False Traditionalists: Reaping What They Have Sown
"This is Brother Peter Dimond, vaticancatholic.com
In Galatians 6:7, we read, "Do not be deceived. God is not mocked. For whatsoever a man sows, that also will he reap."
What we are seeing right now, with the false traditionalists and their consternation about antipope Francis, is that they are 'reaping what they have sown'.
When we use the term false traditionalists, we usually refer to people who purport to be Catholic and have some problems with the teaching of Vatican II and/or the post-Vatican II sect, but obstinately maintain in the face of the facts, that Francis and the other antipopes are true popes.
Make no mistake about it, they are in complete terror at this time. They recognize that Francis is openly promoting a new religion, that he unabashedly endorses the worst kind of sin and indifferentism, and that he repeatedly repudiates any necessity to accept Christ and the Catholic faith. They are horrified and don't know what to do. They don't see any hope and rightfully so. They only see things getting worse from here. Their entire reality as so-called traditionalists or conservative Catholics is coming crashing down, but they are only reaping what they have sown.
For years we've proven that the Vatican Ii claimants are definitely not Catholic popes, but invalid antipopes. They were heretics at the time of their "election" and thus were not validly elected, and this entire situation was clearly prophesied as part of the great apostasy.
We also proved in detail with irrefutable arguments that it's incompatible with Catholic teaching on the papacy and the Magisterium, to hold that the men who officially approved the the false doctrines of Vatican II could possess authority as Catholic popes.
However, since many false traditionalists rejected the facts or ignored them and "received not the love of the truth," and served men instead of God, they are now left in a truly hopeless and devastating state and situation.
For example, in the past we proved that both John Paul II and Benedict XVI rejected the necessity for non-Catholics to convert.
As our videos and books documented, John Paul II approved multiple agreements with schismatics that declared unity to be neither absorption nor fusion, Benedict XVI, on World Youth day 2005 told Protestants that he rejects the ecumenism of the return, the notion that non-Catholics need to deny and reject their own faith history.
The meaning of those acts, we demonstrated was that non-Catholics don't need to convert and that's formal heresy. In addition to their many other heresies, that heresy proved that they were definitely not popes. They could not be true popes. They were not Catholic, yet many did not listen and many didn't care. Many ignored the points, many lied about them, and many attempted unsuccessfully to explain them away.
As a punishment, now they have Francis who is simply saying the same thing, he's teaching the same heresy, but much more openly, much more frequently without the slightest attempt at subterfuge. The heresy of John Paul II and Benedict XVI is now the official and accepted policy of the Vatican II sect under Francis.
Indeed, in just a few months Francis has already repudiated converting non-Catholics, approximately ten different times.
So what the false traditionalists first ignore or deny it existed, or minimized or tried to explain away, namely the heresy of John Paul II and Benedict XVI on this point, is now the official, 'in your face' policy of their sect under Francis, and there is no escape from it! They're reaping what they have sown!
The false traditionalists can see at least some of the 'handwriting on the wall'; they now realize things under Francis and the Vatican Ii sect aren't turning back or even remaining static. No, they are getting even more liberal, even more hostile to tradition, and even more openly non-Catholic.
It's now beginning to dawn on their darkened minds that the Vatican II sect will never turn back from Vatican II or its modernism, indifferentism, fake ecumenism and impiety.
The sect you now see, is the sect you will see going forward. It will continue full speed ahead to its destruction.
In the short time that remains for the world, the horrors of the post Vatican II period will only be more fully implemented with a few traces of incomplete tradition that remain in part of it, eventually eradicated, in an entity that knows nothing of the pre-Vatican Church.
True Catholics who recognize that Francis is an antipope, know why this is occurring; it poses no problem for us, we recognize the obvious. We're at the end of the Great Apostasy and the End of the World, and the true Church exists only in the remnant of traditional Catholics. That's why the horrors of the Vatican II sect, the prophesied 'whore of Babylon' are now fully unmasked, and the situation will not be reversed until Christ returns.
But the false traditionalists who must look to the Vatican II sect, as it currently is, as the representative and the authority of Catholicism going forward, can only stare hopelessly into a bottomless pit of doctrinal and moral horror.
Many of them took Benedict XVI's bait with his lure of the Latin Mass and they remained dedicated to and enthusiastic about the already apostate Vatican II sect as a consequence, and before they knew it, they woke up in a body that's still apostate, but no longer even friendly to their cherished externals with the "canonization" of antipope John Paul II looming.
As an example, Francis recently cracked down on a novus ordo religious community, the so-called Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, a group which accepts the errors of Vatican II, but simply enjoys some aspects of the traditional Mass.
Francis' sect is so concerned about this communities interest in the traditional Mass, that his representatives actually shut down their seminary, and moved their Superior. He also forbade certain publications affiliated with the group, steps that are almost unimaginable in a Vatican II sect which currently embraces abortion supporters, atheists and sodomites.
The false traditionalists are horrified, perplexed and dismayed about how this could possibly happen. 'Why', they are asking, would their leaders take swift and decisive action only against a group that is somewhat interested in the traditional Mass?
'Why,,' they lament, are those supposedly dedicated to the well-being and edification of the Church, that is, Francis' representatives doing such a thing? 'Why', they complain, can't Francis and his representatives, see that the continuation of those modernist policies only serve to damage rather than build up the Church?
To which we respond: 'Are you so blind, false traditionalists, that you cannot see that Francis and his minions don't care at all about the Catholic faith? Have you not yet figured out that they are thoroughly wicked and unbelieving heretics? What do you expect from Satan's instruments and representatives who are used by him not for good, but to implement evil and heresy?
How have you failed to recognize the distinct features of a false Church of invalid authority and of false shepherds in what they disp;ay and roll out every day?
No, we should not feel sorry for the false traditionalists or the community that's being persecuted under Francis. They're 'reaping what they have sown.'
We truly hope they convert to the full Catholic faith and not just a rejection of antipope Francis, but what they are experiencing now, the dismay, the disappointment, the horror, the recognition that they are indeed living under and within a complete fraud, is a microcosm, a foretaste of what they will experience at their judgements if they don't convert; they will realize how they lied, how they ignored what really matterd, how they downplayed the significance of the doctrinal offences, which now, as we can see, were quite important; how they sugar-coated the truth in order to please friends and colleagues; how they were more concerned about externals than substance; how they failed to accept and tell the truth as it is, and how they didn't serve God alone.
They will then realize that they acted in fraud, lived under a fraud, and perpetrated a fraud. They will accept their condemnation, but God gives them a foretaste of that now, with all the disappointments that antipope Francis' sect brings.
We hope more people see the truth and recognize the peace, the security, the power and the consistency of the uncompromising Catholic faith, the only true faith even in the world's darkest days."
Hine e Hine
Princess Te Rangi Pai
E tangi ana koe
Hine, e hine!
E ngenge ana Koe
Hine, e hine!
Am F E7
Kati to pouri ra
Am F E7
Noho i te aroha
Te ngahau o te Matua
Hine, e hine!
E Hari to moe moea
Hine, e hine!
Marama ahua
Hine, e hine!
Am F E7
I roto I to moenga
Am F E7
Mehemea he Marama
Ka tae mai te Reinga
Hine, e hine!
'We're all going to be exposed' - woman launches petition to stop 5G in Mangawhai
A Northland woman who's started a petition to her local council against the rollout of 5G in her community says the more she researched possible effects of cellphone towers and 5G radiation on health the more horrified she became.
Currently New Zealand is on 4G. 5G coming soon promises better, faster broadband, but will need more cell sites, Seven Sharp reported.
Concerns about increased radiation from proposed towers in her home town of Mangawhai, north of Auckland, have got Lis Martinac, a mother of three, delivering anti 5G fliers to her neighbours.
Ms Martinac has started an online petition headed "Stop 5G in Mangawhai" to the Kaipara District Council.
She said her concerns about increased radiation from proposed towers in Mangawhai were sparked by a post on social media.
"Originally I saw a post on Facebook, as you do. And to be honest, I researched further because I wanted some sort of assurance that this post wasn't true, that it was false information. And the more I researched it, the more horrified I became," she said.
"I'm concerned that we're all going to be exposed to this new technology that's been untested, 24 hours a day."
The petition, which had more than 700 signatures last night, states, "5G will massively increase the microwave and millimeter wave radiation in our environment. It will also use new frequencies that are not evaluated by experts independent from industry as to their safety."
Ms Martinac is not alone in her concerns. 5G tests were been stopped in Brussels, Belgium in April because of anti-radiation laws.
However, some say health concerns over 5G are nothing more than a Russian conspiracy.
A New Zealand tech expert who works in PR, Paul Brislen, has been following the growth of what The New York Times says is a Russian government-led attack on 5G.
"There's a news outlet in the US called Russia Today America which seems to be pumping out quite a lot of stories about how dangerous 5G is, and about the risks. It doesn't seem to have any real basis in fact," Mr Brislen said.
He sees no concerns about the technology.
"5G is just an evolution of the networks we've already got today. So we're already well versed with how much energy they're putting out, the frequencies that are being used, all that kind of thing," he said.
Ms Martinac doesn't accept there's a conspiracy.
"No, I don't believe it is. We just want our health and safety assured," she said.
_________________________Project Veritas Update: |
Censorship Gone Wild
Kurt R. Haskell News & Opinion Blog - 3 April, 2019
Today, I received the following email from New Zealand:
Hi there,
In its role under the Harmful Digital Communications Act 2015 Netsafe receives reports of content online which is causing harm to New Zealanders, this includes objectionable material. We have had a report that footage of the Christchurch shootings has been shared on your site on the following URL:
The footage of this terrorist attack and the gunman’s manifesto has been classified objectionable in New Zealand by our Chief Censor and is therefore illegal. We politely request that the offending material is removed.
Kind regards, Netsafe
Follow Netsafe on Facebook
Netsafe / 0508 638 723 / www.netsafe.org.nz Our helpline is open from 8am until 8pm Monday to Friday, and from 9am until 5pm on weekends and public holidays.
Yes, censorship is reaching absurd levels. I had to look up what Netsafe actually is.
"Netsafe is New Zealand's independent, non-profit online safety organisation."
So a non profit "safety" agency in New Zealand thinks it can dictate what I post to my website in Costa Rica. Please. By the way, what exactly is unsafe with the Christchurch hoax video?
This garbage organization even dared to tell me that posting the Christchurch video and manifesto is illegal! Ahahahahaha. Little does this trash organization know that they are dealing with an attorney who doesn't fall for nonsensical legal threats. If this organization thinks I did something wrong, then it should send someone from New Zealand to arrest me. Maybe I should ask the "Chief Censor" is such global arrests are in his budget.
Anyway, you can see the absurdity here. My website is not even two months old and my following is not yet large. Yet, New Zealand, a little country across the world, thinks it can tell me what I can post. Even worse, it has the time to target small websites like mine.
The truth is, the New Zealand "Chief Censor" is worried that people that watch the Christchurch video in detail will realize it was a hoax. Absolutely zero people were killed in the Christchurch hoax. The video was badly botched. Therefore, the Chief Censor thinks he can wipe the video out across the Internet. With the censorship attempts from Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. things are reaching critical levels. Now we have small countries that think they can censor the entire internet.
I started writing a very condescending response to this email from Netsafe. Then I reconsidered and decided to not waste my time. Netsafe knows what it's doing is wrong and an email from me won't change that. Netsafe is beholden to the globalists that fund its "non profit" efforts. The only people that want us to not expose fake events are those that pull them off. Therefore, we know who funds Netsafe. I think I'll pass on following Netsafe on Facebook. It's just not my kind of organization.
Kurt R. Haskell - News & Opinion Blog
Yep, Brenton Tarrant is a Mossad Agent
March 19, 2019
I posted the other day about why I thought the New Zealand false flag shooting was a Zionist controlled operation. Now there is a little more evidence to back up that conclusion.
First of all, let's talk about all of the lovely places Tarrant recently visited:
North Korea
and Israel
among others
Come on now. Who would visit such places on vacation? Should we believe he wanted to hang out a few days with Kim Jong Un? He also spent 43 days relaxing (or working?) in Turkey just before the uprising, which attempted to overthrow Erdogan.
"The terrorist had entered Turkey in 2016. I believe he spent about 43 days in the country. Now police are trying to find out what he was doing in this country but we can tell from the manifesto that he was very interested in President Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan, there could have been an assassination plot maybe," said Yusuf Erim.
Remember, this a man that hates Muslims! So the fact that he would spend 6 weeks in Turkey is a little far fetched unless he was there working on "something".
Did I also mention that Tarrant is Jewish? (see below). How many mainstream media outlets have described Tarrant as the Jewish shooter that killed 50 Muslims? My guess would be somewhere between 0 and 0.
Oh yes, Tarrant also visited Israel for 9 days in 2016.
"A senior Israeli immigration official said Brenton Tarrant arrived in the country from Turkey on October 25 using his Australian passport, Channel 13 reported.
Tarrant was granted a 90-day tourist visa, and left the country nine days later."
Why would Tarrant visit Israel immediately after he was in Turkey for the failed coup attempt in 2016? Remember, Tarrant wasn't in Israel causing trouble. According to his manifesto, he doesn't mind Jews as long as they stay in their own country.
Therefore, we can determine the following things:
1) Tarrant likely wasn't visiting North Korea for fun (nobody does).
2) Tarrant wasn't visiting Pakistan for fun (he hates Muslims).
3) Tarrant was likely somehow related to the attempted coup on Erdogan.
4) Tarrant's visit to Israel likely wasn't for fun either. Tarrant (doesn't mind) Jews who stay in their own country. Therefore, he doesn't want to be by Jews. Further, the timing of his visit to Israel is suspect as it's just after the Erdogan coup attempt.
5) Tarrant is Jewish and not white.
Thus, Tarant, as I suspected, is very likely an Israeli Mossad agent.
More From Kurt R. Haskell on False Flag/Hoax Events
The Rise of the Social Justice Warrior Hoax
February 19, 2019
If anyone ever wanted proof that hoaxes are, in fact, taking place, they only need to look into the details of the Jussie Smollett case. Smollett, a Hollywood actor, reported to Chicago police that he was attacked on January 29th by two white men yelling racial and homophobic slurs as well as yelling "this is MAGA country". He further explained that the two assailants wore MAGA ( Make America Great Again) hats during the assault, poured bleach on Smollett and put a noose around Smollett's neck.
To those of us familiar with hoaxes and false flag events, the detail of the MAGA hats reportedly worn by the assailants set off red flags. It made me recall the images of Andrew Pollack and his Trump 2020 shirt on the night of the Parkland event. Tying negative press to Trump is something that the string pullers/hoaxers frequently do. The MAGA hat is to false flags/hoaxes during the Trump administration as the found ISIS flag in the terrorist vehicle was during the Obama administration.
Things soon progressed in the hoax direction when keen observers released the Subway sandwich Smollett was holding during the attack was never dropped or torn apart. Unless Smollett ordered super glue as one of his sub's toppings, the sub remaining intact through this type of attack is unlikely. Smollett then refused to turn over his phone to the police and the plot thickened. Later, the two attackers were found and turned out to be..........Africans from Nigeria. In order to not be charged with battery, the Nigerians spilled the beans on Smollett. They told the police how they were extras on and met Smollett on his show Empire.
They further told the police that the event was a HOAX and they were paid $7000 to be involved. Further, they explained how they had practiced the event with Smollett. Meanwhile, Smollett has hired an attorney, isn't talking and is nowhere to be seen.
After the January 29 attack, the mainstream media blew up with this story. Smollett, by being a gay and African American checks two boxes on the social justice bonus points checklist. Once you add in that Smollett was also an attack victim and such attack was done by Trump supporters, two more social justice warrior boxes were checked. This event then became an almost perfect event to propagandize the social justice warrior cause. Smollett, if the event had been believed, would have been Godlike to the sjw's and his status would have been as untouchable as that of Jews after World War II. Before things unraveled, presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Cory Booker publicized the event as a hate crime. To this day, even after the facts are out, Harris and Booker refuse to take back their pro Smollett rhetoric.
When asked about this event a few hours ago, Harris was speechless and for good reason.
While Harris and Booker seem unrelated to this hoax, I strongly suspect they are not. Smollett is very involved in Democratic politics and pictures of him can be seen all over the internet with various powerful Democratic politicians, including Obama. Harris and Booker are also two sponsors of a nonsensical, unneeded, race baiting anti lynching bill. Such bill passed the house last year but was not voted on in the senate. Now, with Smollett stating that a noose was placed around his neck, the anti lynching bill of Harris and Booker moves to the forefront. By the way, why would someone put a noose around your neck if they weren't going to pull it tight or hang you from a tree? Obviously, Smollett didn't fight off the two very muscular attackers African attempted (black on black) lynchers in order to stop his lynching. With a little critical thinking, the noose around Smollett's neck can be seen for what it really is, a staged prop to promote the anti lynching bill of Harris and Booker.
Why would Smollett, Harris and Booker get involved in this hoax? First of all, there have been rumors that Smollett would be written off of his show Empire. With this event, if it wasn't exposed as a hoax, Smollett would have risen to unheard of levels in social justice culture with four sjw boxes checked. Untold career opportunities would have arisen for Smollett. As for Harris and Booker, their sad acts could be spotted during the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings when all they could due was ask scripted, nonrelevant questions about nonsense. Neither has a viable presidential platform besides checking some sjw boxes. To have even the slightest chance of winning the presidential election, these two must use race baiting politics to the max, with hoaxes like this one. It was not a coincidence that this event took place in Chicago where Obama and Rahm Emmanuel hold considerable power to influence the police and the court system. The back up plan, which will now going into effect, will be to quietly sweep this event under the rug and keep it from being tied to Harris and Booker.
Sadly, what you see with this hoax is a very amateurish job. This hoax does not come close to rising to the level of the Sandy Hook shooting, the Boston Marathon bombing or the Parkland event. In addition, some of the main players, the Nigerians, have already started talking. Therefore, we must conclude it was pulled off with little planning, little budget, and without the help of any three letter agency. Likely, it was pulled off solely by hoaxers, Smollett, Harris and Booker. Look for many more of these racial type hoaxes leading up to the 2020 election to prop up Harris and Booker and their racial division, pro sjw strategies.
For those unfamiliar with the term 'social justice warrior,' I thought this was a pretty good definition:
Social justice warriors believe in an extreme left-wing ideology that combines feminism, progressivism, and political correctness into a totalitarian system that attempts to censor speech and promote fringe lifestyles while actively discriminating against men, particularly white men. They are the internet activist arm of Western progressivism that acts as a vigilante group to ensure compliance and homogeny of far left thought.
The true definition of SJW is up for debate, but most generally it has become a catch-all term that describes feminists and liberals who actively try to solve the perceived social injustices of modern society by organizing in online communities to disseminate propaganda, censor speech, and punish individuals by getting them terminated from their employment. They have also been successful at positioning themselves in the upper echelons of universities, media organizations, and tech companies.
Project Veritas Update: 12 July, 2019

I’ll make this quick – because I only have a minute.
I’m about to walk into the White House for their Social Media Summit. This is a historic day for our country and for Project Veritas.
You and I have been exposing bias in big tech for years. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, GOOGLE . . . our efforts are being noticed and recognized by President Trump. Today is the climax of our efforts.
It’s time to make it count.
You and I only have 24 hours to make every second count.
Please send your tax-deductible gift right away by clicking HERE.
I plan to talk to President Trump today and share our findings with him. He has to know what is going on inside Google.
Google is meddling in our elections – you and I must keep exposing them.
Be Brave!
More From Kurt R. Haskell
News & Opinion Blog - March 18, 2019
New Zealand Wants Your Guns to Protect the Soon Arriving Elites
With lightning speed and before the blood had dried from the Christchurch false flag shooting, New Zealand prime minister Jacinda Adern was already discussing changing laws to further restrict the purchase of guns.
It's almost as if this event was set up, in part, to cause a restriction on the purchase of guns in New Zealand. Wouldn't it instead be prudent to let the emotions settle down, let the facts get investigated and first have a rational discussion about whether the gun laws need to change at all before making such statements? Adern is obviously in on this scam and is likely being paid to push restrictions on guns in New Zealand. I don't find these statements surprising at all since the elites are planning on the island nation of New Zealand to be their bunker location when they are hunted down for their numerous crimes against humanity.
As such, look for New Zealand to pass very restrictive gun control laws (to protect the elites from vigilante justice). Also look for New Zealand to pass very restrictive immigration laws (to protect the elites from pesky, low class people).
Lastly, look for New Zealand to pass non extradition laws so the elites can't be extradited to face their crimes. After all, as we've seen from the Lori Loughlin case earlier in the week, money will buy almost anything. With the recent statements by Adern, it's obvious to me that she can be bought.
Kurt R. Haskell -News & Opinion Blog - March 24, 2019
The Muslim "Revenge" Attacks Just Keep Making the News
One of the goals of the New Zealand hoax is to create a race war between Muslims and whites to benefit their mutual enemy, the Zionists who create most of the hoaxes and false flag events. This goal is obvious if you read the manifesto of the New Zealand "perpetrator" Brenton Tarrant. In such manifesto, Tarrant goes on and on about various alt right talking points about the white race being eliminated and being taken over by minority groups.
Tarrant also goes on and on about being unhappy with the "Muslim invaders" and that somebody needs to do something about it (start a war?). However, when he talks about Jews he says that he is o.k. with them as long as they stay in their own country. Here is why this is laughable. Most on the alt right hate Jews. Although, they don't hate them for their daily interaction with them.
No, when people hate Jews it's because of the Zionists attempts to control the world through banking, fake news, attempts to have the US fight the enemies of Israel, attempts to influence elections, the influence of powerful groups such as AIPAC, the questionable facts relating to the Holocaust, etc. All of these reasons to hate the Zionists that control these items WILL STILL EXIST IF THE JEWS REMAIN IN ISRAEL! Thus, this explanation from Tarrant is disinfo, which directly points the finger at the Zionists as the creators of the manifesto.
I posted earlier how I believe the New Zealand hoax is just the beginning of this attempt by the Zionists to start a war between Muslims and whites. I believe we will see many more such hoaxes, false flags, fake news items in a further attempt to get this battle going. The New Zealand hoax was largely a failure on this point but that won't stop them. Note, we've now had three Muslim revenge type "attacks" this week.
The first attack took place in the Netherlands.
In this event, a Turkish Muslim shot people on a tram, killing 3 and wounding 5. But Kurt, how do we know this was fake news and not a real event? Well, because of this:
"According to local media the shooter shouted 'Allah Akbar' as he opened fire and that a note found in his car led investigators to initially believe a terrorist link."
Those that have followed my false flag analysis since 2009 know what Allah Akbar means. It means it's a false flag attack. What are the chance that every single Muslim attacker going back a decade says the exact same phrase as he's attacking? Somewhere between zero and zero.
Even if two or three had done so, it would be quite unusual. Note too that he "left a note", in other words, a short "manifesto" so they knew this was a terrorist attack and not an intrafamily squabble. Also, notice how the article references the New Zealand attack. Another clue is that the suspect was known to authorities. This is code for "He was working for us in exchange of not prosecuting him on the prior crime we caught him on"
Attack number two involved a Muslim man from Senegal setting a bus in Italy with 47 children on it on fire.
"The children, some of them tied up, were rescued through smashed windows at the back of the bus and no-one was badly hurt. Fourteen people suffered smoke inhalation.
The driver, a 47-year-old Italian citizen originally from Senegal, has been arrested."
"No-one will survive," the driver was alleged to have said.
Laughably, although the driver said no one will survive and tied up the children, nobody was seriously hurt. Once again note this:
"The suspect was known to police, having been previously convicted of assault and for driving while intoxicated, Alberto Nobili, head of counter-terrorism at the Milan public prosecutor's office, told a news conference."
I would like to know which charges the "perpetrator" had pending that he was let off of for participating in this hoax. If he really wanted to kill some children, it just wouldn't have been that difficult.
Next, we have today's news that numerous Muslims in Germany were arrested for planning an attack.
"The men had plotted to "kill as many 'non-believers' as possible" using a vehicle and guns, prosecutors said."
Of course, the fact that these "perpetrators" wanted to use a truck in the attack allows the media to discuss the hoax Berlin truck attack that I dissected back in 2016. As always, when an event refers back to other fake events, it is also likely that it is fake too. There have been many false flag attacks in Germany in recent years and the German government has been very helpful in covering them up.
I don't believe any of the above three attacks were planned by Muslims to attack non believers or for revenge. It's too convenient that all of these three events took place in the days following the New Zealand hoax. Such event, was set up in part to start a race war between Muslims and whites. The fuse has not yet been lit but there will be numerous attempts at doing so. The three events I discussed above are small and merely meant to keep the tension created from the New Zealand hoax going until a larger event takes place. Stay tuned.
Kurt R. Haskell - News & Opinion Blog - March 22, 2019
Tomorrow, March 22nd, is Ripe for a False Flag Event
Several things are coming to a head at the same time leading to a high probability of a false flag terrorist attack on March 22.
First of all, realize that 322 is the number of the infamous Skull and Bones secret society. Many of the world's most evil people, such as George Bush are members of such group. These people are into numerology and 322 is therefore, one of their most important numbers. Next, March 22 is also the culmination of the 3 day Satanic Feast of Pelusia where the Satanists (Zionists) celebrate fertility, love, war and sex.
Next we have the recent failed hoax of Christchurch, New Zealand, that needs to be swept under a rug. People are watching the sham video and realizing that it was a gun grab/censorship hoax. Although it was an obvious hoax, it was meant as the first step in starting a white versus Muslim race war. Such hoax was followed up with minor false flags where Muslims allegedly fought back in the Netherlands and in Italy. Next, we'll need another retaliation by white supremacists that is more believable.
Further, we have the Mueller report due out any day. Likewise, a false flag event will also be needed to sweep that nonsense under the rug. It can never be fully exposed to the normies that the Democrats/Deep State/Zionists/Clintons broke the law and created this entire fake Russian collusion narrative. They did so to hide their pedophilia and child trafficking that was exposed in the hacked Podesta emails. The narrative needed to be changed from "what was in the emails" to "who stole the emails".
In 2016, the Satanists (Zionists) celebrated Pelusia with a false flag attack on the Brussels airport. Then, they did the same in 2017 with a false flag attack on the Westminster bridge.
I don't have a crystal ball as to what will happen tomorrow but everything is lining up for a false flag event to occur.
Charleston Church shooting ... hush money
Likewise, don't expect detailed evidence to come out in the trial of Charleston Church shooter Dylann Roof. After years of waiting for a trial, Roof will soon be having a trial but......he will be representing himself. If we don't see a guilty plea or a sham Judy Clarke trial, a crisis actor perpetrator representing himself is the next best option to hide the evidence.
Remember, it was Roof who went into the church with body armor showing and sat with his victims for an hour before "shooting" them.
The families of the deceased were so upset that they were seen laughing and smiling while talking about the event in the days that followed.
Further, the families of the victims were paid an obscene amount of hush money from the federal government.
Charleston Church shooting
The Charleston church shooting was a mass shooting in which Dylann Roof, a 21-year-old white supremacist, murdered nine African Americans during a prayer service at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in downtown Charleston, South Carolina, on the evening of June 17, 2015. Wikipedia
Project Veritas - Update:
the President asked me to stand up in front of the entire White House
Social Media Summit in recognition for our work exposing big tech.
I could not be more proud of our organization, our journalism team, and
our brave whistleblowers at this moment. Veritas has come so far. Only
ten years ago, I was making videos from my parents' basement.
It was just me and my friends, fighting to change our country through the power of undercover video.
Now Project Veritas is the top media outlet for undercover journalism in the world and the President is citing our work. I can't believe how far we've come and I could not be more grateful for having you, friend, by my side.
Here's what President Trump said in front of a massive press
core and the talented attendees of the White House Social Media Summit:
"We have censorship like nobody has any understanding or nobody can believe. When you see the Google executives, together, and one of their executives decides to… there he is, stand up please! How good… what a great job. Somebody said he's controversial. He's not controversial, he's truthful. He's truthful. That was a great job. That was one of many. Thank you very much.
I've watched some of these scenes that have been taped and got through talented people by the way, that have gotten to the public where you see the hatred about our party about our people about our voice. And you see, that's the collusion.
They were totally against me . . . We didn't know how far it gets until we, until we had certain of our friends and geniuses that broke into board rooms, you know, got them right in the middle of a meeting. That was incredible, what a service you do, okay? You don't get credit for it, you should get credit for it."
You and I are making history every day. And we will keep doing so. I wish you could have been there to experience the energy and excitement in the room. It was the experience of a lifetime.
That's why I've made a short video about this incredibly historic event. You can watch it here:
Without you by my side, this cannot happen. So I truly thank you and I can promise you, it will only get better from here.
More insiders are coming forward and Project Veritas isn't slowing down -- we're putting fuel on the fire.
James O'Keefe
President & CEO
Project Veritas
Further Update From project Veritas:
17 July, 2019
Last week I was at the White House meeting with President Trump and I spoke with top White House aides about our Google investigation.
I told them how you and I are building an ARMY of insiders and that they should expect another big tech bombshell soon.
This week I’m in Silicon Valley meeting one-on-one with a few of our many sources inside of big tech.
Since President Trump praised our Google investigation, a flood of new tips has come forward with detailed information about bias and abuse inside of social media companies.
Brave employees of Facebook, Google, and Twitter are about to launch the crusade of our lifetime -- with your support.
Even media outlets like Buzzfeed recognize the power of our movement. They wrote today:
"In this environment, if a politically active employee were willing to comb through the documentation, risk their job, and leak, they could wreak havoc."
The tech employees coming to Veritas are incredibly motivated to expose the injustices of Silicon Valley and they are gearing up to blow the whistle.
If you think our Google videos were shocking . . . you haven’t seen anything yet.
GOOGLE INSIDER: Going Public Wednesday 24 July, 2019
Insiders are flocking to Project Veritas to reveal the secrets of big tech. And tomorrow, a new tech employee will speak out.
Our latest insider is a Senior Software Engineer at Google where he has worked for years.
Tomorrow he will blow the whistle on Google’s political bias.
And he has a lot to say.
What is so remarkable about this insider is that he’s coming out of the shadows. Unlike previous insiders, he’s revealing his identity and stepping directly into the public eye.
He wants you to know that Google isn’t the “neutral platform” that they claim to be.
Friend, this man is putting his career on the line so you can be informed about the dangers of big tech.
Here’s a snapshot of what he says:
“I think it's, you know, ridiculous to say that there's no bias. I think everyone who supports anything other than the Democrats, anyone who's pro-Trump or in any way deviates from what CNN and the New York Times are pushing, notices how bad it is.”