Friday, October 21, 2016

Larry Nichols-A Man With A Mission. Saturday 22 October, 2016 Our Lady's Saturday

LARRY NICHOLS - A Man With A Mission


We've Only Just Begun






  Larry Nichols, former Green Beret and former Clinton operative, now exposes the Clinton's evil plans to take over America and take away our freedoms. Larry shares his plan on how we, the American citizens, can take back our freedoms from an overreaching Federal government through States' Rights, a gift left to us by our Founding Fathers. Watch it and share it with everyone you know




 The Man - Exposing Corruption and Lies of the U.S. Political System

Silent Coup Beginning to Overtake America Now-Larry Nichols


1aBy Greg Hunter’s 

Former Clinton insider Larry Nichols has worked with, and now against, the Clintons. Nichols has some of the top political and financial connections on the planet.  Nichols hopes the public is finally realizing the enormous power struggle going on.  Nichols explains, “There is no two-party system in the United States of America.  Let’s get that straight.  There is no two-party system, there is one.  Part of it is a red team and part of it is a blue team.   You think you have a choice, but as you know you only have a choice between the two they give you to vote for, but here comes Trump.  Trump doesn’t need their money . . . he will bust up the system, and he will not only bust up the system for the Republican Party, but he will bust up the system (for both parties).  So, there are many establishment Republicans that have said they would rather vote for Hillary than Trump. . . . They must maintain status quo of the system for these power elite people to stay where they want to be.”


Nichols goes on to say, “We are at the beginning of a velvet or silent coup. It’s been going on for years.  There’s been a slow subtle takeover of our form of government, starting years and years ago, but it is coming to an end.  That’s why there is this power play now.  It’s more aggressive than you have seen before.  If we don’t stop Hillary, it’s over.  Is Trump the answer to all of our problems?  I don’t know.  Here’s what I do know about Donald Trump.  Donald Trump is not in the system.  How do I know that?  As hard as they are working to keep him out is a pretty good recommendation for me.  He’s not one of them.  He might be a good president.  When you mention Hillary or the establishment, there is no ‘might.’  With them, we would get what we have been getting but only worse.  There is not a ‘might’ there.”


Nichols says the good news might come in the general election in November. Nichols explains, “The American voters’ vote counts in the general election.  Remember that.  The play in the system has always been to trick it in the primaries and get both people that are the same but different colors.  The general election has always been set up where people do get to vote, and they will get to pick the lessor of two evils.  This time, it’s different.  This time, the American voters can make a difference if Trump can stay in and actually get the nomination.”


On the teetering financial system, Nichols says, “One of the five major banks has way too much of that $72 billion Puerto Rican debt. It might not sink them, but it may cause a problem.  If one of the major banks took a hit like that. . . . The FDIC just said it does not have enough liquidity if two major banks went into default.  If one of the major banks falls or if one major bank was getting ready to take a nose dive, people would run on all the banks wouldn’t they?  If everybody tried to cash their money out of the banks at one time, they would get about 6 cents on the dollar.  You think you got a $100,000 protected in the bank—you don’t.”


Nichols, who is currently undergoing treatments for lung cancer, also says, “I believe President Obama doesn’t really want to leave. Now, how could he stay?  It only takes a crisis.  If a national crisis is declared . . . FEMA comes in.  Most people don’t even know about the FEMA provisional plan.  In case a meteor hits America and we go into a national crisis, FEMA has already got a plan in place ready to go where they will set up a provisional government.  So, if the banks were to start collapsing, guess what Obama would do?


He’d go to Congress and get them to vote and boom, in comes the provisional FEMA government, which makes the president . . . king.”


Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with former Clinton insider Larry Nichols.


  Clinton insider, Larry Nichols, tears open the Clinton machine and exposes their colossal list of lies, deceptions and depravities. From Bill Clinton’s bizarre sexual history and involvement with trafficking cocaine into the U.S., to Hillary’s trail of death as secretary of state and her rise to the presidency: the blood is spilled as the gloves come off.






  2 November, 2016 - LATEST UPDATE



The New Clinton Chronicles: Hillary's Trail Of Death





 Alex Jones - The Mystery of  Paralyzed and Dying Children Discovered




  Stop Press - The Truth About Cancer ( Breast cancer & Mammograms)

How To Avoid Breast cancer 4JOY

Microwave Ovens - Be Aware  4JOY




               Thank You



The Mission - A Battle On Two Fronts

We have just learned a little about Larry Nichols and his mission to unveil the corruption rampant within the U.S. Government and its electoral system, and we have also been told that he is battling cancer, and to this end Larry needs your help that he is able to continue his work in exposing this criminal activity within the power structure of America, for the benefit and very survival and welfare of every man and woman and child in the United States of America and indeed the whole World. 


To help him carry on with this important vital assignment, he needs your help financially, as his funds are now exhausted with his on-going medical costs incurred in fighting this disease.


Larry and his support people have set up a fund to help cover his treatment, which includes pain relief medication he needs to function on a daily basis.


Where Can You Send Your Donations, of even a few dollars, which could make the difference for Larry's survival and the continuation of his treatment, which he needs to be able to continue this vital mission?

Your donations can be sent to who are receiving the donations, which are then forwarded immediately to Larry at, and thank you all who have stepped forward to assist Larry and the survival of humanity, because that is what it boils down to!


Just click on the link above and you will be directed to [see illustrated only picture below], and then click ['click here'on the link shown on this page] ...



.... and you will be directed to this page [illustrated only picture shown below], and do the same clicking on 'Donate' and you will be directed to PayPal... you can add a personal message for Larry if you so wish, and remember that every dollar or even dime you give will give Larry a second chance at life, and put this dreaded disease behind him for once and for all! 






          Brother Can You Spare A Dime?




  PRAYER - The Great Means Of Grace

Prayer, the Great Means of Grace [1 hr. and 20 minute audio]


What Prayers should I be Saying?

If you have listened to the above audio, and if you haven't, you are strongly advised to do so if you are serious about prayer in your life.


Any prayer is good, as long as it comes from your heart, it is sincere, and to one is in a state of grace much merit is gained for that individual, and is most likely to be heard by God, than someone who is not in the state of grace.   But if an individual is sincerely looking fot the truth and asks God humbly, he will give that individual Actual Grace to enable that individual to do good acts and avoid sin.    


Which prayers are the best?   


As the audio describes, prayers made in Heaven, such as the Our Father, The Lord's Prayer is the most powerful, because it comes directly from God, and is not man-made. [ fully covered in the audio], followed by the "Angelic Salutation" or better known as the "Hail Mary" a prayer composed by the Holy Ghost an entrusted to the Archangel Gabriel to pass on to Mary, who was to be the Mother of our Saviour, Our Lord Jesus Christ, both man and God.

The 54-Day Novena Of The Most Holy Rosary


Starting from today [ Sunday 23 October, 2016 ] we have already commenced this Novena for Larry Nichols, and we should also include for the U.S.A. & The World, as we approach probably the most crucial deciding election the U.S. and the World has ever witnessed!



A Novena is simply a prayer or prayers recited for 9 days, the number 9 represents the number of months the Virgin Mary carried the Baby Jesus in her womb.


The prayers of the Novena, also known as the "Irresistible Novena," as we shall see as the story of the origin of this devotion is revealed, consist of reciting 5 decades each of the Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries for 27 days in Petition, and 5 decades each of the same Mysteries in Thanksgiving.  That makes a total of 54 days for the Novena.




  Urgent Message Of Our Lady To Sister Lucy

Sister Lucia of Fatima To Fr. Fuentes, 1957: “Look, Father, the Most Holy Virgin in these last times in which we live has given a new efficacy to the recitation of the Holy Rosary.  She has given this efficacy to such an extent that there is no problem, no matter how difficult it is, whether temporal or above all, spiritual, in the personal life of each one of us, of our families, of the families of the world, or of the religious communities, or even of the life of peoples and nations, that cannot be solved by the Rosary There is no problem I tell you, no matter how difficult it is, that we cannot resolve by the prayer of the Holy Rosary.”

 How to Pray the Rosary

How long will that take each day?

No more than about 20 minutes each day.


Copy and Print this out, and mark off each day as you complete  the Novena. 


J = Joyful Mysteries, S = Sorrowful Mysteries, G = Glorious Mysteries



              I Say A Little Prayer For You





 Quick Link To the Christchurch Earthquakes:  





New Zealand Earthquake

7.8 Earthquake strikes New Zealand around 12:04 am Monday 14 November,2016 NZDT


  Biggest Earthquake to strike New Zealand, since the Napier Earthquake in 1931. 2 deaths to date reported.  Felt throughout N.Z. from Dunedin in the South to Whangarei in the far north of N.Z.


We are in Stokes Valley, Lower Hutt about half an hour drive north of Wellington with no damage here apart from loss of power which is back on this morning...


A few pictures included.   Reports of strange lights around about time of the quake…


Have been many big aftershocks/earthquakes about three more than 6.0 and even more greater than 5.0 .....


Not a lot of sleep for many.   I was on the internet at the time ready to close it down when it hit....lasted for ages (probably up to a minute). Having been through the Christchurch quakes of 2010/2011, I stayed put and protected my computer, while singing the Ave Stella Maris hymn...having great faith in Our Lady!


There was and is still a Tsunami warning in place for the east coast of both islands and around Wellington/ Cook Strait area. Earlier Kaikoura recorded waves of 2.5 metre, Christchurch 1 metre and Wellington half a metre.

Clock Stopped In Timaru As Earthquake Struck

7.8M Earthquake 20km SE of Hanmer Springs Around 12:04am NZDT


Supermarket in Nelson


Blenheim South Island N.Z. Close to Epicentre of the 7.8M Earthquake


Homestead near Kaikoura

Earthquakes since Midnight

State Highway South Island


UPDATE: 15 November, 2016


Recently released Hillary Clinton e-mails show U.S. State Department advanced knowledge of the big Christchurch Earthquake on 22 February, 2011.

The first e-mail sent by the State Department to head of the department, Hillary Clinton, was sent a full 6 hours before the actual quake hit, Washington being 18 hours behind NZST.

Hillary Clinton E mail Archive


From: Jake Sullivan

To:  Hillary Clinton

Date:  2011 - 02 - 21   12:35 


UNCLASSIFIED  U.S. Department of State  Case No. F -2014-20439

Doc No.  CO5778832  Date:  01/29/2016


From:  Sullivan, Jacob J < sullivan>

Sent:  Monday, February 21, 2011  7:35PM

To:   H; Mills, Cheryl D: Aberdin, Hume: Rennes, Phillipp I

Subject:   Fw:  6.3 magnitude earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand

And on cue ...


Sent:  Monday Feb 21  19:32:18  2011

Subject:  6.3 magnitude earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand

 Therewasnoimmediateconfirmationof injuriesor damagetothecityfromthequakeaccordingtopress

Automatic electronic distribution to:  S, D(S), D(N), P, E, C, M, DG, T, R, PA, G, AF , EAP, EUR, NEA, SCA, WHA, 10, SICRS, H, CA, PMAT,INR, AVC, IIP, ISN, CMS, S/ES, S/ES-O, NSOC, and WHSR

Assange had promised to release a 'bombshell' this week, but the mainstream media whores had claimed he backed out.   Seems he backed out of the planned conference, but not the actual release of data online.

Seems they even knew of the 6.3M quake - a possible reference to the Freemasonic Kabbalah number 666.   There is substantial evidence the quake was in fact much bigger than 6.3m ref. my remark a short time after the '6.3'M earthquake struck shortly before 1pm...."it felt more like a 7.4M quake! "

Then if it was indeed much more than the 6.3M reported by Geonet, how come the tie-up between Hillary Clinton's -mails and Geonets reckoning?     Was Geonet pressured by the N.Z. Govt after U.S. State Department pressure?    Seems highly likely!


17 November, 2016 NZDT


Scumbag N.Z. MSM

World's Biggest Seismic Testing “Blast” Ship – Amazon Warrior ...

World's Biggest Seismic Ship - Amazon Warrior Parked right On Top of Major Fault off the Kaikoura Coast just before and during the 7.8M Earthquake in an attempt to destroy Kaikoura

_______________________  Comments Saturday 26 November 2016

j-bean - Amazon Warrior Seismic Ship

It will just go on and on .  Where is the location of Amazon Warrior now/   HAARP base down at Antarctica, John Kerry visiting there at this time.

Permission granted to test for oil and gas east coast of N.Z. the destruction is probably just using N.Z. as a guinea pig. Collateral damage not important to massive oil and banking elite, Goldman Sachs and their henchmen.  Damage quite useful as weaken economy and and distracts populace.  Would someone to prove this is not happening.   Give exact location of ship now.    What fools are we and look at the mess!

1 day ago
It will just go on and on.  Where is the location of Amazon Warrior now, this seismic ship got caught out.  Now unable to be located as location signal turned off, against maritime law.  HAARP base down at Antartica, John Kerry visiting there at this time.  Permission granted to test for oil and gas off east coast of NZ, the destruction is probably just using NZ as a guinea pig.  Collateral damage not important to massive oil and banking elites, Goldman Sachs and their henchmen. Damage quite useful as weakens economy and distracts populace.  Would like someone to prove this is not happening.  Give exact location of ship, now.  What fools we are, and look at the mess.
Less than a minute ago
David Shone
Your comment is awaiting moderation
j-bean   at last an awake Kiwi...I'm surprises the lame stream media let you post this...but good on you!



The Story and Origin of the 54-Day Rosary Novena sometimes known as the Irresistible Novena 

The Picture From A Second Hand Store.


Our Lady of Pompeii

Pompeii was a great and prosperous city in Roman times when it was first destroyed by an eruption of Vesuvius.    It was far from that in October, 1872, when Bartolo Long went there to attend to property owned by his wife, the Countess of Fusco.   The region was described in the official record as "a most dangerous resort of bold and infamous robbers."


Bartolo Long had been raised and educated as a Catholic, but he had become involved with spiritualism.   Weak as he was in his own faith, he was appalled by what he saw at Pompeii.    There was only one little chapel and one parish priest for the entire region, yet this was sufficient for the few people who still went to church.  Most of the inhabitants had fallen victim to superstition, fear of the evil eye was rampant.


A Heavenly Message


On October 9, Bartolo was walking through one of the most  desolate parts of the desolate region.   His own doubts were assailing him again.   Should he give up the faith in which he had been raised?   Suddenly he became aware that a voice was speaking to him:


    "If you seek salvation, promulgate the Rosary.   This is Mary's own promise."


 Bartolo answered: "If it is true that thou didst promise St. Dominic that whosoever should promulgate thy Rosary should be saved, then shall I be saved, for I will not leave this valley until I have propagated thy Rosary."


The angelus rang out at the distant church and Bartolo fell to his knees to confirm his pledge. 


Bartolo's attempts to found a Rosary confraternity met with little success at first, but by 1875 he had made a promising start.   In that year the Bishop of Nola was won over.   Visiting the little chapel, the Bishop said, "You wish to raise an altar here in honor of the Rosary?  I propose we raise not an altar but a church!"   Then pointing to a field opposite he added, " That is where the basilica will be raised for Pompeii."


The Picture

Bartolo wished to find a picture that would encourage the peasants in the daily recitation of the Rosary.   He told them he would have a picture for them by the time they had a three day mission, and found a picture of Our Lady of the Rosary, which he liked, but was very much disappointed to learn that it did not meet requirements of Canon Law.


Bartolo hurried to Naples, but was unable to find a picture less than 400 francs which was more than he could afford, however a friend in Naples gave him a picture which he had bought in a secondhand shop for three francs.


Bartolo looked at the picture with a sinking heart.   It met the requirements of Canon Law, but it violated every aesthetic principle.


"Not only was it worm-eaten," said Bartolo, "but the face of the Madonna was that of the face of a course, rough country woman ... a piece of canvas was missing just above her head ... Her mantle was cracked.  Nothing can be said of the hideousness of the other figures.  St. Dominic looked like a street idiot.  To Our Lady's left was St. Rose.   This later I had changed to a St. Catherine of Siena ... I hesitated whether to refuse the gift or to accept.   I had promised a picture unconditionally for that evening.   I took it."


The picture was too big for Bartolo to carry by hand, so he gave it to a delivery man who made regular trips between Pompeii and Naples.   The picture, wrapped in a sheet, was carried to the chapel on top of a load of manure which was to be delivered to a nearby farm.     Thus, Our Lady of Pompeii arrived at her chosen shrine.    For this picture became the focal point of devotion at the chapel.


Bartolo bought the picture in November, 1875.   In January, 1876, it was partially restored in time for the canonical foundation of the Confraternity.


First miracles attributed to Our Lady of Pompeii 

In Naples, Clorinda Lucarelli, a child of twelve, lay at the point of death.   She was a victim of epilepsy and had been given up by the doctors.    Clorinda's aunt and guardian heard of the new Rosary Confraternity and promised to help in the building of the new church if the child got well.     


The girl was restored to complete health on the very day the picture was re-exposed for veneration.    Doctors who had examined her previously said that her recovery was not due to any medical treatment.


The relatives of Concetta Vasterilla, who was dying in agony, made a similar promise to Our Lady of Pompeii.   She too recovered swiftly and completely. 

Another case involved a Father Anthony Varone who was cured of a fearful gangrenous malady the same day that he put his trust in Our Lady of Pompeii.   All his symptoms vanished at once, and the next morning he rose to say Mass.


All of these cures took place in the early months of 1876.


A month after the cornerstone of the new church was laid on May 8,  1876, Madame Giovannina Muta, who lay in the last stages of consumption, appealed to Our Lady of Pompeii.   As she lay in bed she saw an exact replica of the picture in the chapel, although she had never seen the original.    Our Lady gazed upon her and then threw toward her a kind of white ribbon on which was the message:  "The Virgin of Pompeii grants your request, Giovannina Muta."   She was cured immediately.


The cures attributed to Our Lady of Pompeii could be extended indefinitely, but there is one, however that deserves special mention:


The Cure That Originated The Devotion of the Rosary Novena To Our Lady 

Fortuna Agrelli, a girl of Naples, had been ill for thirteen months.  She suffered intense pain.  Her father had called in the most celebrated doctors but they had declared her incurable.    On February 16, 1884, she and some of her relatives began a novena of Rosaries.

On March 3, Our Lady appeared to Fortuna as the Virgin of Pompeii.   She was sitting on a high throne, and the infant Jesus was on her lap.   She held a rosary in her hand.   She was accompanied by St. Dominic and St. Catherine of Siena.   The throne was profusely decorated with flowers.   The beauty of Our Lady was marvelous.   She looked at Fortuna with motherly tenderness.

"Queen of the Holy Rosary," Fortuna said, "be gracious to me; restore me to health.   I have already prayed to thee in a novena, O Mary, but have not yet experienced the aid.   I am so anxious to be cured!"

"Child," said the Blessed Virgin, "thou has invoked me by various titles and hast always obtained favors from me.   Now, since thou hast called me by the title so pleasing to me, 'Queen of the Holy Rosary,'  I can no longer refuse the favor thou dost petition; for this name is most precious and dear to me.  make three novenas, and thou shalt obtain all."

Fortuna obeyed, and she was cured.

Soon after that, Our Lady appeared again.  This time she said, "Whosoever desires to obtain favors from me should make three novenas of the prayers of the Rosary in petition and three novenas in thanksgiving."


This was the origin of the devotion of the Rosary Novenas to Our Lady, sometimes called the Irresistible Novena.    The devotion calls for five decades of the Rosary each day for 27 days in petition to be followed by five decades a day for 27 days in thanksgiving - 54 days in all.   It is a powerful form of prayers; we have Our Lady's word for it!



  It's Getting Crazier And Crazier Just 3 Days Out From The Elections!  The Satanic Is Revealed!




PIZZAGATE -Exposed!   1 December, 2016









 How Elections Are Stolen In America-EXPOSED!



 Smoking Gun In massive Election Fraud Discovered





1 November, 2016 [ N.Z.T]



 Breaking: DNC Caught Rigging Election Red Handed!




 The Corbett Report:   The Video Hillary Doesn't Want You To See!


 U.S. Military Hackers Threaten Russia -Uh Oh! 1 Day out from Elections!


 Breaking 8 November, 2016 [ 8:57 pm NZDT]



UPDATE:  8 November, 2016 

Newsweek into it also!


UPDATE:   8 November, 2016 N.Z.T

Headlines Already Prepared!

  Sister Lucia of Fatima To Fr. Fuentes, 1957: “Look, Father, the Most Holy Virgin in these last times in which we live has given a new efficacy to the recitation of the Holy Rosary.  She has given this efficacy to such an extent that there is no problem, no matter how difficult it is, whether temporal or above all, spiritual, in the personal life of each one of us, of our families, of the families of the world, or of the religious communities, or even of the life of peoples and nations, that cannot be solved by the Rosary There is no problem I tell you, no matter how difficult it is, that we cannot resolve by the prayer of the Holy Rosary.”


Hillary Insider Tells All



Larry Nichol's Message To Bill and Hillary Clinton



  9 November, 2016

Latest Election Update:

Is It Too Early To Claim Victory and if it is NOT then I credit Our Lady Queen of the Most Holy Rosary for this Victory Against the Evil Criminal Clinton Cabal!






Republicans Heading To Victory!

State of the Parties at 6:10 pm NZDT


5:45pm  9 November, 2016 NZDT


5:16pm 9 November, 2016 NZDT


3:14pm  9 November, 2016 NZDT


2:28pm 9 November, 2016 NZDT


6:10pm  9 November, 2016 NZDT

10:53pm  9 November, 2016 NZDT


7:19pm 9 November, 2016 NZDT

7:42pm 9 November, 2016 NZDT  

7:47pm 9 November, 2016 NZDT

10:13pm 9 November, 2016 NZDT



9 November, 2016




10 November, 2016 NZDT

PAUL JOSEPH WATSON - ENJOYING THE MOMENT I now know what S    stands for and ends with a BANG!




Thursday 10 November, 2016

It is well documented that 96% of the MSM in the U.S. is owned by the Jews.   The following article confirms that that situation in New Zealand is no different, as the following article by the Dominion Post illustrates.  


I was quite shocked when I passed the newspaper stand in our local Supermarket this evening with the day's headline immediately catching my attention.  Several other people after I had pointed it out agreed  ..."children will be looking at that".... an elderly couple commented, and what sort of message does that send?  [picture below]



In Your Face Headline

 The Editorial !!!!

To be transcribed for easy read asap ....



13 November, 2016 NZDT


 Communist Stirring JEWS Behind the Protests - The Masters of War and Peace and All Revolutions! ["The Jewish Peril & The Catholic Church" - video above ]





















Wonder What's Happened To Hillary?





STOP PRESS!   "The Devil In Connecticut" - A reading from the book by Bro. Peter Dimond (


A case of demonic possession [new 44 min. audio]. This is a new audio which analyzes a story of demonic possession. We believe that many people will find this very interesting. We found the case (which is a true story) to have many extremely interesting facets, from which we believe that many lessons can be learned.



"The story involves a Novus Ordo family in Connecticut and the story began in 1980.


The main family involved in this had the last name of Glatzel.  The parents of this family were named Judy and Carl.   Judy was a Novus Ordo "Catholic" and Carl was unbaptized.   They had four children.  Debbie, their eldest was 26, then they had Carl Jr. Alan and David.     Carl Jr. was 14, Alan was 13, and David was 11.


The story also involves to a certain extent, another family with the last name of Johnson.    Debbie who was the daughter of Judy and Carl Glatzel had been living with this woman named Mary Johnson and her children because she was working as a dog groomer, and Debbie basically got involved with Mary Johnson's son, named Arne, and they were planning on getting married, but in the meantime they had been living in a state of sin.


So Debbie was living with Mary Johnson and her children including Arne in their home, but the situation became such that they became unhappy in the house with all of them there and particular place where they were living, so they looked for a bigger place in a rural environment where they could live.


So what happened was they found this house which they planned to rent and Mary Johnson and her children were going to stay in the main house and Arne and Debbie were going to stay in basically a connected sort of apartment.


And so, Debbie and Arne went out to the house to visit and basically to unload their belongings, because I guess they had already agreed to take out the rent on the house prior to having really visited it.


As they began to move their things into the house and look around it more carefully, they found it to be quite dreary and they were a little bit disappointed, but they figured that it was  something where they could just clean it up.   It wouldn't be a big deal.


Helping them move in and look around the new place were Debbie's brothers, David, Carl Jr. and Alan.


The boys began to help them fix and set the place up, but shortly thereafter, strange things began to happen to them.   A quote from page 16 of the book ... 'The boys set off to perform their duties little knowing that these would be the last minutes of an innocent childhood, for within an hour an incident would occur that would mark the beginning of incomprehensible, diabolical siege that in time would forever change the lives of every member of the Johnson and Glatzel families'.


What happened was some of the boys were playing around on a waterbed that was in the house.     


David, who was the 11 year old of the Glatzels, was standing in the room.     Their mother, Judy, ordered the boys out of the room, because she was also there helping out with the house, but David stayed in the room.


And, I want to quote here from the book on page 17 ... 'David stayed in the room walking over to the foot of the bed.   He noticed the surface of the bed was still slightly undulating.   He then turned around and gazed out the window and saw a light rain beginning to fall.     


Suddenly, incredibly, David felt what seemed to be two large hands like those of a man pressing on his stomach.  A moment later, David was shoved backward onto the waterbed.   He landed flat on his back.   At five feet tall and weighing 150lbs, David is a weighty child, and considerable force would be required to knock him over.


David quickly turned expecting to see Jason or one of his brothers making a hasty retreat, but that wasn't the case.  When David Glatzel turned to see who had pushed him, his mouth dropped open!


Standing before the boy at the foot of the bed, wearing a wild, menacing look on its face, was a man, or at least the visage of a man.   The child could see right through the man.    The child was seized with terror as he watched the spectre slowly lifted its arms and pointed directly at him.


David watched the figure back away and disappear from view.  The boy shuddered with cold fear.    David moved off the bed slowly never taking his eyes off the spot where the thing had appeared.   He eased out of the room without shifting his gaze.


When Debbie called him and asked him to help, his brother Alan carried a carton into the bedroom where the waterbed was.    David gasped and shouted, 'No, no, I won't go back in there!'


David ran outside and refused to come back in.   Meanwhile, another strange episode took place in the waterbed room.   Carl and Alan were manoeuvring the carton into the bedroom and slide it into a corner.  When they went to leave the door closed by itself.    No matter how they twisted and manipulated the door knob, they could not get in to open the door. 

So, what happened next was the boys went home and David was not himself.   He normally was a seemingly happy and east-to-deal with child, but he didn't want to talk with anyone, and wasn't easy to deal with at all.

That night he told his brother, Alan what happened.   He described the man he saw, and I'm quoting from page 26 of the book ... "No, I saw all of him,' David revealed, 'he was wearing a red plaid shirt, the sleeve on the left side was all torn apart and ragged.   His pants were ripped too.   He had on old blue jeans washed out like.

He also felt compelled to tell his parents about what he had seen, and the most startling fact of all, which was that he claimed to be able to see the inside of the house where he had originally seen this man, and where Debbie and Arne and the Johnsons were going to move, right now.

I quote from page 27 of the book ... 'Oh, yeah, Mom, that's the rest of it,' Alan announced, 'David says he can see inside the house right now!'

'I can do more than that!' David said, ominously.'

'What are you talking about? What can you do? Judy, his mother commanded.

David responded, ' I didn't tell this part to Alan.   The man told me not to tell anyone he was there.  He told me this before , just after I lay down in bed and closed my eyes.'

'Who told you this?  The old man?' Judy asked.

 'He's not an old man anymore!' David responded. 'He changed when the sun went down.  Now he's different.  I can't see him too clear, but now his body is all red and his face is big and white with black eyes, and coming out of his forehead he grew horns.' 

His mother, Judy was struck with the impact of what David was saying.    Nervous, Judy took out a cigarette and picked up the lighter on the coffee table.   When she flicked it the flame roared all the way up to the ceiling.      The incident was over in a second, but left all starring in wonder!

Then Alan exclaimed, 'It's still here!'   'No, it isn't,' David responded calmly, 'it's still at the waterbed house.'

'David, he told you not to talk with us.  Did he tell you anything else?' Arne asked.

'Yes,' David said reluctantly, 'he told me to take down the Holy Card of St. Michael in my bedroom, and he wants us to take all the crucifixes out of the house too.  He told me if I don't do these things, he's going to punish me.'

So, basically what you have is, after this incident in this house where the Johnsons were planning to move, David is able to see inside of that house and he's having communication with this thing which he saw.   This thing which he saw, originally appeared as an old man, but after sundown turned red and had horns and telling him not to tell any of the members of his family about what he had seen or heard, and it's also telling him to take down crucifixes and the Holy Card of St. Michael.

Now, what's interesting about this is we've had to counsel people over the years who claim to hearing voices or seeing things, even appearances of demons, that they have to ignore them.

For instance, there was one individual we knew who confided in us that he had been seeing demons and he would listen to what they would say and would focus on what they were doing.   The situation became such that he eventually began spending most of his days looking at what these demons were doing and listening to what they were saying because the activity around him became that strong.

And so, we are always counseling people that if something like that occurred, if they hear something or see something, that they have to ignore it!

The Devil's completely powerless.   He can do nothing that God doesn't allow.   So the more attention one gives to it, the bigger the problem usually becomes.

For instance, there was another individual from Maryland who called us, and he claimed that he didn't have any free-will.    We didn't know this individual at all, but he was looking for spiritual help.      He said he had an external film on his body which the Devil put there, which is where the Devil lives, and the Devil doesn't let him do anything, and I said to him,"Well, how did you make this phone call to call us?"   And, I said," Well. if you don't have any free-will, how are you able to call us now?"   

 And so, I was kind of angry with him because he was giving too much credit to the Devil, and I instructed him to simply ignore all these things which were happening to him, and focus on simply being a good Catholic, believing in what the Church has taught, living the life of grace, making a good confession and ignoring all of these things which were occurring in his life.   And, I said if he did that, they would go away, and his problems would be solved.

Well, unfortunately he didn't listen, he didn't agree, and he said," you don't understand my problem.  It's much bigger than that!"    

And we even told him that people often in their own pride, exaggerated the significance of their own problem or want to make themselves believe that their problem is more complicated than the simple remedies that the church offers, which first and foremost include being a good Catholic, living the life of grace, praying the Rosary, doing your spiritual reading, avoiding occasions of sin, etc.

They don't want to hear these simple answers, so they say it's much bigger than that, and it requires much different means.   And so, we didn't hear from this individual for many months, probably over a year, until one night we received a call from his mother who is not a Catholic, and she called us because he, this individual, told her to call us because he was undergoing absolute possession.

He was screaming in the middle of the night, running up and down the steps waking up the neighbors.   She put it on speaker phone and he was screaming out all kinds of blasphemies.    I could even hear him in the background saying, I'm quoting, yelling out, "Antichrist!"   And what's incredible, is that he was yelling out the exact same thing, "Antichrist" that the woman in the exorcism video on our website was saying in that exorcism.

And he, because he thought his problem was bigger than the simple remedies the Church offers and didn't simply ignore all those external phenomena, his problem grew and exploded and ended up in possession, and it was largely in part due to his own bad-will, we believe.

And so, I wanted to mention that now, because we see the same thing beginning to occur in this story which we are talking about.    Some external phenomena are occurring.  This young boy, named David, who is hearing these voices and telling him to do things, it's telling him to obey him and because you are dealing with Novus Ordo family, and unfortunately that typically means a little bit above a pagan.

They don't have the spiritual instruction or the understanding of the Catholic faith to know to ignore or to apply the proper remedies to get this problem solved right at the beginning.   And as we see it begins to progress and expand.

So returning back to the story, David continues to explain that he can basically see this man almost at all times, even when he shuts his eyes, he can see into the house where he originally encountered this man.

The dog, which belonged to Debbie and Arne, the two who were going to move in with the Johnsons into the house, was staying at the house overnight, and David explained how the dog was scratching at the door of the basement.   The dog was frantic and was desperately trying to get into the locked door of the basement in that house where the whole thing occurred, but the dog couldn't get in.

David said that this ghost-man that he sees emanates from the basement of that house.  Now, Arne and Debbie, and remember Arne is the son of Mary Johnson, who is involved with Debbie Gladzel, and they were going to move into this house with Mary Johnson were so frightened and upset by what had been occurring with David and what they had been told, that they had concluded they will not move into this house.

It's also interesting that as they were having this conversation where David is telling the rest of his family and Arne Johnson about what he had been seeing and hearing, he said that this ghost-man told him not to tell Mary Johnson, who is Arne's mother, about what was going on.    And David goes on to say, p.29... "the ghost-man says that Mary Johnson is not to know he exists.  Mary is his, he says; he's been interfering in her affairs for a long time, and he says he's going to break her down. He wants her to do his work."

As David continued to relate these things which the ghost-man would tell him, he would use words which he clearly never knew before and he even repeated some of these messages which contained profanity, which caused his parents to rebuke him, and also to see that he was indeed hearing something.

So when Arne and Debbie went back to the house the next day, they found that indeed their dog had had a traumatic experience.  

He had blood on his paw, his coat was matted and dirty, saliva had been caked around his mouth, he had wet himself.   The animal had obviously had a rough evening.    They found scratch marks on the door of the storage room, this basement room, just as David had said. 

Around that time Mary Johnson had pulled up with her daughters ready to move into the house, and Arne and Debbie informed her about what had occurred and an argument ensued as Mary did not believe them, and was intent upon moving into the house.

So Arne and Debbie left, and Mary proceeded to move into the house.

But before they left a woman named Karen pulled up.   Karen had previously rented the house, and she actually owned the water-bed, and had come back to get her water-bed and take it to her own house.

As she was dismantling her water-bed, Debbie asked her a few questions about the house: ... ( I'm quoting from p.40 of the book ) 'Did anything unusual ever happen while you were living here?' Debbie asked her.

'No, not really,' Karen replied.

'I think you are lying,' Debbie said bluntly. 'I asked you the question because your answer matters. This room, right here is trouble, isn't it?'

'Yeah, you hit it on the mark,' Karen answered, sitting down on the water-bed.

'I've had strange things happen to me here.   Sometimes when I'm lying in bed in the dark, a voice will fill the whole room, saying, 'Karen.'     'It gives me the creeps!'

'What else?' Debbie asked.

'Chickens!  I distinctly hear chickens clucking, just outside the house at night, in fact only at night, but no one around here owns chickens.  I checked.'

'Upstairs in the attic, sometimes I hear footsteps, and I always get goosebumps underneath the swing door to the attic.   Lights seem to work on their own,' she continued.

'There's more to it,' Debbie said. 'There's actually a spirit in this house, isn't there?'

'There's a spirit of a man here with white hair and a white moustache.'

The girl, Karen snickered, 'That's not what showed itself to me.  If there is a spirit, it's an evil one.   From what I have been able to learn, it seems like some kind of witchcraft was once conducted here, and I think there is a profane altar in the locked storage room downstairs.'

So the encounter which Debbie had with Karen, who had previously rented the house, revealed that in this locked basement there had been and was a profane altar , and witchcraft had apparently been performed in this house, and David had said that this ghost-man emanated from this basement area, and the dog was frantic and desperately trying to get into this door, scratching at it and all upset.

So Arne and Debbie left.    Mary moved in.

But back at the Glatzels, big problems were occurring.

David, their son, was basically in constant communication with this ghost-man.    He was constantly threatening them.

(Quote from p.44) ... He said this thing keeps talking to him.  'While you were gone, he told me how it had worked Mary Johnson into a tizzy about the house, and how she was furious and arguing with you.  He also explained in detail how Debbie had talked with someone named Karen about the spirit in the water-bed room, and that she punctured the water -bed with a screw driver .... Are all those things true?'

'Yes," Debbie said, amazed.

So, as David's communication with this ghost-man continued, the preternatural phenomena which were occurring in the Gladzel house began to increase.

They would watch rocking chair moving even though there was no one sitting in it, as if someone were actually sitting in it.

David would begin to be threatened by this ghost-man for having told others of his existence.   David's mother would begin to sprinkle holy water around the house, and according to David and his communication with the ghost-man, it was effective in preventing this ghost-man from entering certain portions of the house after it had left.

This could definitely be true, because the first priest to arrive on the scene to help the Glatzels with the problem in their house, was a very old priest who would have been validly ordained.

So, it's very possible the holy water that they were using, was actually blessed by a valid priest.

The ghost-man actually caused a serious accident to David's sister, Debbie, so that her eye was seriously injured, and in lamenting this fact she actually described this ghost-man as a beast, and David said, 'The Beast.'

So, according to David in his communications with this thing, this thing was called 'The Beast.'

And so, like we saw in the other case of the person from Maryland, because David put more and more stock into what this thing was saying, didn't simply reject it and its messages and didn't have the knowledge to apply the proper remedies of the Church, he fell deeper and deeper into the control of this ghost-man, and so basically it got to the point where he was almost or essentially worshipping this spirit, because it was commanding him to obey what it was telling him.

For instance, (quoting from p.54) ... David was discussing with his mother, Judy, some of these matters, and he said, "I'm not supposed to talk about it,' David replied, 'or he's going to kill me,' he said.

'Well, I want to know, and I'm your mother, and you are my son, and you have the right to talk to me.'

'I don't know, mummy, I'm scared. the beast told me that he's now my father, and I'm only supposed to listen to him, and to say my prayers to him.'

David then went on to describe to his mother what this beast looked like.   This is interesting. (p.55) ... 'As for what he looks like - during the daytime he looks like an old man.  He's got white hair and a moustache and all the same clothes I told you about.    

Then, at night he changes.   He doesn't look like the old man anymore.   I can't see him too clear, but his skin gets red all over.  He's got a tail and short horns come out of his forehead.

I only see him kind of blurry that way and he's never up close.

When he's the old man he says he hates my guts and is going to destroy me.

Now, this part is very interesting, and I quote because so many people - frankly it seems to be the dominant problem today - are falling into mortal sins of impurity.

Here's what David said the Devil does, 'When he's red at night, he's always saying how he's going to fornicate with someone.   he likes to watch the girls without their clothes on.  He's already touched their bodies when they are asleep.'

Now the next part is interesting.

His mother asked him, 'Why has this beast come into our house?' 

David responded by saying, 'I asked him that, and he told me for two reasons.'

'One, that he was going to retaliate against us for telling Mary Johnson he exists, but he also said that he's been here a lot longer than we know.'

I found that interesting, because it makes perfect sense.

This Novus Ordo family; there's no indication at all in the book that they prayed the daily Rosary or the Rosary at all.   

The father is unbaptized; one of the boys didn't even go to the Novus Ordo "Mass;" the daughter is living in mortal sin with the young man - and so they are extremely far away from the traditional Catholic faith and morality, and, of course the devil has already been in their home.

David's mother then asks him why the beast picked on him, and David responded, 'The beast just said he wants a soul and he doesn't care whose it is.  He said he's going to get a soul even if he has to take it.'

David's mother then asked  him if he had been reading his catechism, and David responded by saying, 'He says he's more powerful than Jesus, and that he's in charge of the world.'

'Oh, no!' and then David pulled back in his chair and stared in fright at something in the centre of the room.

'I didn't mean to! She told me to talk, so don't hit me!'

Suddenly, Judy's mother heard the sound of a loud slap.

David's head spun to the side and a red mark appeared on his cheek.   The event was incredible!

So, because David was listening and obeying in a certain way to this demonic spirit, God allowed the demonic spirit to have even more power over him, so that it was actually physically assaulting him.

And I remind those who may be listening, that this is a true story and that the author of the book, Gerald Daniel Brittle, while I don't agree with everything he says in the book, he does an incredible job of weaving facts together and presents this story in a very interesting way.

At the same time the phenomena in their home really began to increase, scratching noises were heard on the walls.   Sounds were heard by everyone, but other things were only heard by a few of them.

It's very interesting that the author mentions on p.56 that Carl Snr. who is David's father, and Carl Jr. seemed to be spared the experience, save for the pounding noises.    I find that very interesting because Carl Sr. was unbaptized and never ever went to the Novus Ordo Church and didn't believe basically in anything and Carl Jr., the only one of Judy's boys who didn't really practice any semblance of Catholicism.    He took after his father, Carl.

That's interesting.   For being total unbelievers, the Devil didn't want to alert them to the reality of the supernatural world any more than he had to.

So, this thing continued to harass David horribly, threaten him, talk to him incessantly.  He couldn't sleep.  

This caused David to say things like, 'What do you want me to give to you?'

There's an interesting dialogue on p.57-58 ...

This Demon responds: 'Don't ask me questions, you scum, just answer!  Now, will you give me what I want?   Just say 'Yes.'  I will always give you whatever you want, and you will never see me again.   Is that fair?     Is that what you want?'

'Yes, I mean No!  I don't know what you want,' David responded.'

This Beast responded, 'I want something you never use, something you don't know you had, something you will never miss.    

If you tell me 'No,' I will never leave.  You will always see me and I will bring others with me, more hideous ones than you could ever think of.  We will plague and torment you always. Will you now say 'Yes?  I want your soul, David.   Tell me 'Yes' and give it to me.'

Thankfully David rejected the Devil, and the Devil responded by appearing in a more bizarre and powerful way.

It's described on p.59 ...'What David saw was not the old man. 

What stood before him in vivid and well-defined, slightly larger than a man, was distinctly a creature of diabolical order.   It had scaly light red skin and wore no clothes.    It had a human male torso and stood on cloven feet.

There were an odd number of clawed fingers on its hand.    The thing had a tail, but it was the face that David's attention was drawn.

It was all white with deep black eyes that looked like tunnels.   the eye sockets were ringed with darkness.   Horns protruded from the high forehead.   It had pointed ears close to its bald head.   A mouth was surrounded by a goatee and a drooping black moustache.

The preternatural being stared at David in rage.    In the distance behind it, David vaguely saw two others. 

Now, what's interesting, is that one would think that with all of these things happening, especially since many of his family claim to be Catholics and even attended the Novus Ordo Church regularly, that they would immediately consult a priest about the problem.    

But no, they had hesitated.  They looked for other remedies, and I think that speaks to how far from real Catholicism people in the Novus Ordo generally are.

Another point that's interesting is that amidst all this conversation between David and the Demon, someone recommended that David say that 'Jesus is Lord, and the Lord will protect me.'

David did say these words ... as recorded on p.80. The next word out of his mouth was 'help!'

David Glatzel found himself lying helplessly on his back, his legs kicking, his body skirmishing, his tongue hanging out.

He was actually in the throes of being choked.

Out of nowhere David was engaged in a struggle for his life, as he desperately tried to pull two unseen hands away from his throat.     Then, before anything could be done to help him, the attack was over.

David lay on the floor on his back, panting and coughing.   Visible on his neck were unmistakable impressions of fingers.

David was not attacked that night.

Now I find this very interesting, because when the person recommended David to say 'Jesus is Lord' and 'Our Lord will protect me,' David was correctly putting his trust and faith in Christ, and he was immediately attacked by the Devil to try to dissuade from doing anything like that in the future, but the attack ended shortly and he wasn't again attacked the entire evening, even though in evenings past he had been harassed for many, many hours.

So, in my opinion, that probably was a little test from God, that for correctly putting his trust in God and not focussing on what the Devil was saying or doing, he was going to be quickly attacked once that day, but the rest of the evening he couldn't be harmed.

I believe that if he had continued to focus on putting his faith in Christ and ignoring the Devil, then the Devil's influence and power would have become weaker and weaker.

But as a sort of test, because he had put his trust in the Devil and his confidence in what the Devil had been saying, God allowed the Devil to give him that one attack, but the next evening he was not harmed.

And so he was getting a message there of the true way to solve his problem, but he was also getting a test to see if he would utilize the proper remedies and place his faith in God alone.

Now, the first priest who did arrive when the Glatzels finally decided to call the Novus Ordo priest, was an older validly ordained Novus Ordo priest.   He even gave some blessings in Latin.  That seemed to have a temporary effect, but you see, even with him, that there wasn't a readiness to really believe that these things were occurring, or, at least a willingness to be agressive in taking spiritual remedies to expel these entities.

It was more a passive approach, and there's no mention that he recommended them to start praying the Rosary.    So, because they apparently did not pray the Rosary at all, the problems came back in a severe way and the activity continued in their house.

The priest was called again and recognized that steps towards exorcism probably should be taken, but he said that he wasn't the proper man for the job.    He recommended them to consult the diocese of Bridgeport, so that it could begin an investigation to see whether an exorcism would be an option.

In the meantime, these were the types of things which were occurring in the house, which David claimed to see ... 'He saw a bluish ball of light.   The ball of light grew radiant then elongated into a pencil thin beam, which broadened out to the size of a man.   The beam grew vivid in detail until a fourth entity materialized in the room.

Once manifest, the creature was hideous in every way.    It stood over six feet tall, and had one eye in the front of the head and one eye at the back.   It's nose was cut off.  It's mouth ripped open. It's flary red body was lacerated with slash marks out of which oozed blood.  It had a gaping hole in its stomach.  the three original entities laughed evilly as other balls of light began to move ominously around the room.'

So, obviously, you had serious demonic activity all over this house.

It would seem to be a quick and obvious case in which you would get the priest and he would perform an exorcism, and apply all of the proper and aggressive spiritual remedies to handle this problem.

But no, as we will see, the delays and the stalling were absolutely incredible and typical of the faithless and apostate Vatican II sect.

Eventually the family consulted some family individuals who had a profession in the study of demonology.     they went over and investigated and saw all of this activity, and during one of their interviews, Ed, one of these demonologists, asked David what the name of the demonic spirit was. 

David said,' His name is Satan.'

Everyone there then began to hear knockings on the table.

In the course of these interviews it was also discovered that some of the members of the family had played with a Ouji board.    So obviously, having practiced the occult in this way was a major reason that they were having their problems, and some of those who had played with a Ouji board included Debbie and Judy, who went to the Novus Ordo Church regularly.

The old priest, Fr. Dennis, who was going to possibly help them, but was not, at this point in good enough shape to do it, went out of the country on vacation, and two other priests were assigned to help them.

To give you an example of how faithless these Novus Ordo priests typically are and were, even back then, around 1980 ... this is from p.141 ... Fr. Grosso, who was one of the priests who was involved in the case now, was sceptical about possession, exorcism and all the nonsense about the devil and his naughty doings ...  

'I grew up in an Italian family and I've heard of every superstition there exists about devils, demons and hell,' Fr. Grosso told the Warrens, who were also helping with the case, 'and none of it has ever been proven to me.   People have no more truck with devils than they do with angels.  They don't exist on the earthly plane.    Never as a priest, never as a person, have I ever witnessed one thing that could even remotely be called preternatural phenomena.'

So, such a statement not only rejects the Gospels, Church tradition, Church practice, the lives of the Saints etc., but these are the types of priests in the Novus Ordo.

By the end of the case, their view had drastically changed.

Here's another interesting quote on p.142, which illustrates exactly what was going on in their home... 'What may have been only theory to the priests was a painful reality for the Glatzels. 

Although it is said that anonymity is the Devil's best protection, what had invaded the Glatzel's home now seemed to have lost interest in concealing its presence.

Extreme cold was felt everywhere the beast was present.  A dark form moved at will through the house after sunset, and globes of light in crude spirit forms were being picked up on polaroid snapshots.   On some days you would have 24 hours disturbance. You would have occasionally things move in the house even though no one had touched them or picked them up or put them in motion at all.

David would go through episodes of being beaten and struck and choked by the demon.  People would be touched and physically contacted by this demon.

As David began to give more and more to the devil, you could see the transformation in him, from someone who was in communication with this evil spirit and seeing what he was doing to someone who was possessed.

From p.164 and p.165 ... 'The little boy which the family knew as their giggly charming teddy bear, who had a passion for dirt piles and told elephant jokes, was no longer there.

What sat there only barely resembled David.   His whole face had physically changed.   His head was bloated, his cheek bones were set higher, his nose, once slender, was pushed in and wide with the nostrils pointing upward like a pigs.

His lips were swollen and foaming saliva rounded his mouth and ran down his chin.  His half-opened mouth was frozen in the grimace of hate.

His tongue hung out, his irises no longer had color - they were all black.   His head wove back and forth.   He sat in the middle of his bed, with his arms hanging down as if they were broken or paralyzed.

Judy Glatzel, his mother, said nothing.   She just stood there in disbelief at the terrible scene.

'Who are you?' she finally asked, 'Is it you, David?'

 From the direction of David's body came a hoarse voice, 'David's not here.  David's gone.  His soul is mine.'

Judy screamed hysterically.

David then began to call his mother filthy names and even tried to kill her.

So while all this was occurring, they had contacted the Diocese to try and get the process started so that an exorcism could be done, but they stalled, they received no help, no response.

On p.178 we read, 'Finally, matters grew so bad and the pressure became so intense that on August 8, Fr Grosso and Fr. Millier went directly to Bishop Curtiss and requested the exorcism procedures be considered.

Fortunately, word came down a few days later, to start assembling paper work, and to advise the family of the steps they would have to take in order for major exorcism to be conducted.

So this is how ridiculous, absurd and evil the Vatican II sect is.   This kind of thing is happening in their home and they won't even begin the process to consider a major exorcism unless the priests go down and basically beg them to begin the process.

And that's just to begin the process, after they have have already essentially begged the Diocese for help.

We saw a similar thing in the other book we talked about concerning the exorcism of Annilese Michelle.

Involved in trying to help David to overcome his problem was this Arne Johnson, who as i said before, was involved with Debbie, David's sister.   Arne was a Protestant and therefore also not fully instructed in the Catholic faith, and he said very dumb things, such as, he would tell the Devil to come out of David and to come into him.

Eventually, sadly, this person wound up being involved in a murder and was found guilty of murder, and he actually tried to enter a plea of not guilty by reason of Demonic possession.

Now, I want to quote some more from the account of what was going on in their home, just to show how extraordinary this was.

Obviously, this type of extraordinary activity occurred because they had directly let the Devil into their lives by getting involved  with the occult.   from p.189 and p.190 ... 'Under possession, David could simply stare at an object and caused it to careen across the room.   A pen, a cigarette lighter, a toy truck, all became lethal weapons in the proximity of the possessed child.

We all got hit a number of times until it necessary to gather up small objects and put them in a draws.

David would say shameful, depraved and impure things all the while repeating vulgarities an a deep man's voice.

This beast thing was a sickening, lusting pervert.   It spoke about sexual degradations most adults never heard of.   Sin and lust and death, and hatred of God, was all it ever talked about once it got going'.

So after weeks and weeks of this kind of thing, the apostate Diocese finally relented and allowed a form of exorcism for David.   But what is incredible, the Novus Ordo bishops had refused permission for the Roman Ritual, so that a form of exorcism could be performed, but using a different liturgy rite, not the full Roman Rite.

What more does one have to say about the Vatican II sect and its apostate bishops!

So, the book goes on to cover how lengthy exorcisms occurred in which all kinds of horrible things occurred, proving further that David indeed was possessed, but his problem was not solved.   He did not seem to be freed and in the intervening period, this murder occurred, which the book covers.

The book ends by covering how David and his family consulted some different kind of priests from Canada, who apparently seemed to put a stop to the major problem, although they seem to be involved with the charismatic movement, which we certainly believe is not of God.

So, who knows whether this put stop to his problems.

This story teaches us a lot about a number of things.

It reminds us of the spiritual warfare in which we are all engaged.   It reminds us how horrible things can become for those who give in to the Devil.    

We give in to the devil either by directly opening their souls to him through practicing the occult or by committing mortal sin which makes them vulnerable to the Devil's spiritual kingdom.

It reminds us how the Devil feasts on sins of impurity, sins of lust.   It really confirms how those who put more stock into what the Devil can do, than what God can do, are turned over to a more merciless cruelty by God allowing them to become essentially the property of the Devil, and he gives the Devil more power over those people.

It reminds us how traditional Catholic remedies, the traditional Catholic faith is the only thing which can combat the Devil, and the few remnants of the faith which are left in the Novus Ordo were the only things which were of any aid to them.

It shows us again, how the Vatican II sect and its apostate hierarchy are extremely slow to even believe that such things are occurring let alone to offer any substantial help to overcome them.

And, it shows us how the typical Novus Ordo family is devoid of any real knowledge of how to practice the Catholic faith or to separate from those things which they need to be separated from to be out of mortal sin.

So, for those reasons, I found this book to be very interesting despite some of the things I definitely do not agree within it, and I thought that others could get a lot out of it as well.
