Sunday, September 18, 2022

Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax -Exposed . Monday 19 September, 2022. Saint Januarius B & Companions Mm


Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax -Exposed 




Climate Change/ Global Warming Hoax - Exposed 

Global Warming, or as it is now called, Climate Change, since they finally realized there has been no warming of the atmosphere for more than 20 years, is a scam based on militant bogus science and is being used to keep the world's focus away from Agenda 21, a Communist U.N. action plan which aims to depopulate the nations, impose a world government and usher in a the return of Communism.    - Lord Christopher Monckton, February 26, 2013



Two Little Dickie Birds


New Zealand ( run by Communists) Will Drop Mask Mandates


Doctors explain why Covid - 19 and Delta Variants Do Not Exist


This MUST-SEE video is a striking vindication of what we stated about ‘Covid’ before perhaps any other organization. Lab scientist and noted natural health proponent Mike Adams has (to his credit) changed his position on ‘Covid’. 


He originally believed it was a real disease based on a real virus but now, after trying to order certified materials for it, he realizes that it’s a hoax and that the ‘virus’ doesn’t exist and has never been isolated.


 Adams interviews two doctors who cover the truth about this massive ‘Covid’ hoax. People need to understand these facts. Those who tell you that ‘Covid’ exists or that people ‘have it’ are spreading propaganda and contradicting a true scientific analysis.




Did The Bible Predict 70 Years Without A Pope?

Did The Bible Predict 70 Years Without A Pope



Pius IX on Socialism, Communism, and Protestantism


Pope Pius IX, Nostis et Nobiscum (#6), Dec. 8, 1849: “… the goal of this most iniquitous plot is to drive people to overthrow the entire order of human affairs and to draw them over to the wicked theories of this Socialism and Communism, by confusing them with perverted teachings. 


But these enemies realize that they cannot hope for any agreement with the Catholic Church, which allows neither tampering with truths proposed by faith, nor adding any new human fictions to them. This is why they try to draw the Italian people over to Protestantism, which in their deceit they repeatedly declare to be only another form of the same true religion of Christ…”



Why a Christian can only be a Catholic


A Christian is someone who follows the true faith of Jesus Christ. 


In the Acts of the Apostles we read that it was at Antioch that the followers of Christ were first called Christians.


Acts 11:26- “And they conversed there in the church a whole year; and they taught a great multitude, so that at Antioch the disciples were first named Christians.”


Interestingly, it was also at Antioch (in the year 110) that the term “Catholic” was first applied to the Christian Church.  This was done by the famous martyr of the ancient Christian Church, St. Ignatius.


St. Ignatius of Antioch, Epistle to the Smyrnaeans, Chapter 8, 110 A.D.- “Apart from the bishop, let no one do anything that pertains to the Church.  The only true Eucharist is the one performed by the bishop or by him whom the bishop has appointed.  Wherever the bishop is, there must be the congregation, just as wherever Jesus Christ is there is the Catholic Church.”


In Greek, the term “Catholic” means universal.  Thus, the one universal Christian Church came to be known as the Catholic Church.  It makes sense that the terms Christian and Catholic became interchangeable, for the one Christian Church which existed from the beginning was the Catholic Church.  Ignatius had a real connection to the original Christians.  He was the third bishop of Antioch.  Ignatius knew St. Polycarp who knew the apostle John himself.


Many think that being Christian means accepting everyone, being kind to everyone.  Certainly being Christian involves a true charity toward all men.  This means that you work for and desire each man’s salvation (his eternal happiness).  First and foremost, however, being a Christian requires that one believe all the truths of Jesus Christ.  It requires that one hear the one Church He established.  Jesus Himself declared that preaching the Christian faith (the Gospel) means “teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19).  In Matthew 18:17, we read that those who don’t hear the Christian Church established by Jesus are to be considered as the “heathen and publican.”


The true Christian faith has a real power.  This power is of course identified with the miracles of its founder, the God-man, Jesus Christ.  But the power of the Christian faith didn’t dry up and disappear once Jesus ascended into Heaven.  No, Jesus left that power with His Church.  He left it not only in the miracles which He said some His followers would perform (John 14:12), but in the supernatural protection and guidance which would sustain His visible Christian institution.  In Matthew 16:18-20 we read that this Christian Church structure was founded on the apostle Peter, who would be the first pope.  This visible Christian structure would be an ongoing testament to Jesus Christ’s power.  It would guide the Christians on the way of truth.  It would also be necessary for salvation; for the Lord would add all who were to be true Christians to this one Christian Church (Acts 2:47).


One of the most striking events in Christian history, which illustrates the power of the Christian Church and its visible structure, involved the Attila the Hun and his invasion of Italy in 452.  Attila was a fierce non-Christian emperor in the East.  He was greatly feared by many in the Christian Roman Empire.  In 447, Attila invaded the Eastern Empire. 


 In 452, he was ready to invade Rome itself, the center of the Christian Church.  With Atila threatening the center of the Christian Church, Pope Leo the Great (the undisputed leader of the Christian Church) faced him down.  He went out to meet Atilla.  As Pope Leo went out to meet Attila, he was miraculously flanked by the apostle Peter.  


History tells us that St. Peter threatened Attila with death if he should proceed further.  Attila was so frightened that he turned back.  If Attila had not turned back, all of history might have been different.  The leader of the Christian Church carried with him the supernatural protection of Christianity’s founder, the Lord Jesus Christ.


Each century that followed the establishment of the Church brought new challenges and trials for the Christian.  Heresies would appear and lead many astray.  Many who had been Christians wound up being separated from the true Church by these heresies.  Arianism was the most notorious of all the early heresies.  It proclaimed that Jesus Christ was not true God, that He was not equal with the Father.  Arianism spread widely in the 4th century, leading to the apostasy of many.


The two central dogmas of the Christian faith are the mysteries of the Trinity and the Incarnation.  The Trinity is the truth that there is one God in three divine persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.  Each divine person is God; yet there are not three gods, but one God.  Each person is a distinct person.  The Sabellian heretics, for example, wrongly taught that each person is simply a different aspect of God.  According to them, the Father and the Son are different elements of the same person.  This heresy was condemned by the Christian Church.  A Christian must believe that there are three divine persons, that each one is God, but that there is only one God.


The other central dogma of the Christian faith is the Incarnation.  This is the truth that the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, the Son of God, became man.  That person is Jesus Christ.  He is one divine person (the second person of the Holy Trinity) with two natures.  He is true God and true man.


For more about the true Christian faith, which is necessary for salvation, please consult our website.


MAY 2013...

Old One But A Good One....U.N. Agenda 21 Communism -Talk By Lord Christopher Monckton in Australia.





 Someday - Chloe Agnew


 One World - Chloe Agnew



 Satan Will Come to Rule A False Church


 Remembering 19 March, 2022



 Remember this picture....



6.      Key Video is hidden 


8.      Perpetrators are identified in record time.


13.    News or Military action takes place as a result of the event.


14.    The event receives an enormous amount of press coverage.


15.    The country where the event took place has recently irritated Israel in some way ( In 2016, N.Z. voted with the U.N. to condemn Israel for war crimes against Palestinians.)


16.     The event and perpetrators are set up to cause conflict between several  different religions, ethnic or sexual orientation groups.


 18.     The friends of the victims do interviews that are not believable.


20.      One or more bombs do not detonate.


22.      An unbelievable hero story is released by the Press on Day Two.


23.      A manifesto is released by the perpetrator, which is a paste and copy from past false flag attacks.


24.      A drill is taking place at or near the event at the same time.


27.      Little or no amateur cell phone video footage of the event is released.


29.     An online video is found of the perpetrator acting crazy.


30.     The details of the event  make it impossible  to not be reminded of  other recent false flag events.


32.     The perpetrator wore body armor - Police issue.


33.      Former military members played key roles in the event in some way.


35.      Authorities are on the scene in record time and numbers that would not normally be possible in a short time period without prior knowledge - 6 minutes!


37.      Authorities immediately find evidence that ties the perpetrator to radical beliefs. 




1.   John Podesta, of Pizzagate fame, visited New Zealand before the attack and left the day before the event.

2.   Hillary Clinton, visited New Zealand, 6 May, 2018.

3.   Students from the Parklands shooting visited New Zealand recently, to talk to young students. [July 23 ,2018]

4.   New Zealanders warned they face fines and imprisonment if they view the 'shooters' video, and that is extended to include the "shooters" 'manifesto.'



5.   New Gun laws are announced almost immediately after the Mosque "shooting," by the New Zealand Prime Minister.

Audio playback:


Listen from 0:39:0 - 0:55:00 ...and onwards


Kurt Nimmo on The Fake Christchurch Mosque "Shooting"...


All you have to do is ask yourself this question, nothing to do with morality but pragmatism and practicality: 


Since at least 93% of the entire world’s media, mainstream or alternative, is already owned or controlled by and fully complicit with the Judeo-Masonic elites and their agendas, would it be easier for the intelligence agencies such as the CIA/Mossad/MI5 (all one and the same and interchangeable for many decades) to recruit, spend years traumatizing and training “brainwashed” cold-blooded killers who will do “real” false flag operations for them, or is it easier to just simply use recruit amoral actors who already have plenty of training and could be half-assed B-actors as well, have more-or-less the same political opinions as yourself, and pay them well out of unlimited funds (remember that, they are PRIVATE banks who print the entire money supply and lend it with interest to not just the USA’s central bank but 155 Central banks tied to the Bank for International Settlements, World Bank and IMF) to do a bit of acting and sign a non-disclosure agreement? 


Sorry, but anyone who still claims murdering even one person, never mind 50 people at a time, and having to deal with all the grief from their families, is easier, implying at the same time that the media is not 100% complicit and would actually genuinely investigate the so-called terrible “crime,” is an idiot. 


A PsyOp is already a “false-flag” in that nobody investigates it anyway! Did we or a person we trust 100% get to go there and examine the bodies to make sure they are who they claim they are and actually died? lol 



Don’t make me laugh. Who “confirmed” 49 dead at this event? The same complicit mass-media that gave you the story?!  lol 


How dumb do you have to be? 


You have to also remember that faking a PsyOp rather than mass-murdering yourself a “false-flag” completely eliminates the problems of law-suits and dealing with grieving families. 


There are two main possible scenarios you have to always keep in mind when trying to untangle deliberately confusing media “events,” since their previously anchored and triggered effects on your emotions and psychology prevents you from solving the puzzle fully: 


What if someone kills your wife or kid or husband? You will almost certainly be deeply hurt and devastated and be relentless in pursuing what happened and getting some form of justice and peace-of-mind. 


What if someone pays your wife, kid or husband to act in a PsyOp Hoax and collect an easy $200,000 printed out of thin air and all you have to do is keep your mouth shut and play along with the media with ZERO chance of going to jail, since the same people who control the courts also did the PsyOp? Aren’t there so many amoral people out there who already work worthless jobs that hurt the economy but make them money (such as all government jobs) that would jump at this opportunity to not just make a lot of easy money but get tied in to the power-structure and receive intelligence agency protection throughout their lives, to just take the money, live it up and forget about it? 


Then often don’t even have to change their names! Well, they might get a fake name for a PsyOp, do it and then go back to their real name and family. Who would they have to worry about? 


Would “investigative” reporters be knocking their doors down trying to get the truth of the issue? Nope. lol But even if they are, all that would stop them would be an FBI agent telling them to leave these people alone or they’re going to go to jail for stalking and harassment. 


At most they would have to change their original identity to a completely different one in a different area under full witness protection provided by the government. 


The New Zealand Psyop

March 17, 2019

By Kurt Nimmo




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