Rosary Crusade To Save New Zealand from Communism
Will You Join In The
Commencing Monday 25th March, 2019, -
(Annunciation of the BVM)
Padre Pio: "The Rosary is the Weapon."
Our Lady to St. Dominic: "One Day Through The Rosary & The Scapular I Will Save The World."
Sr. Lucy of Fatima ( 1957 interview with Fr. Fuentes ): "Our Lady has given a special efficacy to the power of the Holy Rosary in these last times. She told me there is no problem, no matter how big it is, in our own personal lives, those of our family and those of whole countries, that cannot be solved by the recitation the Holy Rosary."
The Power of the Rosary:
"The Country that Saved Itself," Brazil's Victory over Communism, Reader's Digest, Nov. 1964.
"The Victory in Chile 1973."
How to stop Communism? Pray the Rosary.
They have infiltrated our nation, our government, our armed forces and even our churches ...(Dona Amelia Bastos)
In the November, 1964, issue of the Reader’s Digest, there was a story titled: “The Country that saved It-self.’’ That country was Brazil. The stage was all set in 1961 to take over Brazil, just like Cuba. But guess who thwarted this Communist takover? The women of Brazil with their rosaries! “Without the woman,” said one of the leaders of the counterrevolution, “we could never have halted Brazil’s plunge toward communism.”
One night in mid-1962, Dona Amelia Bastos listened to her husband and a band of anti-Reds discuss the looming threat of Communism. “I suddenly decided,” she said, “that politics had become to important to be left entirely to the men... Moreover, who has more at stake in what’s happening to our country than we women?” She formed CAMDE (Campaign of Women for Democracy].
In Belo Horizonte 20,000 women reciting the rosary aloud broke up the leftist meeting there. In Sao Paulo, 600,000 women praying the rosary in one of the most moving demonstrations in Brazilian history, sounded the death knell of the Communist revolution. These women with rosaries in their hands or around their necks, issued a 1300 word proclamation:
This nation which God has given us, immense and marvelous as it is, is in extreme danger. We have allowed men of limitless ambition, without Christian faith or scruples, to bring our people misery, destroying our economy, disturbing our social peace, to create hate and despair.They have infiltrated our nation, our government, our armed forces and even our churches ...
Mother of God, preserve us from the fate and suffering of the martyred women of Cuba, Poland, Hungary and all other enslaved
The Power of Prayer
1946, a Franciscan priest named Petrus Pavlicek made a pilgrimmage to
Mariazell, Austria's man Marian shrine. There, he prayed that Austria
might be freed from the Communists. As he knelt in prayer, he heard a
voice in his mind. The heavenly voice told him that if he prayed the
rosary Austria would have peace. In 1947, Fr. Pavlicek founded the
Crusade of Reparation of the Holy Rosary. Through the Crusade,
Austrians joined in a round-the-clock Rosary. They prayed for the
conversion of sinners, world peace, and a free Austria. Thousands of
people joined the crusade. Every month the number of crusaders grew.
By 1955, a half-million Austrians, more than 7 percent of the country,
had pledged to pray the daily Rosary.
Austria is Free after Ten Years of "Liberation"
On March 24, 1955, the Soviets invited the Austrian Prime Minister,
Julius Raab, to a meeting in Moscow. Believing that Austria's future
would be sealed at the meeting, Raab spoke with Fr. Pavlicek. "Please
pray, and ask your people to pray harder than ever."
Though it
had never done so, and never would do so again, in April, the Soviet
Union announced that it would withdraw its troops from Austria. On May
15, 1955, Austria signed a peace treaty with the Allies. Austria was
once again a self-governing nation. By the end of October, the last
Soviet soldier left Austria. Ten years after it had been "liberated,"
Austria was free.
In Vienna, a huge crowd marched procession.
They carried rosaries and a statue of Our Lady of Fatima who had
delivered Austria from the Communists. From the balcony of the capital
building, Prime Minister Raab offered a prayer of thanksgiving. "Today,
we, whose hearts are full of faith, cry out to Heaven in joyful prayer:
We are free, O Mary, we thank thee!" Every year since then, thousands
of Austrians gather in Vienna to thank Our Lady for the gift of freedom
granted through her intercession.~Extracted from Our Catholic Legacy
World History for Young Catholics 2012
Was Bro. Michael Dimond Always A Sedevacantist?
How To Help Spread The True Catholic Faith? - 2018 MHFM Letter
2018 Letter From Bro. Michael Dimond
I wanted to give our supporters a brief update on new projects we’ve been working on and various items that we would like to make available in the near future. We hope to have seven new DVDs. These would include a new main DVD (with over 20 programs on it), a new Spanish DVD, a new French DVD, a new apologetics DVD, a new prophecy DVD, a new Vatican II Sect Exposed DVD, and a new DVD on various Catholic issues (third edition). We would also like to have a first run of at least 100,000 copies printed of a Spanish version of our Padre Pio book. There are over 400,000 copies of our Padre Pio book in circulation in English. Additionally, we are hoping to print two new flyers. The first flyer will show that the Bible proves the teachings of the Catholic Church. Small, very easy to carry and hand out, we believe that this will be an incredibly effective tool for apologetics. The second flyer will be an overview of Antipope Francis’ heresies on various topics. For a first run, we would like to print 50,000 or 100,000 for each flyer.
Over the past 20 years we have spent a significant amount of the money we have received from donors trying to convert non-Catholics to the Catholic faith. We have also used funds that we have received to wake up those who claim to be Catholic: to inform them of the true Catholic positions, to expose the Vatican II Counter Church, to get them out of the New Mass, to get them praying the Rosary, etc. Many people have been converted and returned to the Catholic faith through our information. Our materials covering these issues are the most important and effective.
Our English YouTube channel currently has over 36.8 million video views and over 64,000 subscribers. Our Spanish YouTube channel currently has over 27 million video views and over 94,000 subscribers. That makes our channels currently the most viewed and subscribed to traditional Catholic channels in the world in both English and Spanish. We also have videos and channels in other languages. According to, our website currently has the highest traffic ranking in the world (ranked #1) among all sites “not in communion with Rome”, with the SSPX’s website in second place (with a traffic rank trailing far behind our website).
Our extremely low prices enable large numbers of people to purchase and distribute extra copies of our material without much trouble. This is one of the ways that the information reaches new people. In fact, as far as we know, there is no religious organization in the world that sells materials for lower prices than we do. Also, over the years we have paid for millions of new people to reach our website (for free) after clicking on our online ads. Furthermore, we have run numerous national radio and TV ads. For example, during the biggest year in which we ran radio ads, we received over 6,000 different orders and received over 10,000 telephone calls. In the future we hope to continue advertising in a variety of ways to inform many more people about the critical information our apostolate makes available. Financial resources will give us the ability to easily reach large numbers of new people. That’s why we are asking for those with an abundance of resources (not those who are struggling financially or are in debt) to assist this critical work. Receiving large contributions can bring the dissemination of this critical information to a whole new level. There are also many expenses in running an international apostolate. We very much appreciate all the donations we receive, large or small. They help us do what we do. But our situation recently has been one in which our consistent donors comprise a very small number of people. We also make all of our new major video projects (which take a great deal of time to research and produce) available online for free. We also have not accepted any ads on our videos or website – at least up to the time of publishing this letter on October 15, 2018. We also make very little from the items that we do sell. The amount of money we take in comes almost entirely from donations. So, at this point in our apostolate, and moving forward, the number of additional souls ultimately reached will be determined to a large extent by the level of financial assistance we receive.
In the Gospel, Our Lord Jesus Christ informs us that in the last days the true faith would hardly be found on the earth. “For when the Son of Man comes, shall he find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8). He tells us that “in the holy place” itself there will be “the abomination of desolation” (Mt. 24:15) and a deception so profound that, if it were possible, even the elect would be deceived (Mt. 24:24). The New Testament tells us that this deception will happen in the very heart of the Church’s physical structures, in “the temple of God” (2 Thess. 2:4). It will arise because people receive not the love of the truth (2 Thess. 2:10). Jesus says His return will happen suddenly, and almost the entire world will not be aware it is about to happen. Matthew 24:37-39 – “And as in the days of Noe, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, even till that day in which Noe entered into the ark, and they knew not till the flood came, and took them all away; so also shall the coming of the Son of man be.”
As our materials cover in detail, we are living in the last days foretold in Scripture. Those who have read the Third Secret of Fatima, or claimed they know what the Third Secret contains, say that it refers to a massive apostasy that will seem to occur “at the top” of the “Catholic Church”. In other words, it will be caused by men who will claim to be popes. In reality, however, these men are and have been antipopes. “Cardinal” Ciappi said: “In the Third Secret [of Fatima], it is foretold, among other things, that the great apostasy in the Church will begin at the top.” In a question and answer session at the University of Vienna in 1984, “Bishop” do Amaral gave this answer concerning the Third Secret: “Its content concerns only our faith… The loss of the faith on a continent is worse than the annihilation of a nation; and it is true that the faith is continually diminishing in Europe.” Fr. Gommar DePauw attended Vatican II as an advisor and said that he was given a text of what was claimed to be the Third Secret. According to him, the text contained a future prediction by the Blessed Virgin of an almost unbelievable apostasy in the Church. “Cardinal” Silvio Oddi said: “… the Third Secret — which John XXIII and his successors thought inopportune to reveal — is not about a supposed conversion of Russia… but regards the revolution in the Catholic Church… The Blessed Virgin was alerting us against apostasy in the Church… so many innovations were born [at Vatican II] that they appear to constitute a true internal revolution.” Just recently it was revealed that around 1960, Fr. Gabriele Amorth met Padre Pio and talked with him about the Third Secret of Fatima. Amorth spoke about the meeting in a 2011 interview. According to Amorth (who was part of the Vatican II Sect), Padre Pio said: “Satan has been introduced into the bosom of the Church [the physical structures] and he will within a very short time come to rule a false Church.” Amorth said that Padre Pio was “really tormented” by one issue, that is, the Great Apostasy. These facts indicate that Fatima also foretold the Great Apostasy through which we are living. Sadly, most people who consider themselves Catholic follow the Vatican II Sect and have embraced a modernist counterfeit religion that leads people into heresy, sin and apostasy. Our material shows why the Vatican II Sect is not the Catholic Church but the prophesied end-times Counter Church. It explains that this apostasy from the Catholic faith was predicted in Scripture. It covers what people need to do to be true Catholics and save their souls.
The recent developments with Antipope Francis and the scandals of the Vatican II Sect have strikingly confirmed the importance of our apostolate and the accuracy of what we’ve been stating about the Vatican II Sect for many years. Our apostolate also preserves the full truth of the faith on the salvation dogma, unlike the false traditionalist groups and other heretical sedevacantist groups that compromise and deny the necessity of the Catholic faith and baptism for salvation. There are many people who aggressively financially support heretical false traditionalist groups or “priestly societies” because they are concerned with externals and supporting physical temples (e.g. buildings, structures). They are deceived. They don’t really care about supporting the construction of the true temple of God – that is, the true Church and the increase of the true faithful (which can only happen with an uncompromising faith). A group might have many priests, a seminary, a nice chapel, etc., but if it denies a teaching of the Church it is not part of the true temple of God. Many people fail to realize that in our day, just like during the time of the Apostles when the Church began, the true Church doesn’t have many buildings. The true temple is found in the true Catholics. Thus, it is by assisting efforts to spread the true faith and bring people to it that one really helps build the temple of God. “… you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house” (1 Peter 2:5). “… For we are the temple of the living God” (2 Corinthians 6:16).
In her appearance at La Salette, France (September 19, 1846) the Blessed Mother prophesied that: “Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist… the Church will be in eclipse.” She also said: “only faith will survive” and “Who will be the victor if God does not shorten the length of the test?” This test referred to by Our Lady is the struggle to save one’s soul during the almost complete disappearance of the Catholic faith from the world. There is almost nothing left and almost nowhere to receive Communion. The test (the Great Apostasy) is what we are living through and dealing with now. It is the worst crisis of faith in the history of the world. In this time of almost complete apostasy, enabling a person to discover and maintain the true Catholic faith is the greatest gift a person can give. That’s the primary work of our monastery. As many of you know, over the years we have posted many powerful testimonials from people around the world who have converted, changed or been greatly impacted by the information we publish. Our apostolate allows people to navigate through the confusion in these last days and find the truth. It contains the essential information people need to save their souls.
The information we are putting out is absolutely critical and more people need to see it. It is the most important and powerful collection of information in the world on the true faith. When people have seen the information, conversions have occurred and lives have changed.
Click Here For Online Options To Send Your Donation To Help Save Souls
For checks or money orders, mail to:
Most Holy Family Monastery
4425 Schneider Road
Fillmore, NY 14735
(800) 275-1126
(585) 567-4433
Bro. Michael Dimond, O.S.B.
Categories: Christianity and Catholicism
From The Archives: Gisborne Drought of 1983 and the power of the Rosary
However down the road, a group of Catholics, in Gisborne had organized a Rosary campaign, which they commenced back in early March of that year, 1983. Six people showed up! They prayed the Rosary every day for the drought to break. Six weeks later, almost to the day, around 70 mm of rain fell over the next few days.
6. Key Video is hidden
8. Perpetrators are identified in record time.
13. News or Military action takes place as a result of the event.
14. The event receives an enormous amount of press coverage.
15. The country where the event took place has recently irritated Israel in some way ( In 2016, N.Z. voted with the U.N. to condemn Israel for war crimes against Palestinians.)
16. The event and perpetrators are set up to cause conflict between several different religions, ethnic or sexual orientation groups.
18. The friends of the victims do interviews that are not believable.
20. One or more bombs do not detonate.
22. An unbelievable hero story is released by the Press on Day Two.
23. A manifesto is released by the perpetrator, which is a paste and copy from past false flag attacks.
24. A drill is taking place at or near the event at the same time.
27. Little or no amateur cell phone video footage of the event is released.
29. An online video is found of the perpetrator acting crazy.
30. The details of the event make it impossible to not be reminded of other recent false flag events.
32. The perpetrator wore body armor - Police issue.
33. Former military members played key roles in the event in some way.
35. Authorities are on the scene in record time and numbers that would not normally be possible in a short time period without prior knowledge - 6 minutes!
37. Authorities immediately find evidence that ties the perpetrator to radical beliefs.
1. John Podesta, of Pizzagate fame, visited New Zealand before the attack and left the day before the event.
2. Hillary Clinton, visited New Zealand, 6 May, 2018.
3. Students from the Parklands shooting visited New Zealand recently, to talk to young students. [July 23 ,2018]
4. New Zealanders warned they face fines and imprisonment if they view the 'shooters' video, and that is extended to include the "shooters" 'manifesto.'
5. New Gun laws are announced almost immediately after the Mosque "shooting," by the New Zealand Prime Minister.
Timely Intermission:
To remind New Zealanders what they are proud to boast of with pride and who they place their faith in!
E Ihoā Atua, O ngā Iwi! Mātourā, Āta whaka rongona; Me aroha noa. Kia hua ko te pai; Kia tau tō atawhai; Manaakitia mai Aotearoa.
God of nations at Thy feet, In the bonds of love we meet, Hear our voices, we entreat, God defend our free land. Guard Pacific's triple star, From the shafts of strife and war, Make her praises heard afar, God defend New Zealand.
Benedictine | What is a Benedictine Monastery?
Info on our Benedictine Community
The Founder of our Benedictine community:
Brother Joseph Natale O.S.B.
Brother Joseph Natale was trained at St. Vincent’s benedictine Arch-abbey in Latrobe, PA. St. Vincent’s Arch-abbey was the largest Benedictine monastery in the United States. In the 1960’s, Bro. Joseph left with the permission of the then Archabbot Dennis Strittmatter to start his own Benedictine community.
Shortly after leaving St. Vincent’s, Bro. Joseph started his Benedictine community in southern New Jersey. Bro. Joseph never allowed the New Mass to be celebrated at his monastery, only allowing the traditional Roman Rite Mass.
Bro. Joseph printed, distributed and sold numerous books, pamphlets and audio tapes defending the Catholic faith and educating Catholics about the true teachings of Catholicism. In 1994, the community was given a piece of land in rural New York. Bro. Joseph wrote and stated on many occasions that he would be moving the community to New York. But Bro. Joseph was not able to complete this desire, due to the fact that he died on November 11, 1995.
After Bro. Joseph died, Bro. Michael Dimond, O.S.B. was elected superior of the community. Bro. Michael immediately went to work to fulfill Bro. Joseph’s wish to move the community to New York.
In late 1997, Most Holy Family Monastery finally finished moving the community and its belongings to New York.
Bro. Michael Dimond O.S.B.
Raised in a family with no religion, Bro. Michael Dimond converted to Catholicism at the age of 15. Brother Michael Dimond entered Most Holy Family Monastery in 1992 at the age of 19, a short time after graduating from high school. Brother Michael Dimond’s father graduated from Princeton University in New Jersey and his mother graduated from Stanford University in California. Brother Michael Dimond was elected superior of Most Holy Family Monastery in late 1995. Bro. Dimond took his final vows before a validly ordained priest.
About Benedictine communities
The following information is taken from the articles on “St. Benedict” and “Benedictine” in the 1907 Catholic Encyclopedia:
A Benedictine community is a community that lives under the Rule of St. Benedict. In the Benedictine order there is no general or common superior over the whole order other than the pope, and the order consists, so to speak, of what are practically a number of orders, called “congregations”, each of which is self-governing; all are united, not under the obedience to one general superior, but only by the spiritual bond of allegiance to the same Rule, which may be modified according to the circumstances of each particular house or congregation.(1)
“According to Saint Benedict’s idea, each Benedictine monastery constituted a separate, independent, autonomous family, the members of which elected their own superior.”(2) Each Benedictine monastery is unique in so far as they take upon themselves whatever work is necessary for the well-being of their community and of the Church. “Thus during the life of the saint (Benedict) we find what has ever since remained a characteristic feature of Benedictine houses, i.e. the members take up any work which is adapted to their particular circumstances, any work which may be dictated by their necessities. Thus we find Benedictines teaching in the poor schools and in the universities, practicing the arts and following agriculture, undertaking the care of souls, or devoting themselves wholly to study.”(3)
“The hours ordered by the Rule to be devoted daily to systematic reading and study, have given to the world many of the foremost scholars and writers, so that the term ‘Benedictine learning’ has been for long centuries a byword indicative of the learning and laborious research fostered in the Benedictine cloister. The regulations regarding the reception and education of children, moreover, were the germ from which sprang up a great number of famous monastic schools and universities which flourished in the Middle Ages.”(4) The work of education and the cultivation of literature have always been looked upon as belonging by right to the Benedictines.(5)
Besides being the chief educational centers during the Middle Ages, the monasteries were, moreover, the workshops where precious manuscripts were collected, preserved, and multiplied. To the monastic transcribers the world is indebted for most of its ancient literature, not only the Scriptures and the writings of the Fathers, but those of the classical authors also.(6)
Early Constitution of the Order of St. Benedict
During the first four or five centuries after the death of St. Benedict there existed no organic bond of union among the various monasteries other than the Rule itself and obedience to the Holy See. According to St. Benedict, each Benedictine monastery constituted an independent family,(7) the members of which elected their own superior.(8) Each monastery was to be self-contained, self-governing, managing its own affairs, and subject to no external authority except that of the local diocesan bishop, whose powers of control were, however, limited to certain specific conditions.(9)
So intimately connected with domestic life is the whole framework and teaching of the Rule that a Benedictine may be more truly said to enter or join a particular household than to join an order. The Benedictine ideal of poverty is quite different from the Franciscan. The Benedictine takes no explicit vow of poverty; he only vows obedience according to the Rule. The Rule allows all that is necessary to each individual, together with sufficient and varied clothing, abundant food (except the flesh meat of four footed animals), and ample sleep.
Possessions could be held in common, they might be large, but they were to be administered for the furtherance of the work of the community and for the benefit of others. While the individual monk was poor, the benedictine monastery was to be in a position to give alms, not to be compelled to seek them. It was to relieve the poor, to clothe the naked, to visit the sick, to bury the dead, to help the afflicted, to entertain all strangers. The poor came to St. Benedict to get help to pay their debts, they came for food.(10) Abbots came to see and advise with St. Benedict. Men of all classes were frequent visitors, and he numbered nobles and bishops among his intimate friends. There were nuns in the neighborhood whom the monks went to preach to and to teach. There was a village nearby in which St. Benedict preached and made many converts.(11)
In the valley of Subiaco, Italy, St. Benedict built 12 Benedictine monasteries. At the Benedictine monasteries at Subiaco, Italy, we find no solitaries, no conventual hermits, no great austerities, but men living together in organized Benedictine communities for the purpose of leading good lives, doing such work as came to their hand- carrying water up the steep mountain-side, doing the other household work, raising the twelve cloisters, clearing the ground, making gardens, teaching children, preaching to the country people, reading and studying at least four hours a day, receiving strangers, accepting and training new-comers, attending the regular hours of prayer, reciting and chanting the 150 psalms.(12)
Concerning Members of Benedictine Communities
In 1907, the Catholic Encyclopedia pointed out that, “At the present day there is hardly a congregation, Benedictine or otherwise, that has not its lay brethren, and even amongst numerous orders of nuns a similar distinction is observed, either between the nuns that are bound to choir and those that are not so enclosed. The habit worn by the lay brethren is usually a modification of that of the choir monks, sometimes differing from it in color as well as in shape; and the vows of the lay brethren are in most congregations only simple, or renewable periodically, in contrast with the solemn vows for life taken by the choir religious.”(13)
Our Community
As is obvious from our website, our community is heavily involved with educating people about what they must know and do in order to save their souls, which is the most important work of charity with which anyone could be involved. “Without faith it is impossible to please God” (Heb. 11:6). And without the Catholic faith it is impossible to be saved. Therefore, our work as Catholic Benedictine monks – especially in this time of the great apostasy – necessarily involves educating Catholics about the true dogmas of the Church and condemning the heresies that are rampant today.
Our work also deeply involves exposing the counterfeit Catholic Church of the Vatican II sect, which is deceiving millions of those who profess to be Catholic. This counterfeit Vatican II sect – with its antipopes – is the primary enemy of Jesus Christ today. It is most dangerous for the salvation of souls because it purports to be the Catholic Church but it is not. This is why we dedicate much effort to exposing it.
We also work and pray for the salvation of all non-Catholics, producing and distributing mass quantities of information with the goal of converting them to the one true faith, outside of which no one can be saved.
In our apostolic work (called an “apostolate”), we have distributed almost 1 million copies of our videos, audios, DVDs and books. The material that we have distributed and continue to distribute covers a wide variety of topics that are essential, including (to name a few): the necessity of prayer; the eternity and pains of Hell; the shortness of life; miraculous conversion stories; the authenticity of Sacred Scripture; the special creation of the earth; the refutation of the theory of evolution; the miracles and marvels of the Catholic saints; the importance of the message of Fatima; the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin; the Communist and Freemasonic plot against the Catholic Church; the evils of Rock Music; the false and invalid New Mass; the false Second Vatican Council; the false Vatican II antipopes; the dogma outside the Church there is no salvation; and many others.
We also have spoken personally to thousands concerning the true Catholic faith and a person’s obligation to profess it.
Our Community is dedicated first and foremost to Jesus Christ, our Savior, and the worship of the Most Holy Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Ghost)– the One True God – and the profession of the Catholic faith whole and inviolate. Secondly, our Community is deeply dedicated to the promotion of the Holy Rosary as the primary private devotion for a Catholic. Just as without the faith it is impossible to please God, so it is true that without a strong prayer life it is impossible to be saved. We especially promote the 15 decade Rosary, which the monks recite each day. We believe that the 15 decade Rosary is the key to the salvation of many souls and we encourage everyone to attempt to say it and promote it to others.
The monks have personally witnessed the incredible transformation in the lives of many people through the 15 decade Rosary. The power of the Holy Rosary is truly amazing, and God has revealed that He has conferred even more efficacy upon the Holy Rosary in our dark days. St. Louis De Montfort recommends one set of mysteries at three different times in the day as an effective way to say the entire Rosary each day. We believe that the salvation of millions of souls hinges upon the practice of a true devotion to the Mother of God and the necessary foundation of a pure profession of the true Catholic faith.
In addition to the above, our community practices (and encourages others to practice) devotion to saints, not only by getting to know their extraordinary devotion to God by learning about their lives, but also by praying to them to intercede with God for us. We have posted on our website a few prayers to saints that we recommend (and we plan to add more). At Most Holy Family Monastery we recite at least one prayer each day to St. Benedict (our founder), St. Therese of Lisieux, St. Michael the Archangel, Jacinta the shepherdess of Fatima, St. Joseph, and St. Jude.
Promises made to St. Benedict regarding the destiny of his Benedictine order and that of its friends and enemies:
1) His order will continue to exist to the End of the World.
2) It will, at the End of the World, in the final battle, render great services to the holy Church and confirm many in the faith.
3) No one shall die in the Order whose salvation would not be assured. And if a monk begins to lead a bad life and does not amend, he will fall into disgrace, or be expelled from the Order, or will leave it of his own accord.
4) Everyone who persecutes his order and does not repent will see his days shortened or meet with an unfortunate end.
5) All, however, who love his order will obtain a happy death.(14)
* Note: Promise number#3 obviously does not apply to the “Benedictines” of the Novus Ordo/Vatican II sect, who claim to be Benedictines but aren’t. Likewise, it does not apply to any heretical group which claims to be a Benedictine community.
1) The Catholic Encyclopedia, New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1907, Vol. 2, p. 443
2) The Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 2, p. 458
3) The Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 2, p. 471
4) The Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 2, p. 440
5) The Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 2, p. 456
6) The Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol, 2, p. 457
7) The Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 2, p. 444
8) The Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 2, p. 458
9) The Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 2, p. 444
10) The Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 2, p. 469
11) The Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 2, p. 471
12) The Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 2, p. 470
13) The Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 2, p. 453
14) The Life of St. Benedict, by St. Gregory the Great, Rockford, IL: TAN Books, 1995, p. 57; also found in Arnoldus Visiones: Lignum Vitae, Rome, 1595.
Lest we are being Distracted, Let Us Not Forget:
How many more signs is God going to give the world, before His patience runs out, that this guy posing as a true pope of the Catholic Church is a complete fraud?!
Antipope Francis refuses to let Vatican II Sect members kiss “his” papal ring –
46 second video
Hayley Westernra sings Ave Maria by Bach/Gounod

Hayley Westernra - New Zealand singer
Hayley Westernra - New Zealand singer
Edited Under Fr. Leonard Feeney M.I.C.M. — Saint Benedict Center
January, 1959
Most Americans, hearing this question, would answer promptly, “Yes, by all means, hate should be outlawed!” Their eagerness to reply can be accounted for all too easily. During the last decade and a half, they have been pounded with a propaganda barrage calculated to leave them in a state of dazed affability toward the whole world. Those advertising techniques that are normally used to encourage Americans to be choosy in matters of soap and toothpaste are now being enlisted to persuade them that there is no such thing as a superior product in matters of culture and creed. On billboards, on bus and subway posters, in newspapers and magazines, through radio and television broadcasts, Americans are being assured and reassured, both subtly and boldly, that “Bigotry is fascism ... Only Brotherhood can save our nation ... We must be tolerant of all!”
The long-range effects of this campaign are even now evident. It is producing the “spineless citizen”: the man who has no cultural sensibilities; who is incapable of indignation; whose sole mental activity is merely an extension of what he reads in the newspaper or sees on the television screen; who faces moral disaster in his neighborhood, political disaster in his country, and an impending world catastrophe with a blank and smiling countenance. He has only understanding for the enemies of his country. He has nothing but kind sentiments for those who would destroy his home and family. He has an earnest sympathy for anyone who would obliterate his faith. He is universally tolerant. He is totally unprejudiced. If he has any principles, he keeps them well concealed, lest in advocating them he should seem to indicate that contrary principles might be inferior. He is, to the extent of his abilities, exactly like the next citizen, who, he trusts, is trying to be exactly like him: a faceless, characterless putty-man.
Along with everyone else, American Catholics have been hammered with the slogans of the “anti-hate” campaign. Additionally, they remember the stories of how prejudice against Catholics oftentimes made America a very uncomfortable place for their immigrant Catholic grandparents. And so, they too, if asked, would declare unhesitatingly that hate should be outlawed.
What American Catholics do not stop to reflect on is that the Catholic Faith, by its very nature, fosters indignation, intolerant positions, and strong utterance. The Church is set up to continue the divine ministry of Jesus Christ, Who avowed that He had come on Earth, “Not to send peace, but the sword ... to cast fire on the Earth, and what will I but that it be kindled.”
In accepting their vocation to be “other Christs,” Catholics are faced with the countless examples of Gospel astringency. They are reminded that the same Jesus Who said, “Learn of me, for I am meek and humble of heart,” likewise said, “I came to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a man’s enemies shall be they of his own house-hold.” Nor can they forget that the same Jesus, Who submitted Himself to the Jewish mob in the garden of Gethsemani, had previously overturned the tables of the buyers and sellers and driven them from the temple with a whip.
In accepting their position as contemporary members of the Church, American Catholics must take as their heritage the outlooks, attitudes, and purposes of their older brothers and sisters in the Faith — those Catholics who have gone before them and have preserved the Church to our own day. For the Catholic Church is One. The Church that called on its sons to take up the Cross and the sword and drive the infidel from the Holy Land, the Church that isolated the Jews of Christendom with rigid laws and ghetto walls, the Church that has repeatedly condemned the doctrines of those who disagree with her, is the same Catholic Church that claims the loyalty of 35,000,000 twentieth-century Americans.
Along with the Mass, the Sacraments, and all the spiritual treasures that are a Catholic’s baptismal birthright, these American Catholics must also assume the rest of their legacy. As members of the Church Militant — raised by the Sacrament of Confirmation to be Soldiers of Jesus Christ — they are heirs of a tradition that has been marked through the centuries by sustained and unashamed militancy.
Examples of the clash between traditional Catholic observance and the current “anti-hate” campaign could be multiplied indefinitely. Every chapter in every age of the Church’s history will provide them, because the ultimate issue involved is an abiding one, a doctrinal one. It is the Catholic Church’s uncompromising claim to be the One True Church established by God. It is this conviction of Catholics throughout the centuries that leaves our greatest heroes and saints and the very constitution of the Church itself open to the charges of bigotry and intolerance.
The Catholic Church does not believe that all religions are on a common plane. It does not subscribe to the popular notion that, “We’re all headed for the same place, you in your way and we in ours.” The Catholic Church believes that Christianity is the world’s only chance for salvation, and it further insists that true Christians are found only within its fold, under the Supreme Shepherd, the Vicar of Christ, Our Holy Father at Rome.
Inevitably, this belief, when translated into practical action, makes for some intolerant arrangements: Catholics are admonished not to marry heretics and Jews; they may not attend a non-Catholic religious service; Catholic children must be sent to the Church’s schools. The motive behind these bigoted practices is the preservation of the Faith — not as an antique curiosity, but as a vital necessity. And not as a necessity for a chosen few, but as a necessity for all men, everywhere.
It is this terrible urgency about the Faith that explains both the Church’s rigidity in matters of doctrine an her encompassing love in matters of apostolate. For the note of absolute necessity that attaches to Catholic Truth, and makes the Church so intolerant and unbending, is, at the same time, the push and the drive behind every apostle. It is precisely because they are intolerant enough to believe that all men need the Catholic Faith in order to be saved, that the Church’s missionaries, from the time of Saint Paul, have given the world its most heroic example of zealous, consuming, constant, sweating, bleeding, dying but undying, love.
It is this love, this apostolic fervor, that the “anti-hate” program means to eliminate. For the ultimate outcome of the propaganda barrage that is now incessantly pounding the nation will be not only a spineless American citizen, but a spineless American Catholicism — a Catholicism that will be afraid to assert its own singularity and importance, a Catholicism that will try to become more like its neighbor religions, doing nothing to annoy, nothing to criticize, nothing that would in any way cause it to be accused of intolerance, bigotry, or hate.
Certainly no one will suppose that the promoters of the “anti-hate” campaign are just a bunch of well-meaning meddlers who launched the thing in all innocence and who would be dismayed to hear that it might discomfit the Catholic Church. The truth of the matter is much to the contrary. Just as the fast-talking soap commercials play on the gullibility of American housewives to make money for the big soap manufacturers, so the anti-hate slogans are selling Americans a bill of goods that will make rich profits for the Catholic Church’s enterprising enemies.
This deliberate and calculated program is a lineal descendant of that eighteenth-century campaign that clamored for “liberty, equality, and fraternity,” and ended up by wrecking Catholic France. It is akin to all those freethinking, freely-named, anti-Catholic ventures that have been plaguing the Church since the time of the Protestant Revolt — Humanism, Jacobinism, Freemasonry, Liberalism, Secularism, Communism, etc. For however much these movements may differ from one another in the means they advocate, they are all working for the same ultimate end. They are intent on building the City of Man — to the inevitable detriment of the City of God. They are enraged against the Church because of her calm insistence that the one thing that really matters is eternal salvation, and that she is the one divinely-commissioned ark of salvation. They are determined to show that the Church is not that important: if not by destroying her violently, then by reducing her to the level of the sects.
It was this latter expedient that appealed to Jean Jacques Rousseau, herald of the French Revolution and avowed evangelist of the Brotherhood crowd. Rousseau maintained (in The Social Contract, Book IV) that the worship of God should be allowed to continue, provided it did not become an end in itself. Theology must not usurp the superior place of politics; the interests of religion must be subordinate to those of the state. Accordingly, he felt the civil power should decide what articles of belief citizens might hold. And among these articles, Rousseau urged just one prohibition: anyone daring to say, “There is no salvation outside the Church,” should be banished.
All the followers of Rousseau, in their various guises — as well as his like-minded antecedents — are the Courtiers of the Prince of this World. But there is one group among them that is particularly of the household of Satan. They are the children of Satan, as Our Lord Himself calls them, the Jews. They, pre-eminently, are fired by the earthly, anti-Christian animus; and they have taken an active part, during twenty centuries, in all its manifestations. (This alone can explain the Church’s unique attitude toward the Jews: her traditional determination that this one people must be kept in check.)
As surely and securely as the Jews have been behind Freemasonry, or Secularism, or Communism, they are behind the “anti-hate” drive. Not that this movement represents the fruition of Talmudic doctrine. The Jews are advocating tolerance only for its destructive value — destructive, that is, of the Catholic Church. On their part, they still keep alive their racial rancors and antipathies. Their Talmud, for example, still teaches that Christ was a brazen impostor, and gives an unprintably blasphemous account of his parentage and birth. And as the Christmas season just past should have taught us, the Jews, for all their Brotherhood talk, have not in the least abandoned their resolute program to make all acknowledgments of Christmas disappear from the public and social life of the nation.
The secret of the Jews’ success is, of course, that they can practice such private hate while promoting public “love,” and not be accused of inconsistency. For, as always, they are running the show mainly from behind the scenes. They get their message across by means of co-operative Gentiles. And there are probably more such Gentiles now available — both the willing kind and the kind willing to be duped — than ever before in history. As a further good fortune, the Jewish directors of America’s entertainment industry can now guarantee that one Brotherhood spokesman, well-placed (e.g., behind a microphone or before a television camera), is able to influence Americans by the millions.
And the Jews’ campaign is succeeding. We have every reason to be alarmed at its success. American Catholics, even those not actively taking part in the tolerance talk, are now kept in line by the omnipresent threat of being accused of hate, bigotry, and intolerance.
In the face of a new year that will be the biggest one yet for the Brotherhood promoters, The Point pleads with American Catholics to realign themselves with the militant traditions of their grandfathers. No threat of “bigotry,” no accusation of “intolerance” should temper our zeal or silence our message. We must preserve our commission to “Go forth and teach all nations...;” to “Reprove, entreat, rebuke in all patience and doctrine.”
Unworthy as we are, we American Catholics must protect for ourselves the duty of naming God’s enemies and the privilege of carrying God’s revealed Truth to the people of our country, who, we pray, will hear it, with generosity and gratitude, and who will repeat that intolerant Profession of Faith which the Church requires of all new converts: “ ... At the same time, I condemn and reprove all that the Church has condemned and reproved. This same Catholic Faith, outside of which nobody can be saved, which I now freely profess and to which I truly adhere, the same I promise and swear to maintain and profess, with the help of God, entire, inviolate and with firm constancy until the last breath of life; and I shall strive as far as possible that this same Faith shall be held, taught and publicly professed by all those who depend on me, and by those of whom I shall have charge.”
(from the Rituale Romanum, published in 1947 with the Imprimatur of the Cardinal Archbishop of New York.)
A Militant Example
A recent Vatican news release has stated that Saint Lawrence of Brindisi may soon be declared a Doctor of the universal Church. Should he receive that title, the Italian Franciscan, who died in 1619, would thus become the thirtieth saint whom the Church has especially singled out as a teacher of the Faith to all Catholics everywhere.
Born at Brindisi in 1559, Saint Lawrence early demonstrated the singular gifts that would make him a brilliant preacher. As a Capuchin friar, with a personal commission from Pope Clement VIII, the saint delivered vigorous sermons in the principal Italian ghettos, thus incurring a bitter resentment among the Jews that has persisted to this day.
For our age of cowering Catholics, Lawrence of Brindisi supplies a reproving example. Not only did he work tirelessly to challenge the perfidy of the Jews, but he brought back to the Faith many who had gone over to the Protestant Revolt, and, most spectacular of all, he led an army against the Turks. It was in Hungary, in the year 1601, that Saint Lawrence, armed with nothing more than his cowl and his Crucifix, led a Christian army, outnumbered four to one, to an astounding victory over the infidels.
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Before We Forget About All Those School Kids Protesting About The Lack Of Action By Our Leaders About Doing Something About Climate Change - Which Coincidentally Took Place On The Same Day As The Christchurch Mosque "Shooting," Have A Look At This Timely Reminder By One Of The World's Experts On Climate Studies:
1, 2, 3 ... it looks all the same to me ....Sandy Hooks, Climate Change Hoax and the Christchurch mosque "Shooting!"
Sandy Hook “school shooting” was a hoax – must-see video

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A Billboard We Put Up in California
This is a billboard we are currently running on one of the busiest highways in the country (Interstate 405). It’s right outside Los Angeles, CA. The billboard started on July 10, 2014. It’s estimated that 723,000 people see the billboard each week. Donations can help us put up more billboards across the country so that people find the truth.

Subject: Spotted:
"The Website They Don't Want You to See!"
Dear Brothers,
I was driving down the 405/110 freeway in Los Angeles CA when I spotted a billboard with your web address. I so so pleased to see it. California is experiencing such demonic actions… The people need to know the truth. Thank you for your time.
GOD bless you and the work you do.
Maria Reed
Subject: I saw one of your signs off of the 405 Fwy in CA!
Dear Dimond Brothers –
I was very happy to see your signage. I hope people will go to your website. I think it was easily viewable from the Southbound 405.