Did The Bible Predict 70 years Without a Pope?
This is one of the most important videos we have ever published. We hope that people watch it and share it.
St. Paul's First Epistle to the Thessalonians:
4:12 And we will not have you ignorant, brethren, concerning them that are asleep, that you be not sorrowful, even as others who have no hope.
4:13 For if we believe that Jesus died, and rose again; even so
them who have
slept through Jesus, will God bring with him.
4:14 For this we say unto you in the word of the Lord, that we
who are alive,
who remain unto the coming of the Lord, shall not prevent them who
have slept.
4:15 For the Lord himself shall come down from heaven with
commandment, and
with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God: and
the dead who
are in Christ, shall rise first.
4:16 Then we who are alive, who are left, shall be taken up
together with them
in the clouds to meet Christ, into the air, and so shall we be
always with the
4:17 Wherefore, comfort ye one another with these words.
Antipope Francis cracks down on the "Latin Mass" in the Vatican II Sect - 35 second video
Antipope Francis Cracks Down On the Latin Mass
Francis Attacks The Latin Mass- The Big Picture
Germs and Viruses - Things You Need to Know
Viruses Do Not Exist
Bishop Sanborn And John Salsa are Totally Wrong on Manifest Heresy
Francis Contradicts God and St Pius V on Homosexuality Laws
Joe Biden given ashes - In excellent standing with the Vatican II Sect - not the Catholic Church - 39 sec vid
Pro Abortion Biden Celebrates Ash Wednesday
If COVID -19 Does Not Exist, What is Making People Sick? - Dr. Sam Bailey, MD
Watch the full video on....This is my YouTube Trailer of the video: What Is Making People Sick.
To watch the full video click here 👉https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/wha...
What does the "The Emperor has No Clothes" mean?
This is a reference to a fairy tale called The Emperor’s New Clothes. In it, the emperor is a vain man overly concerned with his clothes spending a lot of money on them.
Two con men come to town and offer to make the best clothing ever with special properties that make the clothes invisible to those unfit for their job or those that are stupid. The emperor hires them but they make nothing at all. As people come to check on the progress they see nothing but fear they must be stupid or unfit for they job so they shower it with praise.
The emperor finally comes to see the progress and is equally afraid to admit he see’s nothing. The entire kingdom eventually praises the clothing and how magnificent it is. Upon it’s completion and unveiling in the town square only a child speaks out that the emperor is wearing no clothes. Everyone finally admits they see nothing either including the emperor. The lie is exposed. The emperor now is forced to pretend to march around with no clothes parading as if he does.
The lesson is that the fear of consequences will often lead people to publicly agree to things they don’t believe in for a variety of reasons. Furthermore, the “emperor” will always proudly continue the lie despite his own knowledge of the truth and being publicly outed. It is easier and less painful to tell a few more lies and look foolish than to admit being foolish.
We see ridiculous art like a picture of a soup can and hail it as genius because 4 snooty art critics said it was and we don’t want to seem uncultured. Evidence proves a politician innocent of something and yet the opposition continues to press the disproven narrative
Traditional Latin Mass - Fr. Gommar De Pauw
Feast of the Presentation of the BVM ( Salve Sancte Parens ) Mass of the Common of the BVM - 21 November
Ave Maria Chapel (CTM) - 1986
26 February, 2023. 1st Sunday of Lent
The Jewish Peril & The Catholic Church
The Jewish Peril & The Catholic Church
East Palestine, Ohio Train Disaster - A Planned Event?
East Palestine, Ohio Train Disaster
Dioxin Antidote -The Health Ranger Mike Adams
The Truth About What Happened to The Catholic Church After Vatican II [audio program 1 and audio program 2]
The Truth about What Really Happened to the Catholic Church after Vatican II Audio Program, Part 1, Part 2 [Audios]