Thursday, April 29, 2010

Is the World about to End?- Part 8. Friday 30 April, 2010 Feast of St. Catherine of Siena, V

Is the World about to End? - Part 8. - Mark of the Beast.

Are we living through the Apocalypse? by Brother Peter Dimond of the Most Holy Family Monastery

A continuing transcription from the video on the Apocalypse by Bro. Peter Dimond


Bro. Peter Dimond,

" Now I want to move to the Mark of the beast.

In Apocalypse 13: 16-18, we find, what is surely the most famous verse of the Apocalypse - we read, "And he should make all, both little and great, rich and poor, freeman and bondman, to have a mark on their right hand, or on their forehead, and that no man might buy or sell, but he hath the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name: here is wisdom. He that hath understanding, let him count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: and the number of him is six hundred and sixty six."

So, we have a number of different statements there, and people, often when considering this verse or verses, join them all together. But there are a number of different statements which will have to be looked at individually, and so, I want to begin by focusing on the second part of this set of statements.

Before I do that, people have to remember the whole point I have been making, throughout this discussion, is that if something is done by the empire itself, the beast coming out of the sea, that is done by the beast. And if something is done by the head of the beast, that is done by the beast.

But that which is done by the beast of the empire itself, doesn't necessarily have to be done by the head of the beast.

Now, I want move to the second statement: "And that no man might buy or sell, but he hath the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."

Here is a coin of the EU - on the Euro coin, we can see the image or mark of the European Union - we see the map of the Empire area, the Mediterranean, Italy, and the boot - on every single Euro coin.

It's also on every single European cash note - here's a picture of a Euro cash note - you can see the map of the European Union ( EU ), with the Mediterranean etc.

On some of the smaller denominations of money, they don't have a full map, but they have an image or mark of the different countries so they have the Union represented.

The mark is on every single Euro coin or cash note - it's also interesting, that when you look at this Euro coin, you see six stars at the top and six stars at the bottom, and you see six lines connecting them - so you have 666 on all coins!

However, there's a much more interesting 666 connection, which I will discuss.

In the Eurozone, even though the Eurozone isn't directly identical to the European Union, there are a few countries which are in the EU, which are not in the Eurozone, and there are a few countries which are in the Eurozone which are not in the EU.

Here is a map of the Eurozone - you can see basically the whole western area - this whole block of continental Europe is part of the Eurozone.

So, no man can buy or sell , whether you are using cash or coins without the Mark of the Beast, the beast coming out of the sea.

So, St. John saw the Roman Empire, the beast arising out of the sea, and then he sees the new Roman Empire arising out of the sea; then he sees its currency and he sees the mark of the beast on every single coin and cash note - so one can see how this fits precisely with what he said.

It's also interesting, that with the Euros, you have, on the coins, a national side and a common side.

For instance, if you are in France, you would have a side specialized for France, but it will have a common side, which will have the map of the Union, the mark of what I believe is the beast out of the sea.

And, a country can't modify the common side which has the mark without that money ceasing to be legal tender.

Now, what's very interesting is that there was a Euro released in Greece, with its national side and the common side - on the national side you had the "woman on the beast."

St. John sees the woman on the beast - that's how he depicts the beast with seven heads and ten horns. We showed that Europa, from Greek mythology, was depicted as a woman riding on a beast.

The EU uses that very symbol for itself - "the woman on a beast" - and we have it on the Greek Euro coin, the national side, a woman on a beast. And this is even more important to consider, because St. John was receiving this vision on the Island of Patmos, which is in modern day Greece.

And so, if he were alive today, when he was receiving this vision, he would be in Greece - he would be part of the EU - in which the specialised coin they released, had the image of the woman on a beast.

So, you can see what he's prophesying about the beast coming out of the sea, and it has its mark on all of its currency - you can't buy or sell without it - could very well, I believe, be fulfilled here.

Some people might say, "Well, what about payment in other ways, outside of cash or coins, such as credit cards or other kinds of payments?" What's interesting is that it says in this verse, "No man might buy or sell unless he has the mark of the beast, the name of the beast or the number of his name."

And the name of the beast, means the authority of the beast - so that would be a way of indicating payment in other ways - but we have to remember, this is a general statement about what's going on - it's not necessarily all exclusive, and so if no one can buy or sell, in cash and coins, without the mark of the beast, I believe that's fulfilled.

It's also worth noting that people who comment on the Greek in this passage, point out that though it's usually translated, "No man might buy or sell," it it doesn't necessarily mean every man - it could be a general prohibition, or a large portion or some.

So, if there are any exceptions at all to that, it doesn't disprove what has been prophesized, or show that it cannot be the fulfillment, because even those who imagine that a system will come in which there is a total universal prohibition, of buying and selling without some kind of mark, they would have to admit there would probably be some people who were trading, or buying and selling outside of the system.

So, even if there are a few exceptions, it does not invalidate the point, because we have to remember St. John is writing from the Mediterranean Sea, the Roman Empire - he's writing to people within the Roman Empire - he's concerned with what's going to happen in Europe and in the area of the Mediterranean.

Some people are also under the impression that the Bible says, that"whosoever buys or sells with the mark of the beast, is damned." The Bible doesn't teach that, as we will see.

The passages which talk about those who are damned, for having the mark, are damned for having the mark in their hand or forehead, and adoring the image - so there is a link between the mark and the hand and the forehead, which I am going to discuss, and adoring the image of the beast.

It doesn't say those who buy or sell with the mark of the beast are damned. Not once! And so, I believe this is the fulfillment of what St. John was prophesying concerning the buying and selling, and the mark of the beast.

Now, moving back to the first part of the statement concerning how the second beast causes all, great and small to have a mark or character in their right hand or on their foreheads - and it goes on to say, that the number of the beast, is the number of a man, and the number of the man is six hundred and sixty six.

There is overwhelming scriptural evidence, that the mark of the beast is a spiritual fulfillment, in addition to what I believe is the physical fulfillment, concerning the buying and selling - but before I get to that, I want to point out that Benedict XVI's name in Greek, "Benediktos" = 666 !

That is stunning!

If he is the second beast, as I believe he is, and if he is the seventh king, the final one who will cause people to worship the first beast "whose deadly wound was healed," and causes people to worship the Antichrist, because most commentators identify the first beast who was wounded as the Antichrist, and the second beast who causes people to worship him as the false prophet, that also would fit with John Paul II and Benedict XVI, because John Paul II fits precisely with the figure of Antichrist, Benedict XVI because of his false reputaton as a conservative, fits with the title of "false prophet," causing people to worship the Antichrist.

So, it has the seventh king, the second beast, the last king causing people to worship the king who was wounded, could it be the reason his name equals 666, is a signal that he is the seventh king, because as we saw in Apoc. 7, " FIVE are fallen, one is" - the sixth is, when the beast comes into existence - " the other has not yet come, and when he is come, he must remain a short time."

And so, if he is the seventh king, the fact that his name in Greek = 666, is that a signal that he is the final individual causing people to worship the Antichrist? - I believe so.

People throughout history have always speculated who the beast might be - "Was it Nero, or someone else?" - and they have tried to force fit the name usually by adding letters so as to get the numerical value to come out to 666 - sometimes it would be in a different language, like Latin or Hebrew .

But, Benedict XVI's name comes out to exactly 666, and it does so in Greek, and that's the crucial language - St. John wrote the Apocalypse in Greek!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Is the World about to End? - Part 7. Tuesday, 27 April, 2010 - Feast of St. Peter Canisius, CD

Is the World about to End? Part 7
Are we living through the Apocalypse? by Brother Peter Dimond of the Most Holy Family Monastery

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A Continuing series of transcripts from the video of the Apocalypse by Bro. Peter Dimond:

Bro. Peter Dimond,

"Another point that is important, that even though the scripture is very clear in connecting the beast coming out of the sea with the seven heads or kings over the seven hilled city, in Kings 6:7, some people may say - "Well , I don't see the direct connection between the kings of the Vatican City State and the EU, even though scripture seems to connect them " - and what people need to realize is, that the EU does not just represent a political entity.

As we showed earlier, St. John is describing the woman on a beast as Europa, and he's looking at it from a standpoint of not only a political union - well, yes he is - but also as a big ecclesiastical whore, because Europe was dedicated to Christ - all of these nations enshrined the true religion as part of their laws; they were dedicated to Christ and now they have rejected Him.

They have become one big whore - they have become Godless, and accept homosexuality and abortion
, and all kinds of immorality and paganism, and false religions and indifferentism.

And so, Europe is one big ecclesiastical whore with a political reality.

And, whose at the centre of this ecclesiastical whore?

The kings in Rome, the antipopes of the Vatican II sect; and so they are directing the course
of the transformation of Europa from Catholic Europe into this big ecclesiastical whore, which has a political union in the European Union.
So there is a direct connection between the antipope and Europa as an entity, and what matters most to God and St. John is the spiritual and ecclesiastical reality with the political consideration and entity being secondary.

It makes sense that he would describe the king of the seven hilled city, and the Roman harlot, as riding on top of the beast, because it is the antipope in Rome, and the Roman harlot which is directing the course of Europe's transformation, and is ultimately responsible for it.
It's also interesting to note that the signing of the European Union Constitution on October 29, 2004, occurred on Rome's Capitoline Hill, one of the seven hills of Rome - I don't think that's an accident, because the European Union is the revised Roman Empire, and as we've been discussing, it represents one big ecclesiastical harlot, which ultimately came from the Apostasy in Rome, from the Catholic Faith.
And, it is fitting that the new Godless Empire is signed in the city of seven hills - showing again, the link with the seven hilled city and Apocalypse 17.

And, so moving back into what the Apocalypse says about the second beast, causing people to worship the first beast, whose wound to death is healed; it says, in Apocalypse 13:15, "And it was given to him to give life to the beast, and that the image of the beast should speak."
Well, what's interesting, is that the words "give life" - word "life" in Greek is "pneuma" which means "spirit" - well, when he "canonizes" him, he will be officially declaring that John Paul II has eternal life, that he has the Holy Spirit forever!

So that fits precisely. It also says, "that the image of the beast should speak."

Well, when he "canonizes" him, if he does that, he will bring his words back into focus - he will give him a renewed voice; his teachings will again resonate with people; he might even declare him a "Doctor of the Church," which would give his words even more power in the false church.

And so, he will speak to the world again.

And, I believe that fits as well - and it goes on to say, in that same verse, "that he should cause , that whosoever will not worship the image of the beast should be slain. " - Apocalypse 13:5
Well, people will say, "Is he going to kill people?"
No, I don't believe so - the word for "slain" is [apokteino] - that's the Greek word, which usually means, physically kill, but it doesn't always - in fact, within the range it has the meaning of "to cause the loss of spiritual life."
In fact, it's used several times in the Bible with that meaning. In 2 Corinthians 3:6, and in Romans 7:11, the same Greek word "apokteino" is used not to mean physical death, but to cause the loss of spiritual life, and I want to quote Romans 7:11, "For sin taking occasion by the commandment,seduced me , and by it killed [ apokteino ] me.
Is St. Paul saying it physically killed him? No, he's not. He's referring to spiritual death here - so it can mean to cause the loss of spiritual life.

Now, if Benedict XVI "canonizes" John Paul II, he will clearly be causing that whosoever will not worship his image as a saint, should be cut off, in the sense of loss of spiritual life, absolutely

He wouldn't even have to add an anathema to that, because a canonization in Catholic theology is binding.

A beatification, is a solemn declaration or recogniton by the Church, or a true pope, that a particular individual can be venerated. It doesn't force the Church or command the Church to enrol him as a saint, but it allows that individual to be honored - so there's a key distinction

The canonization causes people to worship him in the sense of veneration, not adoration or "latria." It causes that person, if that person wishes to remain with the Universal Church
to honor that person and venerate him as a saint - and if you don't, you are not part of that church.

So, if he "canonizes" him, he will fulfill that - and he might even add an anathema - that really would be something if he did that - because then it would anathematize anyone! He would not need to, but if he did it would be interesting!
Here's something else which is really interesting - this is a quote from a Protestant essentially analyzing how the two beasts in Apocalypse 13 will interact, based on his reading of the text - and obviously, I don't think this Protestant would agree with what we are saying, because what we are pointing out, shows that the real battle involves things Catholic, because the Catholic Church is the true Church.

Here's what he says, "The second beast does, that is exercises all the authority of the first beast on his behalf, and makes the earth and all its inhabitants worshp the first beast. It also does, that is performs great and miraculous signs, so as to make fire come down from the sky in full public view - the second beast is given power to do this and other signs in order to deceive the earth's inhabitants, telling them to make an image in honor of the first beast."

And so, that's their analysis of what the text says will happen - and John Paul II, and Benedict XVI ( if he "canonizes" him ), will fit all of that, precisely!
I quote that to show you how clearly that seems to fit in with what is written in Apocalypse 13 - so we can see how this fits in with Benedct XVI as the second beast getting people to worship an image of John Paul II, the first beast or precisely the head of the first beast who was wounded.

And what we have covered here, and the EU as the empire coming out of the sea, will also fit
with the mark of the beast, which I will discuss.

Additionally, I want to say, that while I believe that the "canonization" of John Paul II, will absolutely fulfill what we are reading here, there is a chance that it could be fulfilled by "beatification" itself - and that a "canonization" may not even be necessary.

And the reason for that is , that the word "proskuneo" is used in this verse and in Apocalypse 13:12 about how the second beast is getting people to venerate or worship as a saint, the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed - that word also, can entail "to kiss the hand in reverence" or "to fall upon one's knees and touch his forehead on the ground in submission," or to make supplication, or as an act of homage and veneration by similar bodily movements.
And so, if there is a huge "beatification" ceremony with his image, and his image is spread all over the Vatican II sect, and people are venerating it in churches, even before the "canonization," that might fulfill what is written here; however, I would say that is less likely, and I believe the "canonization" is what is being referred to here, and that will, without any question fulfill what is written here.

Now, I want to move to the MARK of the Beast, because the things that are said about the mark of the beast are fascinating, and I believe they fit with what I've been saying about the EU and these two antipopes - these two beasts.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Is the World about to End? - Part 6 Saturday 24th April, 2010 St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen, M

Is the World about to End? - Part 6

Are we living through the Apocalypse? by Brother Peter Dimond of the Most Holy Family Monastery.

A continuation of the series transcriptions from the video of the Apocalypse by Bro. Peter Dimond


Bro. Peter Dimond,

"And then it goes on in Apocalypse 13:11, to talk about another beast, coming up out of the earth, and it says that this beast has two horns, like a lamb, and it spoke like a dragon.

By reference to the two horns like a lamb, most commentators understand the second beast, to represent a false religious leader, a false Christian teacher, because of the reference to "like a lamb."

And this, we believe, is the seventh king, Benedict XVI.

And what's interesting about this, is that it says that this beast executed all the power of the former beast in his presence, or in his sight.

Well, Cardinal Ratzinger, Benedict XVI, was the Prefect for the Congregation of the Dotrine of the Faith - He was John Paul II's main man for almost his entire reign. He executed all of the power under him, and it says that this second beast, "caused the earth and them that dwell therein, to worship the first beast, whose wound to death was healed." Apocalypse 13:10.

[ "You have learnt well, young Jedi, of the Dark Side!"]

Benedict XVI, wants to "canonize" John Paul II, that's what they are moving toward - John Paul II, who committed almost every abomination one could commit - first antipope to go to a synagogue; first antipope to go to a mosque; created new martyrs; taught that man is Christ; brought in pagan Assissi gatherings - all these were revolutionary things; broke down every barrier of Catholic teaching, or tried to - who couldn't have been more evil !

Benedict XVI wants to "canonize" him!

And, what's so fascinating, is that the word here in Greek, in Apocalypse 13:12, which is sometimes translated "worship" or "adore" as in the "second beast causes people to worship or adore the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed" - that word in Greek, is "proskuneo."

That word does not necessarily mean "worship" as a God. It can mean to show homage or to bow to in reverence.

In fact, it's the exact same word used by the Second Council of Nicea (787 A.D.), the seventh ecumenical council of the Catholic Church. The word they used in Greek to talk about the veneration of Saints, was "proskuneo," the exact same word.

That is very interesting and important because it's telling us that this worship, which the second beast causes people to offer to the first beast, "whose deadly wound was healed," involves the veneration of Saints, and in fact, even in old English books, you will see the veneration of Saints described as the worship of saints, even though, typically in modern English, we understand by worship, worship as a God.

It doesn't always necessarily mean worship of God in terms of "latria" or true adoration, which is reserved for God, alone.

The veneration of Saints - which is not worship as a God - has been historically described as a "kind of worship, and so, the same word that is used to describe the veneration of Saints, is used to describe what the second beast is causing people to give to the first beast.

If Benedict XVI "canonizes" John Paul II, he will have fulfilled this precisely - he will will be causing people to worship him, in the sense that this word was used by the seventh ecumenical council of the Catholic Church in 787 A.D. for the worship or veneration of saints.

And, it's said that the second beast did great signs, so that he made also fire to come down from heaven unto the earth in the sight of men." Apocalypse 13:13.

Well, here's the picture, during the reign of antipope Benedict XVI, two years after the death of John Paul II, to the day!

People saw John Paul II's figure appear in fire, and this was all over the news - a miraculous image, they thought, which confirmed that he was influencing things from "heaven" - this occurrd in Poland,and it caused a great stir.

So, this fits exactly what is said here, and it said , " he seduced them that dwell on the earth, for the signs which were given him to do in the sight of the beast, saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make the image of the beast, which had the wound by the sword and lived." Apocalypse 13:14.

So we read, that "the beast that had the wound by the sword and lived," but in Apocalypse 13:3, we read that one of the heads of the beast, who is also a king over the seven hilled city, had the wound by the sword and lived.

So we see that the head of the beast, the king is identified as the beast, because, as we explained earlier, the head or king belongs to the beast.

And so, that which is said of him, is said of the beast.

And so, the beast refers to the EU, the empire and also the emperor reigning, when the beast is in existence, king six and seven.

And that's true of the Roman Empire as well, because the Roman Empire was the beast that Daniel saw and prophesized.

But, the Roman Emperors also demanded divine honors - people had to set up an image or a statue for the emperor, and worship it and incense it.

What we see happening here, is the reincarnation of the pagan Roman Empire and the worship of the pagan emperor figure.

So we can see the beast, which was, and is not, returning into a new pagan empire, causing people to worship the pagan emperor who led the people into paganism, the acceptance of false religions.

And this is much more precise than most people imagined, because John Paul II, claimed to be Jesus Christ. We proved that in our DVD, "John Paul II preached the Gospel of the Antichrist" - he defined Christianity as the amazement of man; he said that man is the Christ of Matthew 16 - and on and on!

So when people offer worship to him, if Benedict XVI "canonizes" him, they will be worshiping a pagan emperor figure who claimed to be Jesus Christ.

For example, in around 80 A.D. the Emperor Domitian, claimed to be "Dominus et Deus" - Lord and God - and caused people to worship his image.

And so, we can see the beast that was, and is not, coming back in a different kind of form.

Additionally, just as the pagan Roman Empire caused people to worship devils or false gods, not only the emperor figure, but also various false gods they worshipped - the new pagan Roman Empire causes people to do that as well, by having them accept false ecumenism, and therefore the worship of false gods, putting them on the same level with the true faith.

It says, " he seduced them that dwell on the earth, for the signs that were given him to do in the sight of the beast, saying to them that dwell on earth, that they should make an image of the beast, which had the wound by the sword and lived." Apocalypse 13:14.

So it's saying that the way the second beast gets people to make an image of the first beast, is by the signs which are done in the sight of the first beast - and we see all these reports of so - called "miracles attributed to John Paul II, and these occur during the reign of antipope Benedict XVI, the second beast.

And it's worth noting, that Poland is part of the EU, so that when this "miraculous" sighting of John Paul II in fire occurred, it was in the sight of the beast.

So the second beast could have been performing this false miracle in the sight of the empire, in the sight of Poland, which is part of the beast, because as we discussed, the beast is sometimes described, by St. John, as the empire coming out of the sea, and sometimes as the head which belongs to the empire coming out of the sea.

And that point is important to remember, especially when considering certain verses, such as the one I did not get to in the last part - for example Apocalypse 13:4 - where in the midst of discussing the beast out of the sea and the head of the beast, the king,who was wounded - it says, "they were saying: who is like the beast? And who shall be able to fight with him?

Well, does that refer to the head of the beast who was wounded, or does it refer to the empire?

It could refer to either one, because both are truly said of the beast. But I believe that this particular statement they were saying, "who is like the beast? Who shall be able to fight with him?" - refers to the empire, the EU.

The member states can't really argue with it, they can't really disagree with it, only to a point. Ultimately, no one can fight with it.

And so, I believe that fits exactly with the empire - and so it can say things truly about the beast, whether it's the empire doing it, or the head who belongs to the empire, the head of the beast doing it.

An analogy might be, if you imagine this beast ploughing through a field, and it's knocking things down with its torso, and it's knocking things over with its head, and someone is describing what it's doing - well, he could be saying, "the beast knocked down this tree and it destroyed this barn."

Even though the beast might be doing one thing with his head and another thing with another part of his body, someone who is describing that could say, "the beast is doing all of this, truly, whether it's the head of the beast doing it , or whether he's striking it with his arm or whatever ."