Pointers -bits and pieces
“By their fruits you shall know them” — and American newspapers can be
no better known than by that very latest of their fruits, that gigantic
laboratory lemon, Jonas Salk.
Jewish Jonas is a symbol of all that the Jew-controlled press can do
for a man. It can build him up overnight as the nation’s number one
hero. It can make what he has to offer (in Jonas’ case a serum of
infected monkey kidneys) the most appealing and necessary item in the
And when this artificial alliance (Salk, the kidneys, and the clamoring
public) begins to back-fire, the versatile press can save its face (and
Jonas’) by suggesting innumerable culprits. “Salk Not at Fault,” say
the headlines. And down below we can read all about the negligence of
Mrs. Hobby, the miscalculations of Dr. Scheele, the slovenliness of the
Cutter firm.
Here in Boston, the press has had a notably tough time of it trying to
perpetuate the aura of greatness with which it initially surrounded
Doctor Salk. As we write, the city health commissioner has announced
that up until last month (when the first Salk injections were given in
this area) Boston’s record for the whole year was only six cases of
polio. In the past month (since the injections) that total of six has
risen to one hundred and sixty.
What defense have we? Saint Alphonsus Maria de Ligouri, founder of the
Redemptorist Order, long ago announced a foolproof solution — a
permanent immunization against all future Doctor Salks. In his book, Theologia Moralis,
Saint Alphonsus states that Catholics are obliged to avoid all Jewish
doctors and their remedies, adding that to give oneself over to their
care is to commit “a mortal sin.”
13 May2022
By 1917, the Catholic country of Portugal stood just where the forces
of Freemasonry wanted it. After an assault which lasted more than one
hundred years, Portugal’s king had been shot down in the street, and
Portugal’s Faith, the binding strength of its people, had been
legislated back into the catacombs.
The inevitable Masonic “republic” had been declared, which in turn
declared many unheard of things in Portugal. Jews, for example, were now
to be considered full-dress citizens. Priests and nuns, for example,
were now to be arrested for wearing their religious habits.
It was to this Portugal that the Mother of God appeared in 1917 as
Our Lady of the Rosary. Forty years ago this month, she first spoke to
the ten-year-old peasant girl, Lucy dos Santos, and Lucy’s two younger
cousins, Jacinta and Francis. Considering the weightiness of what she
had to say, the Mother of God could not have picked a more unlikely trio
of confidants. They were the children of shepherd-farmers, whose
concern with whatever world lay beyond their village extended only as
far as a rocky stretch of upland pasture. And the younger two were about
to die of influenza in a matter of months. Yet they were to share with
the Queen of Heaven her most universal worries; and the surviving one of
them, Lucy, was to be the voice of a divine mercy and a divine justice,
more tender and more awful than our century could have imagined.
The mercy which Lucy dos Santos of Fatima was instructed to tell
about consisted in this: Sinful and apostate as men had become, they
could still ward off God’s wrath by returning devoutly to Our Lord in
Holy Communion, saying the Rosary, doing acts of penance and sacrifice,
and dedicating themselves to a little-known and challenging Catholic
devotion, the Immaculate Heart of Mary. There was one further condition.
Russia must also be consecrated, simultaneously by the Pope and all the
bishops of the world, to the Immaculate Heart.
* * * * *
This May thirteenth marks the fortieth anniversary of Our Lady of
Fatima’s coming. And her conditions of mercy, all of them, are yet to be
met. It is therefore not surprising that her consequent justice is so
oppressively upon us.
That justice, says Lucy, was explained to her in Our Blessed Mother’s
following words. “If my requests are heard, Russia will be converted
and there will be peace. If not, she will spread her errors throughout
the entire world, fomenting wars and persecutions of the Church. ”
Were Lucy, at the age of ten, puzzled at what Our Lady meant by the
“errors” of Russia, there would have been few in all of Europe to whom
she could have turned in 1917 for an explanation. The Russian errors
were then only beginning to assert themselves on the world’s stage. 1917
was, indeed, to be the big year for them — the big year for both of
them, for they were two.
And while these two were familiarly and conveniently called Russian
errors, it must be remembered that they were Russian with reservation.
By no means were they errors of the Russian people, propagated by them
and bearing endemic Russian birthmarks. They were, rather, locationally
Russian. Russia was the place where, predictably, they first held forth.
For Russia, at the time, was the chief populational home of world Jewry
— and these two were errors of the Jews, preached by Jews, and
everywhere taken to be Jewish. Their 1917 names were Bolshevism and
Zionism, though the former, as is the fashion with Jews, was pleased to
be known by more than one name, and has made its subsequent reputation
as Communism.
A recent book by a former London Times correspondent
provides this neat summary of the pair. “These two beanstalks, though
neither is Russian, sprang from a common root in Russia. Before the
first war they germinated in the cellars and ghettos of Russia. They
appeared above ground in 1917, when the alien Communists were helped to
usurp power in Russia and the Zionist ambition was espoused by the
British government.” (Somewhere South of Suez, Devin-Adair, New York, 1951)
A report by another London Times correspondent, published
less than two years after the Fatima apparitions, bore further witness
to the ghetto origins of Communism. In the issue of March 29, 1919, the
third of a series of Times’ “Bolshevist Portraits” began: “One
of the most curious features of the Bolshevist movement is the high
percentage of non-Russian elements amongst its leaders. Of the twenty or
thirty commissaries who provide the central machinery of the Bolshevist
movement, not less than seventy-five per cent are Jews … while amongst
the minor Soviet officials the number is legion.”
To cite a further, and Catholic, statement of the Jewishness of
Russia’s Communism, we quote briefly from that late giant of English
Catholic letters, Hilaire Belloc. One of his most telling broadsides
against Communism was the following which appeared in his book, The Jews
(Houghton Mifflin and Company, Boston, 1923): “The Bolshevist movement
was a Jewish movement … its agents, directors and masters were seen to
be a close corporation of Jews with only a few non-Jewish hangers-on
(each of these controlled by Jews through one influence or another).”
* * * * *
From the very moment that the sixth and final apparition at Fatima
faded into the October sky, the twin errors of Communism and Zionism
leaped forward, as it were, unleashed. Within a month, the government of
the proud Russian Empire had effectively fallen before the plots of a
roomful of Communist revolutionaries. And at the other end of Europe,
the Holy Land itself was being promised to the Russian Zionist leader,
Chaim Weizmann, by no less an authority than His Majesty’s Government at
London. This English promise, called the Balfour Declaration, was dated
November 2, 1917. The final message at Fatima was not yet three weeks
Forty years later, the fantastic picture is this: Communism sits as
the absolute lord of the East, with an empire stretching from Berlin to
the China Sea, dominating one quarter of the land area of the world, and
a third of the world’s people. Zionism, on the Western hand, stands
arrogantly astride the remainder of the world’s powers, with every major
head-of-state a self-professed defender of Zionism, every major city a
Zionist fund-raising headquarters, and every major Western nation in
sustained peril of seeing the cream of its youth killed-off to
perpetuate the Zionist state in Palestine.
* * * * *
Spectacular as these political considerations are, however, they have
been eclipsed in Catholic minds by the horrors which have beset the
Church since Fatima. Nothing more pointedly reflects the Jewish
inspiration of Communism and Zionism than the vengeance with which they
have attacked Our Lord in His Mystical Body.
The number of Catholics slaughtered, altars desecrated, priests
imprisoned and nuns violated by the Communists, extends into millions.
The mere words Mexico, Spain, Poland, and Hungary are labels for the
blackest memories of the past forty years. Even now, the Catholics of
Eastern Europe, as many as remain, live a sustained crucifixion. In
Czechoslovakia, for just one example, there are thirteen archbishops and
bishops in Communist jails; seminaries and schools are boarded up;
convents and monasteries have been confiscated; 5,000 Czech priests,
nuns, and brothers who refused to compromise their Faith now serve as
slave-laborers in mines and factories.
Zionism’s attack has been even more bold. It set its sights on no
less a target than Our Lord’s own Holy Land. And once it got a foothold,
the most ancient of Catholic shrines were splintered into trophies for
the Jewish marauders. Desecrations of the most unprintably obscene kind
were devised for such hallowed places as the Cenacle, the upper room
where Our Lord, on the first Holy Thursday, instituted the Blessed
And at no time was the enmity between Zionism and the Mother of God
made more dramatically unforgettable than when the Benedictine Church of
the Dormition, built on the spot where Our Blessed Lady died, was
converted by the vengeful Jews into a dance hall for the soldiers of the
Zionist state.
* * * * *
Still, for all its ferocity, the clash between the Mother of God and
the Jewish twins, Communism and Zionism, is but one campaign in a
greater, deeper, and more abiding struggle. “I will put enmities between
thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed,” God said to Satan after
Adam’s fall (Gen. 3:1 5). And at the same time as He declared war
between His Mother and the Devil, and between her children and his
agents, God also disclosed how the war would end: “She shall crush thy
head,” He told Satan, “and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel.”
Eventually, Our Lady must tread upon Communism and Zionism as she
must prevail over every stratagem of the Devil and his army. Indeed,
this final victory was plainly promised at Fatima. “In the end,” Our
Lady told the three children, “my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The
Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, which will be converted, and
some time of peace will be given to the world.”
But before anyone relaxes into a state of blissful stagnation, he
should note that this assurance of Russia’s turning away from the Jews
and into the Catholic Church is an ultimate prospect: “In the end … ” Our Lady said.
As to what storms we can expect before this concluding calm, the
Mother of God has given a severe forecast. Unless her requests are
heeded, she told the Fatima children, Russia “will spread its errors
throughout the entire world, fomenting wars and persecutions of the
Church. The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have to suffer
much, various nations will be annihilated.”
It is evident, from the religious, cultural, and moral chaos which
the world has embraced, that the warnings of Fatima are being ignored.
It is also evident that the world now has weapons with which it may
scourge itself out of existence. The stark terror induced by these
weapons is accentuated for many by the knowledge that there is in the
keeping of the Bishop of Leiria, in Portugal, a sealed letter, given him
by Lucy dos Santos, which is to be opened in 1960. This letter contains
the final “secret” of Fatima — the one part of the apparition still to
be revealed.
But whatever this last word from Our Lady of Fatima may be (who, in
previously-published words foretold the coming of World War II), we have
already been shown what is our one refuge.
“God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate
Heart.” That was the thunderous ultimatum which the Queen of Heaven
entrusted, just forty years ago, to three quiet children on a quiet hill
in Portugal. Only by complying with it can we smash the
Communist-Zionist machine. Diplomatic conferences cannot do it; nor
guided-missile defenses; nor billion-dollar programs of foreign aid and
propaganda. Only one remedy can save the world from the hell it is
facing both here and hereafter: devotion to the Immaculate Heart of
Mary: true devotion, flowering in the one true Faith.
I've been reading your
materials and watching your videos for a few months. I'm still making up my mind
but I am increasingly learning that the Sedevacantist position is the only sane
& rational one. To wit, I attended a Vatican II 'mass' tonight. I didn't take
'Communion' I simply attended to see if what you claim is true. Not that I doubt
you but I am something of a Doubting Thomas -- seeing is believing. Well, you
were proven 100% correct on ALL accounts. The 'altar' looked like a Masonic
Lodge (presider chairs, a table instead of an altar, the 'tabernacle' off to the
side) there were women involved and all over the 'altar'. Not to mention most of
the women attending 15-30 years of age were dressed VERY immodestly as were some
of the men. I'd never seen so many Hawaiian shirts, shorts and the like outside
of a casual Friday day at the office. The homily of the priest was almost
straight out of Manly P. Hall. The 'priest' -- who looked old enough to have
been ordained before Vatican II -- actually used the term 'Cosmic Christ' and
held it up as a 'catholic' belief not to mention extolling the 'virtues' of
Socialism and Communism - just not the atheistic Soviet model. The whole service
seemed hollow, tepid yet insidious. I'll never attend another 'mass' at that
church or any other.
MHFM: Yes, it’s crucial
that you never go to the New Mass again. We recommend that you continue to look
over the material, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day, and pray the Hail
Mary frequently. In addition to the
videos that explain how this situation was prophesied, we recommend that you
watch some of the key foundational videos on each of the antipopes. They demonstrate what complete and total
apostates they were. We will list a
few of those videos below. We also
have sections in writing on those issues.
Generally speaking, once people grasp what utter apostates and non-Catholics the
Vatican II antipopes are – once they see the overwhelming evidence of their
heresies and apostasy, which is in our material – the true position becomes
quite obvious. The problem with many people is that they
lack the grace or attention span to even look at the evidence against the
Vatican II antipopes, and they remain in the Counter Church or in false
positions as a result. We also
recommend that you consult our material on the heresies of Vatican II.
10 May, 2022
Venom or not, Dr Ardis has a very interesting tale to tell.

Q&A With Brother Nathaniel
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