic faith
Catechism of the Catholic Church
Tuesday 21 May, 2024
Nicotine as an Antidote
"You have all been lied to. Tobacco plant-nicotine is NOT addictive. Pyrazines, the additives, are addictive." ~ Dr. Bryan Ardis
In this episode, Dr. Ardis reveals important and very relevant information on the real dangers of Covid-19 and the shots. He explains what nicotine receptors are and how venoms shut off nerve function like taste, smell, diaphragm contraction, hearing and brain function.
is a false belief that ACE2 receptors are the target. The target is
actually nicotine receptors and the antidote is nicotine! You will learn
how nicotine impacts specific cognitive impairments like dementia,
alzheimer's disease and even psychosis.
Why did smokers benefit
from nicotine for Covid -19, Long Haul Covid and the Covid-19 Vaccine
Injuries?!!! Please watch and share this episode! Support The Dr. Ardis
Show and get up to date information, protocols and supplements.
Mel isa - suggest you start the 7mg nicotine daily patches, rather than the nicotine gum as originally suggested ... [cut out 7 mg from the 21 mg patch] and use one each day for a total of 6 days as Dr. Ardis has recommended. Keep a record of reduction of symptoms as Dr. Ardis explains in the second video below and in the paragraph it on your upper arms in a slightly different place each time to avoid skin irritation....ECB 710 😉
Using a 7 mg nicotine patch daily for 6 days will cure all
your long haul covid symptoms like myocarditis, brain fog, inability to
sleep, muscle aches and pains, headaches, sense of smell, taste,
hearing, etc., using a 21 mg nicotine patch and cutting it into thirds
to give you the recommended 7 mg dose.
The Other 'N' Word Dr. Bryan Ardis
Friday 24 May, 2024
'Church is the Pillar and Ground of the Truth'
Church is the Pillar and Ground of the Truth
Friday 24 May, 2024
Recommended: Remembering the Christchurch 2010/2011 Earthquakes
Remembering the Christchurch Earthquakes 2010/2011
From the horses mouth ... did he really say that! Yep! and 'at the end of the day'..what more can you say!
This is sad and moving especially for those (50,000 residents) who were unjustly kicked out of Christchurch and their homes over a huge lie! Shame on those who were part of this crime! We know who they are!
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