Sunday, April 17, 2022

Covid 19 Virology Fraud explained in 19 minutes Sunday 17 April, 2022 Easter Sunday


Covid 19 Virology Fraud explained in 19 minutes


 Covid 19 Virology Fraud Exposed in 19 Minutes

The average adult human loses between 50 and 70 billion cells each day due to apoptosis, meaning the natural progamed death of old cells

This strawberry when slit open can represent the single human cell showing microbes, proteins and parts within the cell

Our bodies bacteria and microzyma eat all of the dead cell debris, and the body expels whatever they don't eat through the various excretory organs, skin, lungs. liver and kidneys


 Germs and bacteria are dead cell eaters

Viruses are nothing more than dead cell debris

Virologists observed in the late 1960s that when certain cells die either naturally or by being poisoned in a petri dish the surface proteins morphed into spike proteins, which they called virions, and the bulbous surface reminded them of the sun's solar corona or halo, so they named this a corona virus



 The virus (squashed strawberry) did not kill this cell (strawberry), as it was already dying of necrosis from the moment it was picked from the nourishing vine, and it was given the finishing blow to destroy it. This virus ( the squashed strawberry) is neither harmful or contagious, it is simply dead cell debris

The internal bacteria inside of the cell start to grow and eat the dead cell debris.  They do not come from the atmosphere.  They come from inside of the dying cell, germs, dead cell debris eaters




The early pioneers of virology, noticed that they always found these bacteria and germs in the tissue samples of people who had died or suffered from a disease, and they just assumed they must have been the cause of the disease, since they were always there.  They didn't yet notice the bacteria were coming from inside the dying cells themselves, no different from noticing the rooster crows just before the sun arises, and assuming that rooster crowing must cause the sun to rise.



The bogus germ theory of disease was born and soon a billion multi dollar a year pharmaceutical industry was born, selling people endless snake oil cold and flu medications, antibiotics, vaccinations and surgical procedures to remove excretory organs, in the name of protecting us from these harmless germs.



Some virologists are brain washed in their alopathic Medical Schools and just not clever people.




 Others know the truth, and are just plain frauds living off the cash cow.

But here's what they are doing in a nut shell

They take a sample of sputum or snot, which is nothing more than the dead rotting flesh or cellular debris from the billions of human and bacteria cells that die every day inside our bodies and are being excreted by the lungs as well as the other excretory  organs, which is why we find the different viruses in the different excretory organs, like the smashed strawberry virus, then they mix those cells in a petri dish tissue culture with the sick dying cells of monkey kidney tissue, like this dying pineapple, and then add some other sick tissue, like cancerous alveolar A549 cells from human lungs with cancer.

Then they add dying cells from sick calf and bovine, just like this dying lettuce.   And so you are left with this genetic soup blend of all sorts of dying cellular debris and genetic material from various sources.

Then, virologists starve that soup of random genetic human bacterial, cow, monkey kidney and lung cancer cells and tissue of all nutrients to kill and deteriorate them even faster, just like picking the strawberry off its nourishing vine, and they poison it with known tissue killing and deteriorating substances like gentamicin and amphotericin,

and lo and behold, as the nutrients, starvation and poisons deteriorate the cells, the internal bacteria arrive to eat the debris and  the cell proteins dissolve into spike proteins with the corona crown looking bubbles, and the virologists say ... Oh, my Goodness! There it is....the virus!  We can see it now!

Virologists never see these spike proteins before they starve and poison the cells, so sometimes they even add a protein dissolving enzyme, like trypsin, which doesn't dissolve the cells protein coating evenly, and thus leaves the appearance of spike protein

Virologists claim that the full genome sequence for one of these alleged viruses should be 30,000 nucleotide base pairs long, but how would they know?   They have never once taken a snot sample, isolated a full genomic virus organism from it, nor have they ever down that by taking their usual genetic soup mix of human snot, monkey, cow and lung cancer tissue that they've poisoned with enzymes and chemicals, and isolated an actual virus organism out of that, with the fully 30,000 base pair sequence, because they can't, because there is no virus organism to isolate.

A virus is just broken down, partial fragments of cellular genetic material

Virus = Dead Cell Debris

Since there is no 30,000 base pair virus organism, in broken down subatomic particle debris, they have to design a fraudulent PCR test which is not looking for any such thing in your snot sample, but rather smaller broken down genetic fragment  primer sequences of 18 - 300 base pairs long out oif 30,000 that are found in nearly anything and everything like 90 known genetic sequences


and 92 known animal and bacterial genetic sequences, which is why we see Covid 19 positive tests on kiwis, goats, birds etc ...motor oil, Spanish river water, blue berries and now tap water. 

Geneticists and bacteriologists both us the Sanger and the Maxam Gilbert  methods to isolate other smaller than cell sized micro particles and organisms, like bacteriophage, bacteria and even tiny little exosomes to map out their full genetic sequences, but since viruses are fictional, make believe organisms, virologists have to invent a make believe full genome in a computer, witch they call an in Silico genome, like this paper, in Silico based full genome phylogenetical analysis of SARS Cov 2.

In Silico means in a computer simulation, virtual reality, fabricated, make believe, fictional, completely made up or simply imaginary. You would be understandably frightened if fireologists told you an in silico fire was raging down your street, and heading towards your house, until you go outside and see there is no fire, because it is an imaginary computer simulated in silico fire, just like Covid 19 is an in silico virus.

Virologists took the genetic snot soup sample from a sick person in a  Wuhan hospital with atypical pneumonia.  They built an in silico virus genome in their computer using a blast tool, mixing the previous in silico imaginary sequences of SARS Wuhan -Hu-1 and Bat corona virus RatG 13, and then they told the computer to rearrange that sick person's genetic snot soup sample until it matched the new SARS2 sequence their computer made up.

If you wanted to, you could tell the blast tool to put in the genetic sequence of a banana, and the computer would rearrange anybody's genetic snot soup fragments until they matched the full banana genome.

Since no two people on earth have the same exact genetic fragments floating around in their snot, every time you tell the computer to rearrange someone's snot, into the made up in silico Covid 19 genome template, the computer will have to do a slightly differently than the original Wuhan person, making errors and having to fill in the blanks along the way, and they call this Virus Mutations, showing us brainwashed imbeciles wearing hazmat suits to protect them from an in silico computer glitch!

Variations or mutated strains and scare you into taking endless injections each year to protect you from the newest deadly make believe in silico mutation.

Selling people Fire Insurance for make believe fires.

Ask yourself this.   Would you inject yourself with your grandma's old rotting kidney tissue to make you immune from catching her old age?  Would you inject yourself with a teenager's pus filled acne to make you immune from catching his acne?   Then why would you inject yourself with chemically poisoned rotting flesh from sick from sick dying monkey kidneys and sick cows, as well as somebody's lung cancer cells to make you immune from poisoning your own cells to death through your own lifestyle choices, diet, stressful mindset, environmental toxins, because that injection is exactly what a vaccine is, but you have a live virus vaccine, you say?  

Sure, viruses are dead cell debris, not living cell debris.   So not only do they inject you with starved and poisoned to death rotting human cancer cells, dead rotting cow cells, and dead rotting chimpanzee kidney cells like this AstraZenica Covid 19 insert 




shows, but they also mix that dead rotting flesh with the dying but still slightly alive tissue of a genetically modified human fetuses embryonic kidney tissue, and now you have a live virus in you as well!   Why not cut out the middle man and just stat eating dead babies for health. 




Now some people might be appalled by that statement, and yet are not appalled by walking out of a clinic with a sticker on their shirt that proudly says "I just injected aborted fetal kidney tissue into my bloodstream for no beneficial reason."  What's the difference?

Dr Tom Cowan

Dr Stefan Lanka, virologist

The Hidden Dangers of Polio Vaccine.

Chapter 10. the Poisoned Needle, 1956- Eleanor McBean M.D. N.D.

All attempts to prove the Germ Theory have failed


such as bacteria, virus, protozoa, or fungi. The diseases are caused by the growth and replication of microorganisms. The germ theory of disease was devised by Louis Pasteur, who is famously known for cholera, anthrax and rabies vaccine as well as originating the process of pasteurization.


You are now immune forever from Covid 19 and all other contagious viruses, because you cannot catch something that does not exist


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