Death Blows To Vatican Council II
The Veritas Staff
Origin of Execrabilis
What Execrabilis Says and Does
Vatican I
Death Blows by Vatican I
Four Important Features
Vatican Council II
Price of Updating
Canon 58 (4th Toledo Council)
Acts Favoring Jewry
V-2 Counter-Attack
Bulla of Pope Paul IV
Our Stand
God's Stand
Appendix (Bulla of Paul IV)
1. How is it possible for V-2 (the Second Vatican Council) to be allowed any credence or given obedience by the bishops throughout the world? It is past understanding how prelates of the Catholic Church could accept acts and teachings proposed by V-2 that are completely counter to all that Christ entrusted to His Church .
It has happened because the clergymen of today have lost touch with the Apostolic knowledge, the Apostolic zeal, and the Apostolic vigilance. Love for the Apostolic Tradition, love for the Word of God have been lost. The result? Today we have priests who no longer hold love for the teachings of the Catholic Church nor zeal for Her truths. They lack respect for Her Judgments, now trodden underfoot.
Having lost the Apostolic knowledge of the Word of God, the hierarchy join with the enemies of the Apostolic Church in suppressing Her Primacy and Sovereignty. Devoid of the Apostolic knowledge, they no longer accept the Catholic Apostolic Religion as Divine and the only religion God gave to mankind. They no longer believe that the Catholic Religion has rights others do not. Nor do the clergy know any more that man is bound in conscience to accept and believe this one Divine Religion - and no other.
There is a price to be paid by those who deny the Apostolic Church Her Primacy and Sovereignty. To those who dare dispute or attack the Word of God or the divinely-instituted interpreter and teacher of this Word, there is a punishment inflicted.
This booklet, dealing principally with the V-2 Council that was illegally brought into being to loose the Church from Her Primacy and Sovereignty, and to war against the decrees and judgments of Christ and His Church, spells out the punishment meted to those who tamper with the Word of God and the safeguarding Judgments of His Church.
That men of the cloth could be calloused and insensitive to the terrifying punishments imposed by Christ's Church is incomprehensible. One can only suppose it is but another consequence of their lack of the Apostolic knowledge.
It seldom fails. Whenever new subscribers to Veritas, especially priests, read about Execrabilis for the first time, they are overjoyed to know of its existence, delightfully surprised to discover that the Church has such a formidable weapon for striking death blows against Her enemies. More often than not, a priest will hasten to the nearest library to see for himself.
Why was the Church moved to issue this far-reaching Papal Bulla back in 1460? By the special assistance of the Holy Ghost, permitting the supernatural gift of prudence to play a decisive part, Pope Pius II exercised this means of condemning the error of "conciliarism" so rampant in his day.
After the death of Pope Boniface VIII in 1303 the enemies of Christ, inside and outside His Church, tried to escape from the Church's teachings, handed down through the Apostolic Pontiffs, by seeking appeals from papal pronouncements and policies to that of a general Council of the whole Church, bypassing the Pope if necessary, or victimizing him as they attempted with Martin V in 1414. This contemptuous, arrogant attitude came to be known as the "Conciliarist usurpation of the papal power by a Council."
Clearly, "conciliarism" is an imminent danger for the Church, the papacy and divine doctrine in any age. Relying upon the error of "conciliarism," kings and clergy became defiant to the Holy See, threatening to appeal to future Councils and to future Popes in the hopes of changing Church doctrine or policy In furtherance of this practice, special groups sought to place men of their own anti-Catholic thinking on the Throne of Peter.
Then, in 1458, Pius II came to the Throne, himself indoctrinated with the "Conciliarist" attitude. However, once seated on the Papal Throne, he realized the evil of appealing to a future Council whether for the expressed or secret purpose of overturning Church Tradition and the Deposit of Faith. So serious had matters worsened that by 1460 Pius II felt impelled to issue his now-famous Bulla, Execrabilis, on February 15th of that year, outlawing this harmful maneuver and binding it with two of the severest punishments the Church may inflict.
In Execrabilis he laid down definite Church Law to protect the Church, the Faith and the sheepfold from illegal Councils, not only in his time but in all time to come.
This papal pronouncement, this Church teaching, has the grace of infallibility since it relates specifically to Faith and Morals. Moreover, it can never be revoked or rendered inoperative or null and void. Pope Pius II, in obedience to his solemn and paramount duty to protect the Faith and Morals of the Faithful, equipped the Apostolic Church with this potent weapon to combat illegal councils, to deal death blows to them.
In justice, we Apostolic Catholics of today must use this weapon against the illegal 2nd Vatican Council, an evil council called to escape Christ's divine doctrine, His Church's teachings and practices; a satanic council called to "liberate" mankind from the past judgments of the Holy See, the binding judgments of the Keys of Peter. We must use Execrabilis to beat to death the abominable, detestable, execrable V-2 Council that dared to reopen the infallible judgments of Christ's Church, in violation of divine precepts and laws prohibiting this anti-Catholic act.
Rarely do you find an infallible pronouncement so brief yet so all-embracing and all-binding as is Execrabilis. So concise is Execrabilis that one is apt to miss the import of its sweeping message, overlook its significance, on first reading.
So disastrous is the effect of Execrabilis upon the V-2 Council that the very knowledge of its existence by awakening Catholics who opposed V-2 sent stirring volcanic shakes and shivers through Paul 6, mastermind and implementor-in-chief of this anti-supernatural V-2 Council. So terrified of Execrabilis was Paul 6, as are his lackeys today, they busied themselves fashioning arguments against the definite and final judgment of Execrabilis in a vain effort to escape its quashing effects on their perfidious V-2 Council. One can say Execrabilis is the ecclesial broom that sweeps the Church clean of the sinful works of an illegal Council. As an unruly dog is frightened and put to rout by a broom or mop wielded in the hands of the conscientious mother of a household, so too the refractory whelps of V-2 are terrified by Execrabilis in the hands of Holy Mother Church.
Here is the text of Execrabilis forbidding all appeals to a future Council:
"1. An execrable, and in former ages unheard-of-abuse, has sprung up in our time, namely that some people, imbued with the spirit of rebellion, presume to appeal to a future Council, from the Roman Pontiff, the Vicar of Jesus Christ, to whom it was said in the person of blessed Peter: "Feed my sheep" and "Whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound also in Heaven"; they do not do so because they are anxious to obtain sounder judgment, but in order to escape the consequences of their sins, and anyone who is not ignorant of the laws can realize how contrary this is to the sacred canons and how detrimental to the Christian community. Because - passing over other things which are most manifestly opposed to this corruption - who would not find it ridiculous when appeals are made to what does not exist and the time of whose future existence nobody knows? The poor are oppressed in many ways by the stronger, crimes remain unpunished, freedom is conceded to delinquents, and all the ecclesiastical discipline and hierarchal order is confounded.
2. Wishing therefore to thrust away from Christ's Church this pestilent venom, to take care of the salvation of all those who have been committed to us, and to hold off from the sheepfold of our Saviour all cause of scandal, we condemn appeals of this kind by the counsel of all prelates and juris-consults of Divine and human law adhering to the Curia and on the ground of our sure knowledge; we denounce them as erroneous and detestable, quash and entirely annul them in the event that any such appeals, extant at present, may be discovered, and we declare and determine that they are - like something void and pestilent - of no significance. Consequently, we enjoin that nobody dares under whatever pretext to make such an appeal from any of our ordinances, sentences or commands and from those of our successors, or to adhere to such appeals, made by others, or to use them in any manner.
3. If any one, of whatever status, rank, order or condition he may be, even if adorned with imperial, royal or Papal dignity, shall contravene this after the space of two months from the day of the publication of this Bull by the Apostolic Chancery, he shall ipso facto incur sentence of anathema, from which he can not be absolved except by the Roman Pontiff and at the point of death. A University or a corporation shall be subjected to an ecclesiastical interdict; nonetheless, corporations and Universities, like the aforesaid and any other persons, shall incur those penalties and censures which offenders who have committed the crimen laesae maiestatis and promoters of heretical depravity are known to incur. Furthermore, scriveners and witnesses who shall witness acts of this kind and, in general, all those who shall knowingly furnish counsel, help or favour to such appealers, shall be punished with the same penalty.
4. Therefore, it is not allowed to any man to infringe or to oppose by audacious perversion this charter of our will, by which we have condemned, reproved, quashed, annulled, decreed, declared and ordered the aforesaid. If any one, however, shall so attempt, let him know that he shall incur the indignation of Almighty God and of Saint Peter and Paul, His Apostles.
Given at Mantua, in the year 1460 of the Lord's Incarnation, on the fifteenth day before the Kalends of February, in the second year of our Pontificate."
To give an example of how easily one might miss the significance of Execrabilis, take the phrase " ... they are anxious to obtain sounder judgment." Here we see that the purpose of appealing to an illegal council is to escape the past judgment of the Holy See. But Execrabilis cuts the villains off at the pass, saying a council may not be used to reopen Judgments. Execrabilis tells us that once the Church has made a Judgment, it may not be questioned by councils or future popes. Once the Church has spoken, She has spoken finally and forever.
There can be no sounder judgment than an infallible pronouncement on Faith and Morals, which infallible Judgment no Council may break and the V-2 Council, due to its illegality, was powerless to make. The Church never corrects Herself, for She never makes errors in Faith or Morals. With Christ as Her Head and the Holy Ghost as Her Guide there can be no need to perfect or reopen Her Judgments.
Yet, it was and is the purpose of V-2 (a non-dogmatic council) to reopen and question the past Judgments of the One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church. Therefore, the calling of the V-2 Council to reopen the Judgments of the Church makes V-2 an illegal council quashed and made null and void by Church Law. The Church has thrust Her Sword of Infallible Truth into the evil heart of the V-2 Council, giving it the death blow 500 hundred years before V-2 raised its serpentine head.
The conciliarist heresy (the idea of using a council to reopen infallible judgments), courageously faced and legislated against in the 15th century by Pope Pius II, re-emerged in later ages, notably in the 19th century at Council Vatican I, and reappeared again in the 20th century following the death of Pope Pius XII.
Some four-hundred years after Execrabilis, the First Vatican Council (1869-70), a holy dogmatic Council, deemed it expedient to amplify and reaffirm the law laid down in Execrabilis.
Back in 1869, in their efforts to destroy the Kingdom of God on earth, the Catholic Church, Her enemies fastened upon the finality of Church pronuncements, seeking to disprove belief in their infallibility and permanence.
History tells us that Vatican I was called to define Papal Infallibility but few books today tell us why the question of infallibility had become so burning and vital an issue.
Plainly, there were two factions at work: one for infallibility; the other wanted to see past Church Judgments reopened and changed or obliterated. Even as today, the one side was made up of loyal Apostolic Catholics; the other side comprised the Marranos and their followers, many of whom were confused and duped - as were many of the bishops at Vatican II - duped into believing the Church's judgments could be obliterated or modified.
The issue seized upon by the Marranos at V-1 would be the same wedge they used at V-2: a new and different Church stand on the Jews. They wanted a different attitude and thinking from Catholics on the Jews than what the Church has always held and taught. They wanted an acceptance of rabbinic talmudic Judaism as a religion in its own right, higher and even better than Christianity.
In 1869-70 the Jews wanted to be exonerated of deicide and wanted the lifting of the Curse of God which their wickedness brought upon their race. Once this door was open to them, there would be no bar to the Synagogue of Satan bringing into the Church all of its bags of false gnostic doctrines, as was later to happen at the V-2 Council (1962-65).
In 1869-70 the Marrano-enemy sought to achieve his goal by trickery - inducing the prelates at the V-1 Council to approve declarations directly opposed to what the Church has previously declared. In short, to contradict Herself. This would amount to reopening the whole sum of Her past infallible judgments which are irreformable. What the Marranos had in mind, of course, was the destruction of the whole Deposit-of-Faith, the stripping of the Catholic Church, Her demise.
Marrano Maneuver: - For getting their way at the V-1 Council, the Marranos had devised a clever maneuver. Perhaps you've heard the story of the lady who was stopped on the street corner by a salesman and offered the opportunity to buy a mink coat cheap. He shows her a real mink coat, she pays her money and receives a box. Upon arriving home and opening the box she finds not a soft, luxurious mink coat but one of prickly opossum.
Such was the old bait and switcheroo game the Marranos tried at V-1. First the Jews approached the Council Fathers with a proposal that they sign a "summons to conversion of the Israelites," which is an intention without fault. It should happen! But later, the Jews added assertions, the same old heretical lies they always propose, which stand in open contradiction to the doctrine laid down in this respect by the Holy Catholic Church
(Pinay, Plot Against the Church, pp. 18-19),
The Franco-Prussian War and Papal Infallibility happened to be declared the same week. In spite of the horrors and gathering darkness of war, Pius IX had only one concern, the welfare of the Universal Church. He did not terminate V-1 until a re-declaration of Papal Infallibility on faith and morals was settled once and for all time. This infallible pronouncement means that past Church judgments are irreformable, never to be reopened ever. Thus, none may alter the permanent traditional infallible doctrines of the Church in any age.
And God knows Pius IX had a difficult time in getting the full support of the majority of bishops to commit themselves to the Church's traditional and constant doctrine of infallibility. It wasn't that the prelates were against infallibility but they showed signs of uncertainty as to when and how this doctrine applied. They did not understand the importance in 1869-70 of urgency for re-declaring this dogma that had already been recognized at the Councils of Lyons and Florence. Foes in their midst tried their utmost to persuade the bishops that a re-declaration in modern times was unnecessary, which is like saying that those who said their morning prayers as children have no need to repeat them in later life.
Pius IX wanted a dogmatic Council to reaffirm Papal Infallibility for one very vital reason. He wanted to make clear that past Church judgments, being infallible as they are, are therefore permanent, binding for all ages and thus are never to be reopened or reformed so as to give them new expressions.
The Church's judgments are irreformable and constant because they are the living echoes of the infallible teachers of the Faith down through the centuries. And Pius IX wanted a modern-day dogmatic Council to spell this out.
Unfortunately, many prelates were unable to see why the Church, in spite of Her judgments, couldn't give a little here and there, as the prelates seemed willing to do in their personal judgments. It would make life more pleasant for them if the Church were not so unyielding. That this would jeopardize the Faith, leading to its inevitable demolition, was of no great, concern to bishops favoring the policy of compromise, although they didn't see this as a compromise.
American Example: - Concerning such policy it must be noted that in whatever country the influence of Jewry and its Freemasonry is strong, those bishops are weak on the protective needs of Holy Church in the constancy and permanency of Her judgments.
Take America for example. American prelates, in disobedience to Popes, have kept priests from reading and teaching from their pulpits the papal encyclicals because their contents might offend Jews and Protestant Masons. These encyclicals would have early alerted the Catholic populace to the dangerous enemy in our land and also made known the duty to overcome them; but for the sake of false peace, American bishops held their tongues, the people remained in their ignorance, all the while sopping up the enemy's anti-Christian mentality and ideas through osmosis. Knowingly or unknowingly, the actions and speech of American bishops have all too often mirrored the sophistries of the Synagogue and the Grand Lodges. What the people see and hear their bishops do and speak, they will imitate.
For America, the land ruled by the Jew and Freemason, the Bishop of Baltimore ran the show from the sidelines at V-I. He urged the bishop of Cincinnati to gather signatures to be presented to the Pope begging that infallibility not be re-declared. However, the bishop of Baltimore didn't want to be caught with his signature on the petition so he declined to sign, using his position as a member of the Committee of the Faith as his excuse. There were 27 who did sign it, almost all of them Americans (Life and Work of Pope Leo XIII, by Rev. J. J. McGovern, D. D., 1903, "Archbishop Purcell on Infallibility").
But by no means were American bishops alone in their opposition. Other Jew-Masonic strongholds gave evidence of influence as indicated by the 140 German, Hungarian, French and Italian bishops who addressed a similar petition to the Holy Father, who naturally refused to adopt the prejudicial plea. The final vote re-declaring papal infallibility with the constancy and irreformability of Church judgments and the re-outlawing of appeals to an ecumenical Council over the head of the Popes was pronounced upon by 975 prelates.
Jew Plans Frustrated: - The outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War that caused the hasty closing of the V-1 Council was a fortuitous event, frustrating the plans of the Jews at the very time they were about to have their "postulate" question on the Jews come before a general discussion by the duped Council Fathers who had fallen for the switcheroo game. Despite what V-1 was in the process of declaring concerning infallibility and the non-opening of past judgments, the perfidious Jews were in the heat of pulling off their coup anyway. Thanks to the war the Jews didn't get the floor - at V-1, that is.
To combat the conciliarist evil of reopening past judgments, Vatican Council I, in its First Dogmatic Constitution, issued on July 18, 1870, declares:
"And since, by the divine right of Apostolic primacy, one Roman pontiff is placed over the universal Church, We further teach and declare that he is the supreme judge of the faithful, and that in all causes the decision of which belongs to the Church recourse may be had to his tribunal, but that none may reopen the judgments of the Apostolic See, than whose authority there is no greater, nor can any lawfully review its judgment. Wherefore they err from the path of truth who assert that it is lawful to appeal from the judgments of the Roman pontiff to an ecumenical council, as to an authority higher than that of the Roman pontiff" [Chap. III] (
Dogmatic Canons and Decrees, pp. 249-250).
In the words used by Pope Nicholas I, and in the Synod of Quedlinburg (1085), "It is allowed to none to review its judgments, and to sit in judgment upon what it has judged" (Quoted in footnote to the cited V-1 document; ibid., pp. 256-257).
It was, then, wrong for John 23 to call [appeal] to the V-2 Council to reform the past judgments of the Church in order to give them "newer expressions" and differing meanings.
There is absolutely no appeal from an infallible judgment. And so the First Vatican Council also dealt the death blow to V-2. V-1, like Execrabilis, made certain that V-2 would die aborning.
There is nothing ambiguous about either Execrabilis or the reaffirmation of this great Bulla by the First Vatican Council, a little more than 100 years ago.
Contrary to what the enemies of Christ say, Catholics don't need to be canon lawyers to catch the plain sense and meaning of what Execrabilis and Vatican Council I say about councils called to escape the Church's judgments. However, the Marrano enemy is presently using this spurious argument in the hopes the priests and laity will feel defeated and lose confidence in using the Church's weapons, as if these mighty instruments are useless or do not say what they emphatically declare. The Marrano enemy inside the Church desires to use their own lawyers, their false theologians or theosophists, all schooled in misinterpreting, misapplying and subverting the Church's eternally-binding Laws. The Marrano enemy has set himself up as the only one qualified to tell us what the Church has laid down. The Marranos pretend past Church Laws are antiquated and inapplicable to today's conditions. Let us be alert to the age-old tricks of the Marranos, be aware of the switcheroo treachery they are up to.
Execrabilis has four important features: 1. the binding nature of the Church's judgments; 2. the wide coverage of persons on whom the sentence falls; 3. the requirements for lifting the sentence; 4. the effect of Church Laws on councils wrongly called and used.
A. The term "judgment" as used in Execrabilis, and as amplified and re-affirmed by Council V-1, sweepingly embraces dogma, doctrine, teaching and worship. Execrabilis covers not only the judgments of the Church then existing at the time of Pope Pius II but also locks in the judgments of succeeding popes against attacks by an illegal council or an unlawfully acting pontiff. Thus every judgment of the Church touching faith and morals is embraced. Condemned are all the suppressions, innovations, changes and false doctrines introduced by the 2nd Vatican Council, including its attempt to change the thinking and attitude of Catholics on faith and morals. This Law is a defense against any who attempt to change the Church's judgments against rabbinic Jewry, Freemasonry, Communism, Naturalism, Humanism, anti-Supernaturalism, et cetera.
B. The next thing to note is the wide coverage of persons upon whom the sentence of Execrabilis falls. Everyone - a Pope included - who violates the law laid down in Execrabilis is deemed guilty. Thus all who plot and call an illegal council ... sit on commissions and draft anti-Catholic schemas ... take part in its proceedings against the Church ... or implement or promote such a judgment-breaking council - all violate the intent and spirit of Execrabilis and are automatically thrust out of the Church with the sentence of anathema which means damnation.
Therefore, John 23 who called the 2nd Vatican Council to question and evade the Church's judgments, and Paul 6 who dedicated himself to furthering the illegal Council and who completed its work, issued all its documents and implemented the Council, were put out of the Church with the indignation of God upon their souls.
Similarly excommunicated with the wrath of God are the priests who worked on the various preparatory commissions and prepared hostile schemas, and also the prelates, consultors, advisors who participated in the V-2 Council's anti-Catholic activities in any way, inasmuch as their efforts constituted adherence to and the extending of favor and assistance to the enemies of Christ, for it is they who appealed for the V-2 Council. Likewise banished from the Church are all diocesan bishops who saddle the Saviour's sheepfold with V-2. Teachers, heads and faculty of seminaries, colleges, universities who promote the work of the V-2 Council incur the sentence of Execrabilis since they spread the false doctrines of the enemies of the Cross in opposition to the judgments of Christ's Church.
So extensive is the coverage of the guilty that even scriveners and witnesses and, in general, all those who knowingly furnish counsel, help, or favor those who appealed for the V-2 Council (Jews and Masons) are punished with the same drastic penalty. The guilty include all who wilfully accept the heretical V-2 Council and its bad fruits: all priests who, in violation of their oath to defend the Church against heresy, embrace the new and strange teachings of V-2, knowing they are opposed to the judgments of the Apostolic Catholic Church, who submit to the unlawful suppressing of the Sacrifice of the Mass and tolerate the anti-Catholic "New Ordo," who turn aside the Trent Catechism to teach V-2/CCD false doctrine, or in any way aid in the entrenching of the execrable and illegal V-2 Council - all are excommunicated from the Apostolic Church with the indignation of God upon their heads.
C. The third notable aspect of Execrabilis is its reserving to the Supreme Pontiff alone the power to lift the sentence of excommunication attaching to the guilty for this particular sin.
This reserving of absolution naturally presupposes a legitimate Pontiff able to lift the dreadful sentence. But, since 1958, no legitimate representative of Christ sits upon the earthly seat of Judgment. Usurpers, men who suppress the Primacy and Sovereignty of Christ's Church, men who refuse the triple Crowned Tiara and all it signifies, lack the power of the keys. Such imposters are unable to either excommunicate or lift the sentence of excommunication. These imposters, in spite of their "elections," have by their heresies thrust themselves out of the Church and therefore cannot lift the excommunication, because one who is put outside the Church cannot lawfully exercise any of the Papal Power (see Fr. Saenz, The Vacant See, Veritas, Dec. 1975). Those who are outside the Church are not inside the Church.
Since the Chair of Peter is vacant at this time, those who have fallen under the sentence of Execrabilis are in BIG trouble because, as the Council of Trent tells us, "Priests have no power of absolution in reserved cases except at the point of death." Trent also tells us: " ... that the absolution which a priest pronounces upon one over whom he has not either an ordinary or a delegated jurisdiction ought to be of no weight whatever" (Doctrine on the Sacrament of Penance, Chap. VII, "On the Reservation of Cases," Sess. XIV. Can be found in Dogmatic Canons and Decrees; New York: The Devin-Adair Co., 1912, pp. 102-103).
For a priest to absolve a reserved sin at point of death, it is essential there be an acknowledgement of guilt. It is essential that the sinner abjure V-2; he must repent participating in the illegal V-2 Council or the promoting, supporting or implementing of it, as well as acts favoring those who caused the illegal V-2 Council to be called. Without repentance there can be no absolving the reserved sin which remains unconfessed. In such sinful, unrepentant and unabsolved state the sinner goes to meet his Maker.
The world has witnessed V-2 popes go to their death unrepentant and unabsolved of their V-2 crimes against God and His Church, as defined in Execrabilis and by the First Vatican Council. It is reported that on his death bed John 23 "in firm tones discussed the Council and expressed his wishes as to its future in very definite terms" (Hatch, A Man Named John; Image Books, a division of Doubleday & Co., Inc., 1963, page 226).
In John's deathroom stood many prelates of the Church, two of them his confessors. None of them bothered to help John 23 reconcile himself with and make his peace with the Creator because they themselves would not admit the wrongness of the judgment-breaking illegal V-2 Council, would not admit that it is a mortal sin to alter, supplant and suppress the infallible judgments of the Church, or sinful to call a council to achieve these condemned goals, or that the Church does indeed inflict penalties, stretching into eternity, upon those who break Her Laws. What is bound on earth is bound also in Heaven under the Power of the Keys.
Paul 6, the immediate successor of John 23, also stood by the illegal V-2 Council even in the time of death. Anticipating his own death as early as 1963 at age 66, in the year of his election, Paul 6 wrote his last will and testament and added to it in 1972 and again in 1973. Seeming to be very much aware that he was not a true Representative of Christ, he requested that he neither have a funeral like true Pontiffs nor have a similar burial.
n his typical caustic sniping at genuine Catholic practices and holy tradition he stated: "As regards my funeral: let it be simple and animated by religious piety. I do not wish to have the catafalque, as is the custom for the funeral of Popes; instead let things be carried out in a humble and becoming manner." As to his tomb - he wanted none. "No monument for me." V-2 was to be his monument, the epitome of impiety.
In his last will and testament, Paul 6 wrote of his main wish - the implementation of the heretical V-2 Council. " ... Let its prescriptions be put into effect." As to ecumenism he stated: "the approach to the separated Brethren must go on ..." He added with his usual Modernist deceit, "but without deflecting from true Catholic doctrine." The false ideas held by Paul 6 regarding "true Catholic doctrine" were far from the divine truths given to the Catholic Church in the Two Founts of Supernatural Revelation.
In his final testament Paul 6 turned aside from the Church's warnings against the world, the flesh and the devil. All true Pontiffs have pictured the world as the city of Satan very much opposed to the City of God. They counsel the faithful to serve God, not the world. But Paul 6 said "one must study the world, love it and serve it" (taken from The Testament of Paul VI," L'OR [L'Osservatore Romano], August 24, 1978, pages 1, 2).
Sensing his days were numbered - as indicated by his frequent reference to dying - Paul 6 was in a hurry to get on with entrenching the V-2 Council more deeply. The last months of the life of Paul 6 saw an intensified program by him in implementing V-2 which included his malicious dedication to making the Vatican the special and cordial meeting place and haven for Jews, Masons, Communists, all avowed enemies of the One True Faith and One True Church.
Paul 6 called for closer and closer ties between Catholics and Jewry. Newspaper photographs and headlines repeatedly recorded his flaunting Papal decrees and Church Laws against fraternizing and actively supporting the enemies of the Cross and Christian Order. In private audiences he told Jews and Moslems, rejecters of Christ, that they worship the same God as Catholics. When he wasn't entertaining the enemy at the Vatican he sent representatives to address the Godless UNO to stress "peace," meaning the Church would not oppose Her enemy, continually reassuring this pledge which he had made publicly before the UNO in October 1965.
This "man of sin," Paul 6, invaded the heart and soul of the Catholic family in urging a more liberal interpretation of the marriage laws, so as to destruct more and more Catholic marriages.
His General Audiences were constant calls to "follow the [V-2] Council."
This is but a brief list of the many monstrous crimes of Paul 6 against Christ's Church and the Faith during his last days. Right up to the day of his death Paul 6 had busied himself laboring for the further advancement of the illegal V-2 Council.
Without regret or remorse Paul 6 departed this life leaving worldwide spiritual chaos in his wake: millions of souls languishing for the divine Mass and Sacraments that Paul 6 suppressed and supplanted with his own form of V-2 worship and liturgy to man and the lord of this world. So great is the devastation by V-2 that the See of Peter and the episcopal Sees everywhere have been emptied. The Brides of Christ are bewildered, confused, scattered and gone, cut down like grain before the scythe. The priests of Christ turn away from Him, unwilling to understand what has happened at the hands of the "man of perdition."
Such was this ephod-wearing man, Paul 6, bearer of "the Broken Cross," whose career and last testament opposed the Eternal Testament of Christ. Arrogant and hardened to the very end, unheedful of the judgment of God's Wrath, imposed by Execrabilis and other eternally-binding judgments of His Church, Paul 6 came face to face with the Eternal Judge. With millions of souls and the Angels and Saints witnessing against him, Paul 6 dared to meet God, He Who says "Vengeance is Mine, and I will repay " (Rom. 12:19). What a dreadful state to be in, standing before the Judgment Throne of Heaven.
Next came J-P 1, occupier of the papal chair for only 33 days, who willfully preferred to trod the deflecting footsteps of his two immediate predecessors John 23 and Paul 6 - even to the taking of their names.
In pledging his fullest support to the illegal V-2 Council, J-P 1 refused the Tiara and designated himself "the first Minister" of the conciliar sect counter-church founded by John 23 and Paul 6, the two main puppets of the synagogue who had been unlawfully given the Chair of Peter to carry out the plot against Christ's Church. J-P 1 did not desire to be a true Pontiff; not wanting to be known or accepted as the Supreme Pontiff of Christ's Church, as indeed he was not, and was well aware of this accusing fact.
Two of his most scandalous testaments were his collection of letters and his statements regarding his lack of belief.
In an ill-conceived "letter" to Christ, J-P 1 dared to presume to counsel Christ, the Author of Charity, the Word of God, as to what to say and what to promise. On his disbelief, he publicly stated he no longer accepted the Divine Religion, entrusted to the Catholic Church to safeguard and to teach, as the "only true religion" with rights that others have not and that he no longer believed that only truth has rights. "In the end," he said, "I convinced myself that we had been wrong" (see Veritas, Aug.-Sept. 1978, pages 14, 19).
The record is clear. None of these three V-2 "popes," unholy holders of the Papal Chair, regretted the anti-Christian acts against the Church and Faith brought about by V-2. And so the binding judgment of Execrabilis fell full force upon all three. Such was their status when the Angel of Death whisked their souls away to the Courts of Heaven.
V-2 cardinals, bishops, priests, religious and laity are also dying unrepentant and unabsolved of their guilt in the infamous V-2 Council. Unpardoned because of their hardened refusal to acknowledge V-2 is wrong; unshrived because of their refusal to admit the evil consequences V-2's satanic actions have brought upon the earth.
Because of V-2 the whole world is in BIG trouble. To be implicated in any way with a council like V-2 is something not to be dismissed lightly,
And what about the latest pretend "pope," Tiaraless John Paul 2, who revels in calling Paul 6 his "father" and "mentor"? Karol Wojtyla, coming to Rome from behind the iron-curtain country of Poland, has told us over and over that he is committed to carrying out all the wishes of Paul 6 regarding the V-2 Council. In other words Charlie will carry out the will and testament of the anti-Christian Paul 6 rather than execute the Will and Testament of Jesus Christ, Whose Blood has sealed forever the Covenant of the Sanctuary in the Sacrifice of the Cross which every priest has been commanded to offer "in Memory of ME." So the divine Covenant of the Sanctuary, forsaken by Paul 6, will continue to be forsaken, and replaced and supplanted by the satanic covenant of Paul 6 and his New Order under the "ministry" of J-P 2. "In memory of Paul 6" - in place of "In Memory of ME" - is to be the guiding light of J-P 2.
Is there any sign of regret in the speech and actions of J-P 2? Certainly not. Having begun his V-2 "ministry" sans Crown and Coronation, Charlie has picked up the "Broken Cross" bequeathed to him by Paul 6, carrying this Communist "peace symbol" as a brazen sign, a code the enemies of the Cross understand only too well, but which deceives the gullible who mistakenly think JP-2 is paying Christ respect.
Because of his participation in the anti-Christian actions during the V-2 Council, and also because of his publicly professed total commitment to the implementation of the illegal V-2 Council, the terrible sentence of Execrabilis lays on the head of J-P 2.
D. The fourth essential feature of Execrabilis is its DEMOLISHING EFFECT on V-2 and any council called to escape the Church's judgments.
Execrabilis pronounces, declares and decrees all such councils - no matter in what age they are called - to be beforehand CONDEMNED, REPROVED, QUASHED and ANNULLED.
In effect, under its sweeping decree of nullity, V-2 and all its documents and its actions are emptied of all standing, are stripped of all legitimacy, and rendered wholly null and void! V-2 is as if it never had been called, so far as binding the Church or commanding obedience of any person.
Consequently, the V-2 Council, called at the request of the enemies of Christ, is wiped away and no Catholic is bound by it in any way. Wilful adherence or obedience to the condemned and quashed V-2 Council subjects a person to ipso facto excommunication and the wrath of God. In this way the Apostolic Church safeguards and maintains respect for Her valid Councils.
Some 90 years elapsed from the time of the First Vatican Council (1869-70) to the time of the 2nd Vatican Council (1963-65). To Jewry time means nothing when it comes to getting its way.
It explains why World Jewry can patiently wait from one century to another, endure from one Council to another, biding the opportunity to gain its goal. After all, Organized Jewry has waited 2,000 years to get what it wanted from the V-2 Council. This huge success of Jewry in gaining control over the Church was, to speak practically, the simple matter of getting one council to do what Jewry was unable to achieve at an earlier Council.
So it was, that what these enemies of Christ and His Church had failed to obtain from Vatican I, the passing of time coupled with their cunning and treachery would gain for Jewry at the 2nd Vatican Council whose switcheroo game was to offer ways for departing from and evading the Church's judgments.
The V-2 Council was early characterized the "Jewish Council" because of the many outrageous demands made to and granted by this illegal Council manipulated by International Jewry. Its destructive demands have produced a thorough revamping and restructuring of the Catholic Faith and Church, as is evident in parishes worldwide, the direct result of reopening the totality of the Church's irreformable judgments. As a consequence, everything - doctrine, teaching, worship, thinking and attitude - is corrupted by the enemies of Christ via the 2nd Vatican Council.
Marrano Gimmick: - The Marranos used "updating the Church" as their deceptive gimmick to influence the council bishops to depart from the Church's judgments. This sick device is still used for winning and holding Catholics to V-2. This slogan is a crafty appeal to the vanity of Catholics young and old who wish not to be tagged as "out-of-step" or "not-with-the times" - making them prime subjects for mind and attitude changing. This trick of Jewry is vastly successful, as shown by the bulk of Catholics who, knowing it is not the faith of the ages that V-2 brings them, still adhere to V-2 nevertheless.
Some have the brass and ignorance to rationalize the radical changes of the counter-church: "This is the way I always thought the Church should be. The old way was too limiting, too legalistic. Now all that is changed, done away with. They were only man-made laws, open to change or to be discontinued. Once they served a purpose. Now we know better and have done away with them." This statement was made in 1970 by a convert, daughter of a 33rd degree Mason displeased by her conversion, and whose husband has recently been "ordained" a lay deacon of V-2.
The trouble here is the failing to distinguish between administrative or disciplinary rules and the Laws and Judgments of the Church. True, the popes are human beings but because they act as the Vicars of Christ, the Laws and Judgments of the Church become the Laws and Judgments of God by their infallible nature and the binding Power of the Keys entrusted to His Church, and therefore not subject to change or discontinuance As earlier shown, no one may lawfully judge or change the Church's constant and infallible Decrees and Judgments.
How it is possible to "update the Church" by returning to rejected practices out of the past - for instance, reviving the lay diaconate that proved unnecessary and very dangerous to the celibate priesthood and therefore justly outlawed - and by wholesale scuttling of necessary infallible and permanent judgments, has remained unexplained. The confounding of distinctions is the vehicle used for "updating" by which Catholics are lead to return to rejected ancient practices while discarding the wholesome and permanent ones, and are induced to accept the substitution of everything false in place of God's truths. In "updating" disorder rules as a king.
There's the "updating" marriage encounter fiasco and the teenage "retreats" where individuals are disgraced, spiritually slapped, put out of orientation and harmony and shoved into disorder. Yet, these victims, while in the throes of their "physical touching" high, like it. So, then, "updating" incorporates S. T. (Sensitivity Training), Jewish Sama Kritica.
In August 1976 at the Congress in Philadelphia, 17,000 hand-holding married couples of the growing, lustful Marriage Encounter Movement attended a "nervous ordo" described by a reporter as a "love-in." At their week-long workshops, Rev. Chuck Gallagher, S. J., its prime mover, told the members to stress "non-verbal communication." Matrimonial spirituality is described as the mates looking deep into each other's eyes. They were told that "touching is crucial ... do not hold hands sexlessly"! Eight bishops including V-2 Cardinal Wright came to the convention to urge them on in their public display of disrespect for chastity and dignity of person. And this is Marrano "updating" of Christ's Church.
As time goes by, it becomes more evident that the "restructuring" goal of V-2 is to communize the Church and Her members. Never were its adherents more blunt concerning their intentions than they were at the Congress where the counter. church presented the plans of its counter-culture.
Throngs representing an incredibly diverse collection of groups came to the 1976 Philadelphia Congress. The majority came to share their personal experiences since V-2 and to seek reassurance that the V-2 "updating" and "renewal" are right. Naturally, they couldn't find this reassurance in Pennsylvania or elsewhere, but there was an attention-diverter in the form of fun and games to be shared. Touching!
The minority were radicals, there to challenge the Christian Order and to sell to the members of the V-2 counter-church the counter-culture of V-2 in opposition to Christian culture. These radicals demand personal and structural change in Catholics and institutions; they want a "stepping back" from our consumer lifestyle and a "stepping forward" toward political action. What can all this mean but a revolutionary call to Jew-inspired Communism and anarchy.
Look at the outrageous Cursillio movement now blossomed into the more frantic charismatic craze under the impetus of "updating." In July 1976, at Stubenville, Ohio, 1,000 priests, aged 40-60, attended a charismatic meeting where they joined in singing, prayer-shouting, hand-waving, hugging and "healing." They were urged to "declericize" the ministry and make the laity the ministers, get ready for the collapse of the social order, the Church Institution [parishes and schools were mentioned]. And this, too, spells out the Marrano "updating" of the Church.
Those misdirected clergy kept shouting and laughing it up while being told not to presume that God's will for "renewal" was only for Catholics alone but to go over and help the Protestants to do likewise for they like Catholic pastors"! Priests were told that God is "suspending rules of growth and holiness in the rapid spread of charismatic renewal"... and that Paul 6 and Archbishop Bernardin, at the time president of the U. S. Bishops, went "beyond human wisdom" to endorse charismatic renewal. Indeed they did; and also outside of Divine Wisdom. Their endorsement of "charismatic renewal" had the prompting of Satan; for the "charismatic movement" is an attempt to repossess and reclaim the unique and extraordinary powers specially placed by the Holy Ghost in the Apostles. The "movement" is neither Apostolic Catholic nor new; non-Catholics have for centuries attempted to speak in tongues and to heal as the Apostles had the extraordinary power to do in their time. The founding and unholy activities of this devilish charismatic movement, spreading worldwide under V-2, with its brazen claim to capture and possess the specially-privileged powers of the Apostles constitutes a sin against the Holy Ghost.
And all this, dear Catholic friends, is V-2's updating of the Church. "Updating" and "renewal" is the method for bringing anti-Catholic and atheistic influences into Christ's Church.
Is this not reason enough for all V-2ers to pause and consider whether their continued adherence to the illegal and execrable V-2 Council is worth the loss of their soul? Let the hierarchy, priests, religious, sisters and laity, who unwisely think that in partaking of V-2's sins they are "updating" and "renewing" the Church in the modern mentality, take clear note of the spiritual jeopardy into which they have been plunged by the execrable V-2 Council. Let them obey the heavenly injunction to come out from the V-2 counter-church, the harlot, lest they too be partakers of her sins and receive her plagues (Apoc. 18:4ff).
What constitutes actions favoring and supporting Jewry against the Christian Faith? We will list a few obvious ones.
Participating in Seder meals is an act favoring Jewry against the Christian Faith ... taking part in synagogue "interfaith services" favors and supports Jewry ... permitting Jews to purge Catholic books or to rewrite books on Catholic doctrine is to favor and support those belonging to the body of Antichrist ... allowing Jews to lecture or teach in Catholic schools, seminaries, colleges, universities is to lend support and favor to Jewry against the Catholic Church and Faith ... inviting and permitting Jews to speak from Catholic pulpits is to favor and support Jewry's war against Christ ... to give ear to the erroneous teachings of the talmudic gnostic Jews in their pretense that their interpretation of Holy Scripture is better than the Catholic teaching is to help strengthen Jewry's false religion and to favor and support Jewry against the Catholic Faith and Christ's Church ... to remove sacred images and to replace these with Jewish inspired iconoclastic art in churches is to cater to Jewry and insult Christ ... to give support to the false charge of "anti-semitism" is to favor and support Jewry's animosity toward Christ ... to promote Catholic/Jewish relations, dialogue, "closer ties" is to promote and favor Jewry ... to protect and aid an unbelieving, talmudic-gnostic Masonic Jew sitting in the Chair of Peter (Paul 6) is to favor and support Jewry's war against Christ Jesus, God the Son, Who became Man for our sake ... to follow and support holders of the Holy Chair who pledge to continue and to implement the illegal V-2 Council is to aid and support Jewry's war against the divine Church and Faith.