This blog site is devoted to the defence of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, by exposing the false and invalid Second Vatican Council as a non-Catholic heretical Council. We have zeroed in on the one piece of arsenal which most of us have overlooked and failed to employ over these past 40 years since the Vatican II sect was installed in Rome. The one weapon that strikes more terror into the enemies of the Church is the Bulla of Pope Pius II, Execrabilis, which he issued on February 15th, 1460.
"In an address on October 27, 2014, to the "Pontifical" Academy of Sciences, antipope Francis endorsed evolution and the Big Bang theory.
He also denied that God can do all things. He stated: "When we read about creation in Genesis, we run the risk of imagining God was a magician with a magic wand able to do everything, but that is not so."
This is an incredible heresy. He says that God cannot do everything.
The fact God is Almighty, that He is All Powerful, that He can do everything is a basic truth about God and a defined Catholic dogma. The truth is set forth in all the Catholic dogmatic creeds, and it was defined by numerous popes at Dogmatic Councils.
Antipope Francis has completely rejected this basic truth about God, with his statement. He utters his incredible blasphemy in the context of discussing the Creation account in the Book of Genesis.
According to him, God simply did not have the power to create each creature according to its own kind as the Bible says.
This is another striking proof of what we've pointed out, that Francis is not the pope, but a manifestly heretical non-Catholic antipope, and that the Vatican II sect is not the Catholic Church but the End-Times counter church.
If you want to find the truth necessary for salvation, see our website,
Evolution, by the way, is a completely unscientific fairy tale. It's disproven by science. It's incompatible with Sacred Scripture and Catholic teaching as well.