Monday, August 29, 2022

AVI FIGHTS BACK! Tuesday 30 August, 2022. St. Rose of LIma, V




Explosive Leak: Secret Interpol memo on Avi Yemini NZ ban


AVI Yemini Fights Back Against Corrupt Governments 


 Two Little Dickie Birds


Two Little Dickie Birds





Catholic Church cannot bring harm


Pope Leo XIII, Caritatis (#10), March 19, 1894: “… the Catholic Church is so constituted as never to bring forth anything at all harmful to peoples and to states, but only benefits, even in temporal matters.”


MHFM: Can one make this statement about the Vatican II Sect?  No.





Creation and Miracles – Condensed Version





Caleb Kaverman


More on Avi Yemini

 30 August, 2022



AVI  On The Platform


30 August, 2022

 Latest on Avi - Rebel News



Andrew Bolt reacts to Interpol leak and Jacinda Ardern's response



30 August, 2022


Jacinda Ardern Vs Avi Yemini



Is this the final straw in her two terms of compulsive lies, manipulation and treating our nation as if we are stupid and she can fool us all?
Has she bitten off more than she can chew with Avi?
Leaked documents showing plans between Australian and New Zealand Interpol to keep Avi out (Yet to be verified, will update when they are) 
Australian Senator's writing official documents questioning the actions of our Government, yet our own Government remain silent cowards. 
The media painting the picture and narrative on behalf of our corrupt Government, to further aid the Government in their lies, illegal activities and manipulation of the people?

Jacinda Ardern Vs Avi Yemini 
