Sam Bailey's Daily
Dr Samantha Bailey
© 2024 by Samantha Bailey
All rights reserved.
Dr Sam’s Canberra Daily Articles 2024
First published in 2024
New Zealand
Dr Samantha Bailey
© 2024 by Samantha Bailey
All rights reserved.
Dr Sam’s Canberra Daily Articles 2024
First published in 2024
New Zealand
Introduction 1
1. Should You Trust a Licensed Doctor? 2
2. Can “Germs” Make You Sick?
3. Doctor: “Why I No Longer Give Paracetamol to My Kids”
4. How You Were Poisoned With Aluminium
5. How to Create a Pandemic
6. Creating Numbers for the Pandemic
7. Test and Kill - “Bird Flu” Comes to Australasia
Bonus article - It's official: No records of the “COVID virus”
About the Author
In 2024 I was contacted by Nick Samaras, the founder and publisher of Australia’s Newstime Media with a request to consider writing a series of articles for their news website Canberra Daily.
My husband Mark and I were taken by surprise because since the of the COVID-19 era in 2020, “mainstream” news outlets had not been prepared to give us a platforhus, thus I was more than happy to write a series of monthly pieces with the aim of introducing our information to a wider audience.
The articles were written for readers who are newer to the “controversial” arguments dealing with vaccines, alleged pandemics the very existence of pathogenic (disease-causing) “germs”.
However, many of those who are well-versed in this area have found articles useful summaries of several of the key issues. In other words, I think they provide something for everyone.
Written in plain language and at around 800 to 1000 words each, the articles are packed with facts and designed to be quickly digested.
There are plenty of links to our more detailed publications and I also the opportunity to introduce more intrepid readers to some of Mike Stone’s ViroLIEgy material.
This booklet contains all of my Canberra Daily articles from 2024 as as a bonus article from Christine Massey. The pieces are not in chronological order but were arranged to create a better flow for those reading from start to finish.
The originally published articles can be found on the Canberra Daily’s Dr Sam Bailey author page.
Dr Samantha Bailey, MB ChB
1. Should You Trust a Licensed Doctor?
October 16, 2024
I was a licensed doctor for 16 years but decided not to renew my practicing certificate in 2021. It was not because I was at retirement age - in fact, I was 39 years old at the time. And it was not the first time this
decision had been made in our household.
An additional issue in these apparent outbreaks is the intensive farming practices. The Otago farm was considered “free range” as the chickens had access to an outdoor area.
However, with around 40,000 birds in each shed it is not surprising that there are misconceptions surrounding the loose definition of “free range”. People may also be unaware that “free range” birds typically receive pharmaceuticals such as antibiotics and vaccines.
Another aspect of “bird flu” mythology is the claim that ‘it’ may jump into human populations. As we reported in Virus Mania, the alleged “H5N1 strain” was supposedly poised to kill up to 150 million of us in
At the time the Friedrich Loeffler Institute in Germany claimed to have for the “highly contagious” and pathogenic virus.
The reason we called our book The Final
Pandemic was because it is up to you whether you want to participate in these scandals.
Bonus article - It's official: No records of the “COVID virus” Christine Massey, MSc September 25, 2024
Before 2020, I had no reason to question the existence of viruses. The that viruses had not been shown to exist had only fleetingly my mind in 2017 when I stumbled across a German biologist Dr Stefan Lanka.
Trained as a virologist, Dr Lanka stunningly revealed in the 1990s that the methodologies employed in his chosen
field were often unscientific and the entire virus model was flawed.
By the time the COVID-19 hype was underway I briefly forgot about incredible revelation.
However, what did capture my attention in was that there were fewer “confirmed COVID-19 cases” than
“confirmed influenza cases”. Obviously, no one had panicked and told us to stay home because of the new flu viruses that we supposedly encounter each year so what was going on?…
The first fact I established, by checking the claims on the website of my local “health authority”, was that the PCR “tests” do not actually test for a virus. Or for a viral illness. Or for any illness at all.
I was stunned to learn that these tests only provide, at best, indirect evidence of a tiny genetic sequence. Not an infection, not even one copy of an intact “virion” (a single virus). Just a tiny sequence claimed to be a marker for “the virus”. And yet, Public Health Ontario had decided that samples testing positive for the tiny sequence would be, “reported as COVID-19 virus detected, which is sufficient for laboratory confirmation of COVID-19 infection.”
In July 2020, investigative journalist Jon Rappoport pointed out that the had conceded that detection of so-called “viral” RNA “may not indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019-nCoV is the agent for clinical symptoms”. This was logical, because a tiny part of a (supposed) thing is not the same as finding the (supposed) thing intact. So, the test did not necessarily relate to illness and according to the official definition, the “COVID-19 symptoms” were not even new or specific. In fact, “cases” required no symptoms at all.
This meant that the statements on the website of my “health authority” were actually a confession of medical fraud – right there in plain sight.
The non-diagnostic tests were being passed off as confirmation of a “viral infection” and a “coronavirus disease”.
It became more interesting when I was sent a presentation featuring the
United States physician Dr Andrew Kaufman. Like Dr Lanka, Dr Kaufman discussed the methodologies employed by virologists when to have “isolated a virus”. He walked through the logical steps are required to isolate a particle (if it exists), contrasting those with
what was done by those who “found SARS-CoV-2” such as the Australian team of Leon Caly. The difference was clear and the implications were stunning – the virologists had not actually identified a virus, old or new.
Could this be true?
I carefully read the methods section of each study. It wasn’t easy at first, but with time, patience, a good dictionary, and the internet, it is something that even laypeople can manage. Anyone who does this research will see that Dr Lanka and Dr Kaufman are correct.
Virologists do not isolate a particle (as claimed in their studies) and show that it causes disease.
Instead, they create a brew of monkey cells, cow serum and toxic drugs, observe the monkey cells breaking down and declare that “the virus” is to blame and has been “isolated”. The experiments are nonsensical and
do not adhere to the scientific method. The “logic” of a virologist is on par with claiming that Santa was shown to exist and was isolated in your house based on observing presents under the Christmas tree.
“Well, surely someone has found this supposed particle and shown that it’s a virus” you might be thinking. And I would not blame you, because what I am claiming may sound outlandish. However, I encourage you to really look into this for yourself and put aside what you assumed were facts.
Another line of evidence might surprise you. After verifying the facts laid out by Dr Kaufman, I started filing freedom of information (FOI) requests to Canadian health and science institutions.
(Australia similarlyfacilitates these requests through its FOI Act.) I asked for all studies held by the institutions, from anywhere, that found and purified alleged virus particles from any human – because if that had not been done, then no one could have followed up with valid scientific experiments to show that the supposed virus existed and caused COVID-19.
Many people around the world helped with this project and we now have official responses from 224 institutions in 40 different countries.
Not one of them was able to provide or cite such a study, hence none have scientific evidence of the alleged virus. It is clear that there is no valid independent variable to study in their experiments, which means that virology is based in pseudoscience.
We eventually expanded our investigation to other alleged viruses. no matter which institution is asked or which alleged virus we ask about, the results are always the same: no records. Put simply, this means that
the “viruses” were imagined to exist but have never been found.
The old saying is correct when it comes to virology: the devil is in the .
It seems just a matter of time until more people realise that the “virus” never was.
Then comes the sickening reality that there was absolutely no need for any of the “responses” that devastated our world.
Christine Massey is an independent researcher from Canada with a background in biostatistics. Since 2020 she has coordinated the Freedom of Information Act project that has exposed the lack of for ‘SARS-CoV-2’, other alleged viruses and “pathogenic” .
Subscribe and follow her on Substack.
About the Author
Dr Samantha Bailey trained and worked
as a conventional doctor over two decades before a new understanding of health compelled her to leave the medical system.
In 2020 she started what was to become New Zealand’s largest Youtube health channel with her videos gaining
millions of views and an international following.
She is a co-author of Virus
Mania and The Final Pandemic.
Two Little Dickie Birds - A Game for Younger and Older Kids!
Watch the Video
Template for your own Dickie Birds - Color them in!
You will need two bird templates, print them out adjusting for size to fit your either middle/2nd finger or 1st finger of both hands. Fix together with sellotape and then color them in, using your imagination! [see pictures below where to fix sellotape 8-)]
The lady in the video hides the birds behind her back, but I feel it looks more convincing if you hide them behind your left and right shoulders, making sure you hide both birds in the palm of your hand before presenting either the 1st or second finger which you chose beforehand not to fit the two Dickie birds to!
Practice it a few times before trying it out on your young or old audience - they will be in awe!
When I start the demonstration I like to spin it out a bit before hand, by introducing the two little Dickie Birds to your audience.
What do I do ?
"I've got two little Dickie birds, and we can recite a rhyme about them both. This one's called Peter, and this one's called Paul." [ take them alternatively on a short flight in front of your audience, then settle them both back on your lap, table or whatever]
"Fly away Peter!" [ flutter him round a bit in front of your audience, and even make him disobey your command - a couple of times! ] Then 'fly' him over your right shoulder so as your audience can't see you tucking him in the palm of your right hand, if you decided Peter was going to be the Dickie bird in your right hand.
Extend the adjacent finger without the Dickie bird on it, and show to your audience. "Where has Peter gone?"
Repeat the same for 'Paul' ... "Fly away Paul".....
Now, say, in turn. "Come back Peter," hiding the finger without the Dickie bird on it and show to your audience that Peter has returned - Amazing, how did you do that!
Do the same for Paul.
Wednesday 8 January, 2025
Aztec-pagan ritual during so-called Catholic Mass
So much for the Novus Order pagan religion...
"Go out from her my people that you not be partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and the Lord hath remembered her iniquities "Apocalypse 18:4-5